Caroline. Anne Mather
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Название: Caroline

Автор: Anne Mather

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon Modern

isbn: 9781472097477


СКАЧАТЬ seem very stupid.’

      ‘No, just very young,’ he replied softly. ‘Now, tell me about this morning.’

      ‘Oh, my being late, you mean,’ she said with a grimace. ‘Amanda has got ‘flu and I had to make sure she was comfortable before I left. I didn’t know she was ill until I got up, you see, so consequently I was late. The fog delayed me too and Miss Morgan was positively breathing fire when I got in. Mind you, it was a quarter to ten, so I guess she was right in a way. Although she wouldn’t let me explain and reported me to Mr Donnelly. I had to go and see him at eleven and although he was angry I think he understood. Miss Morgan rather ravages him, you know, and the poor man doesn’t know what to do for the best.’

      ‘Really?’ Adam sounded intrigued, and suddenly Caroline realised just who she was talking to. With a hasty frown she exclaimed:

      ‘You wouldn’t cause any trouble about this, would you? I don’t wan’t to get anyone into trouble.’

      He smiled. ‘Don’t worry. I’ll treat what you’ve told me as confidential, although I think Miss Morgan needs taking down a peg or two.’ He laughed softly. ‘So Donnelly decided to keep you on, did he?’

      ‘Yes. But I mustn’t be late again, because if I am, I’ll be dismissed.’ She glanced at her watch. ‘That’s a joke, do you realise it’s a quarter to three?’

      He relaxed lazily, studying her flushed face. ‘I’ve told you, don’t worry. Today you certainly will not get fired. I personally vouch for that.’

      Caroline smiled. ‘Honestly, this is all like some crazy dream,’ she exclaimed. ‘I still can’t believe it’s true. Even though I know I’m sitting here, it seems too fantastic.’

      He smiled in return. ‘But you have enjoyed it?’ he asked interestedly.

      She sighed. ‘How could I do anything else?’ she exclaimed. ‘It’s been marvellous!’

      ‘Good, I’m glad.’ He stubbed out his cigarette. ‘Are you ready to go?’

      A few minutes later they were back in the Rolls and heading towards the city. Caroline felt unusually depressed. It had all been so unexpected and exciting and now it was all over. The skyscraper structure of the Steinbeck Building was soon in sight and Adam parked the car in its earlier position which was apparently reserved for him.

      As soon as the car had stopped, Caroline turned towards him impulsively. ‘I can’t thank you enough,’ she said, sighing. ‘I’ve really had a fabulous lunch and I hope I haven’t been too much of a liability.’

      He grinned, and rested his arms on the steering wheel. ‘Not at all,’ he said easily. ‘Tell me, would you like to have dinner with me one evening?’

      Caroline’s cheeks grew scarlet. ‘Me?’ she exclaimed. ‘Why, I…are you sure you want to take me?’

      He smiled lazily. ‘Why else would I ask you? How about tomorrow?’

      Caroline clasped her hands. Suddenly the day was much brighter. ‘Oh, I’d adore it,’ she cried.

      ‘Good. I’ll pick you up outside your apartment at seven. Is that too early?’

      ‘No, I can manage that,’ she answered eagerly. ‘I’d better go now.’

      ‘Hold on,’ he exclaimed, sliding out from behind the wheel. ‘I, too, am going into the building. And I too, am very late.’

      ‘But you won’t want to be seen with me,’ she protested, and was surprised at the look of annoyance that crossed his face.

      ‘Do you personally object?’ he queried quietly.

      ‘Of course not,’ she denied swiftly.

      ‘Then don’t say that again,’ he said curtly, and taking her arm firmly he led her towards the entrance.

      It was three-fifteen and Caroline’s legs felt like jelly. Her consternation must have shown in her face, because he said:

      ‘Relax, I’ve told you, you’ll be all right.’

      She looked up at him and suddenly felt assured. The touch of his fingers on her elbow, the nearness of his strong, powerful body all reassured her and she knew she would always feel safe and secure with him.

      They entered the impressive reception hall of the Steinbeck Building and were immediately the cynosure of all eyes. The intimacy of their relationship seemed suddenly blatant for all to see and self-consciously Caroline released herself from his hold.

      The hall staff were quite obviously astounded and once they were inside the lift Adam turned thoughtfully to her.

      ‘You were embarrassed,’ he said softly. ‘Why?’

      Caroline shrugged, turning pink. ‘I was thinking of you,’ she said.

      ‘What about me? That I was very much older than you?’ He sounded amused.

      ‘No,’ denied Caroline hotly. ‘It’s just that those porters are such dreadful gossips and the whole building will know we came in together by tea-time.’

      ‘And so?’ he prompted. He was leaning against the wall of the lift. It had stopped at the third floor, but he made no attempt to open the gates.

      ‘Well, don’t you care?’ she asked, aware of a breathlessness about her.

      ‘Should I?’ he asked, shrugging his shoulders carelessly. ‘What I do is my own affair, surely. Are you sure it isn’t yourself who feels upset?’

      ‘Not at all,’ exclaimed Caroline. ‘Honestly, I quite enjoyed the feeling of being important for once.’

      ‘Then you do still want to have dinner with me, tomorrow?’

      Caroline moved her shoulders in a helpless gesture. ‘Of course. I’m looking forward to it.’

      ‘Good.’ Straightening up, he opened the gates and allowed her to pass through. ‘Then I’ll see you tomorrow as arranged.’ He smiled. ‘I trust you have no trouble with Miss Morgan.’

      He pressed the button for his floor and the lift went on up. Sighing, Caroline walked along to the typing pool. It was three-thirty.

      It really was amazing, thought Caroline later that same afternoon, how very charming Miss Morgan could be when it suited her. It had been obvious from the moment that Caroline entered the large office which reverberated with the sound of a score of machines that Vera Morgan had been forewarned of her delayed return from lunch. Caroline was asked politely whether she had enjoyed herself and then advised that the other girls would help her if she had not got time to finish her work herself.

      But Caroline did not think it fair to delegate her work to the others who had plenty to do themselves, so she worked steadily all the rest of the afternoon, and by five o’clock she was almost up to date. Sufficiently so to inform Miss Morgan that she could manage on her own in the morning.

      Miss Morgan was aware of an unwilling admiration for Caroline, upon hearing this. Many girls in her position, СКАЧАТЬ