A Valentine for Daisy. Betty Neels
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Название: A Valentine for Daisy

Автор: Betty Neels

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781408983034


СКАЧАТЬ relief was even more marked. ‘I hardly slept,’ she told Daisy, ‘wondering what we should do if you decided not to come with us; Josh and Katie will be so happy. I should warn you that I shall have to be out a good deal—there’s a lot of social life, Hugh tells me—you won’t mind, will you?’

       Daisy assured her that she didn’t mind in the least and Lady Thorley gave a sigh of relief. ‘You’ll have a day off each week, of course, though I dare say it will have to be on different days, and an hour or two to yourself each day. Hugh wants us to go in ten days’ time. We’ll see to the travel arrangements, of course. There’s just your luggage and passport.’ She smiled widely. ‘I think it’s going to be great fun.’

       Daisy agreed with her usual calm. Looking after the twins wasn’t exactly fun; she liked doing it but it was tiring and keeping the upper hand over two small children determined to be disobedient was taxing both to temper and patience. But she truly liked Lady Thorley, and the twins, naughty though they were, had stolen her affection.

       It was impossible not to be excited as preparations got under way for their journey: clothes for the twins, their favourite toys carefully packed, and a good deal of over-time because their mother needed to go to London to shop for herself. Daisy assembled her own modest wardrobe, wrapped the crêpe de Chine blouse in tissue paper, dealt with the household bills and with Pamela’s help made quite a good job of the skirt. Trying it on finally and eyeing it critically, she decided that anyone not knowing that it had been a curtain would never guess…

       It wanted two days to their departure when Dr Seymour turned up again. Lady Thorley was packing and Daisy and the twins, housebound by a sudden bout of heavy rain, were in the nursery. He came in so silently that none of them was aware of him until he spoke in Daisy’s ear.

       ‘An artist as well as a nanny?’ he wanted to know, studying the variety of drawings on the paper before her.

       Her pencil faltered so that the rabbit’s ear that she had been sketching didn’t look in the least like an ear. She said evenly, ‘Good afternoon, Dr Seymour,’ and rubbed out the ear while Josh and Katie rushed at their uncle.

       He pulled a chair up beside Daisy, picked up a pencil and added a moustache and beard to the rabbit.

       ‘Ready to go?’ he asked her.

       ‘Yes, thank you. Would you like me to fetch Lady Thorley?’

       ‘No. I came to see these two. Being good, are they? Not turning your mousy locks grey or causing you to lose weight?’

       How could he know that she detested her soft brown hair and was shy about her slightly plump person? A good thing she wouldn’t see him for at least six weeks for she didn’t like him.

       ‘No,’ said Daisy, ‘they’re good children.’ Which wasn’t in the least true but Katie, hearing it, flung her arms round her neck.

       ‘We love Daisy; we think she is beautiful and kind like a princess in a fairy-tale waiting for the prince to come and rescue her.’

       ‘And why not?’ said her uncle idly, getting up from his chair. ‘I’m going to see your mother but I’ll say goodbye before I go.’

       Josh climbed on to a chair beside her. ‘Draw a bear,’ he ordered. ‘I’m going to be just like Uncle Val when I grow up.’

       ‘So am I,’ said Katie, and was told not to be a silly little girl by her brother. Threatened tears were averted by Daisy’s embarking on a description of the party dress Katie, being a girl, would be able to wear when she was grown up.

       Josh curled his small lip. ‘Girls,’ he said scornfully.

       The doctor was still there when Daisy went home; she cycled past his car in the drive, unaware that he was watching her from the drawing-room window.

       Two days later she said goodbye to her mother and Pamela, gave Razor a cuddle and went to the gate where Lady Thorley and the twins were waiting in their car. Her case was stowed in the boot and she got in the back with the children. They were strangely subdued and their mother said, ‘Val came for Boots last night and they miss him—he’s to stay with my brother while we’re away.’

       So Daisy spent a good part of their journey explaining how very much Boots would enjoy a holiday. ‘And think of all the things you can tell him when we get back,’ she pointed out.

       ‘We wouldn’t let anyone else have him, only Uncle Val,’ said Katie tearfully.

       ‘Well, of course not. He’s family, isn’t he? And Boots knows that he belongs to all the family as well as you two. You might send him a postcard from Holland…’

       A suggestion which did much to cheer the children up.

       Sir Hugh had made sure that his family need have no worries on their journey. They were met at Gatwick, the car was garaged and they were guided through the business of checking tickets, baggage and Customs and seen safely aboard the plane. The children were a little peevish by now and Daisy was relieved to see lemonade and biscuits and, for herself, coffee.

       Lady Thorley was on the other side of the aisle and the first-class compartment was only half-full; Daisy drank her coffee while the twins munched and swallowed, grateful for the short respite. Afterwards there were comics to be looked at and the excitement of visiting the toilets, small enough at the best of times but needing a good deal of side-stepping and squeezing, much to the delight of the children.

       By then the plane was coming in to land, something the twins weren’t quite sure if they liked or not. Daisy wasn’t sure if she liked it or not herself.

       They were met by a well turned-out chauffeur at Schiphol and shepherded through Customs and into a gleaming, rather old-fashioned car and driven away. A little over an hour’s drive, the chauffeur told them, joining the stream of traffic.

       The twins, one on each side of their mother, on the back seat, stared out of the windows and had little to say beyond excited ‘oh’s and ‘ah’s. Daisy, sitting beside the chauffeur, gazed her fill too; she mustn’t miss anything for she had promised to write every detail to her mother.

       Presently the car left the busy streets around the airport and picked up speed along the motorway. There wasn’t much to see here—occasional patches of quiet meadows, but it seemed to her that there were a great many factories lining the road and she felt vague disappointment. Not for long, however; soon the factories dwindled and died away to be replaced by trees and charming houses, set well back from the road which in turn gave way to the outskirts of the city.

       The streets were busy here and the chauffeur had to slow down, so that she had a chance to look around her. It looked delightful—old gabled houses, canals, imposing buildings, a splendid place to explore on her free days… They left the heart of the city, driving down a straight road with parks on either side and then large, solid houses, set well apart from each other, before they turned off into a side-road, wide and tree-lined. There were blocks of modern flats on either side and here and there town mansions in their own grounds. Halfway down they stopped before the wide entrance of a solid red-brick block of flats and the chauffeur got out, opened their doors and led the way across the pavement as a concierge came hurrying to meet them.

       ‘I do hope,’ said Lady Thorley, ‘that someone has put the kettle on; we need a cup of tea.’ She smiled at Daisy, ‘You must be tired; I know I am.’

       Daisy СКАЧАТЬ