Representation and other information regarding management’s intention to retain securities
Security confirmations
Confirmations of security positions with brokers and dealers
Security confirmations
Market value quotations
Minutes of board or committee meetings
Custodian’s reports
Custodian’s reports
Appraised values of infrequently traded securities
Contractual terms of debt securities and preferred stocks
Review of subsequent transactions
Foreign currency exchange rates from newspapers, and so on
Confirmation of securities pledged under loan agreements, and so on
Review of controls over security of investments and transactions
Confirmation of account balances
Tests of year-end sales and shipping cutoff procedures
Confirmation of account balances
Aging of open balances
Confirmation of terms with debtors
Underlying customer orders and agreements, invoices, and shipping documents
Reconciliation of trial balances and general control accounts
Subsequent collections
Credit experience and terms
Sales agreement and contract terms
Subsequent collections
Analytical relationship of balances to recent sales volume
Sales records
Credit reports on customers
Terms of notes receivable and collateral held
Customer correspondence
Analyses of general ledger account activity
Customer correspondence
Correspondence on collection follow-up
Confirmation of receivables sold with recourse, discounted, pledged, and so on
Sales records
Review of controls over billings and cash receipts
Promissory notes
History of sales returns and allowances
Industry experience and trends
Subsequent collections, credits, and write-offs
Discussion with credit and collection personnel
Review of controls over credit extension and collection
Foreign currency exchange rates from newspapers, and so on
Physical counts
Tests of year-end shipping and receiving cutoff procedures
Physical counts and confirmations
Purchasing and manufacturing cost records
Confirmation of inventories pledged under loan agreements, and so on
Confirmation of inventories not on hand
Reconciliations of physical counts with perpetual records and general ledger balances
Paid vendors’ invoices
Vendors’ invoices
Perpetual inventory records
Analytical relationship of balances to recent purchasing, production, and sales activity
Consignment agreements
Review of labor rates
Underlying purchasing records, including purchase orders, vendors’ invoices, and receiving reports
Analyses of general ledger account activity
Purchase agreements and contracts
Analyses of purchasing and manufacturing standard cost variances
Underlying production records
Review of controls over accounting for receiving, production, and shipping activities
Physical observations and confirmations
Open purchase commitments
Subsequent sales and delivery reports
Review of controls over inventory records
Current market value quotations and replacement cost information
Plant tour for possible excess and obsolescence
Discussion with production and sales personnel
Inventory turnover schedules