Astrology For Dummies. Rae Orion
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Название: Astrology For Dummies

Автор: Rae Orion

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 9781119594185



      The parts of the body associated with Gemini are primarily the lungs, arms, hands, and shoulders. According to traditional astrology, you may be prone to bronchitis and other respiratory issues, to injuries to your arms or hands, and to anxiety. The remedies are just what you might guess. Meditation, deep breathing, and breathing techniques such as pranayama soothe and balance, even if you only do them for a few minutes. Exercise classes are good for your body as well as your social life, especially if you vary them. Calming teas such as lemon balm or chamomile can help quiet your mind and reduce anxiety. Finally, keeping a diary will help you focus your intentions and give you a place to vent: a fine restorative for your mental health.

      The mythology of Gemini

      Sumerians looked at the stars of Gemini and saw a pile of bricks. Egyptians pictured a couple of sprouting plants. But most ancient peoples saw twins. In classical mythology, their story starts with Leda, who was approached on her wedding day by Zeus in the shape of a swan. Soon she gave birth to — or, to use the technical term, hatched — four children from two eggs. Helen and Pollux were fathered by Zeus, the king of the gods, and were therefore immortal. Castor and Clytemnestra were the children of Leda’s husband, the human king of Sparta, and were therefore mortals, doomed to die. Despite that difference, Castor and Pollux enjoyed innumerable adventures together. But one day, Castor was pierced by a spear. Distraught, Pollux begged Zeus to let his brother live. Zeus complied, allowing the two brothers to share the immortality that by rights belonged only to one of them. The catch was that they had to divide their time between Olympus, the home of the gods, and the underworld. Thus the twins shuttle between two homes, a situation many Geminis might consider ideal.

      The constellation Gemini

Gemini: The Basic Facts
Polarity: Positive Favorable Color: Yellow
Quality: Mutable Lucky Gem: Agate
Element: Air Parts of the Body: Arms, shoulders, lungs
Symbol: The Twins Metal: Mercury
Ruling Planet: Mercury Key Phrase: I think
Opposite Sign: Sagittarius Major Traits: Clever, superficial



      Like many prominent people, Donald Trump was born with the Sun near the top of his chart, giving him leadership ability and a drive for public recognition and authority. His Sun is conjunct both the North Node of the Moon, an aspect that brings many blessings but also encourages narcissism, and Uranus, the planet of rebellion, upheaval, and social media. That Sun/Uranus combination makes him a natural non-conformist, a rebel with an idiosyncratic style who trusts his own intuition above all else and resists authority, even as he longs to possess it. As a Gemini, he has a style of communication and a way with words that is uniquely his own, with a square between Mercury and Neptune blurring the distinction between wishful thinking and reality. Other components of his chart amplify his vivid, unruly personality. Born on the day of a lunar eclipse, he has a full moon in independent Sagittarius opposite his Sun. That’s an exciting, vital aspect, and many people are drawn to its energy. But it also causes him to feel pulled in multiple directions and to externalize his conflicts. An unexpected key to his chart can be found in Pluto. Tucked away in the twelfth house of hidden enemies and the unconscious, it does not make a major aspect with another planet. So although his will is strong, his Plutonian drive for power is unconstrained and compulsive. Megalomania is a possibility, but so too are feelings of powerlessness. Moreover, Pluto is located midway between Saturn and Mars, thickening the brew of frustration, suspicion, and pent-up rage roiling beneath the surface. Finally, Trump has Leo rising. Leo is, metaphorically, the quintessence of gold. It explains his taste, his tan, his confidence, the enjoyment he takes in performance, and his love of the spotlight. But with pugnacious Mars conjunct the ascendant, his anger and aggression are equally on display. Quarrelsome and willful, he will never be a peacemaker. That’s the simple, astrological truth.

Chart displaying 3 concentric circles with the inner circle labeled Donald Trump June 14, 1946 (10:54 am edt) Queens, New York. The inner and middle circles are linked by lines creating segments with symbols.


       Anderson Cooper, Angelina Jolie, Raymond Carver, Jeffrey Toobin (Moon in Aries)

       Bob Dylan, Ian Fleming, Aaron Sorkin, Peter Dinklage (Moon in Taurus)

       Queen Victoria, Brooke Shields, Salmon Rushdie, Gwendolyn Brooks (Moon in Gemini)

       Cole Porter, Roseanne Cash, Colin Farrell, Prince William (Moon in Cancer)

       Anne Frank, Venus Williams, Clint Eastwood, Paul McCartney (Moon in Leo)

       Marquis de Sade, Frank Lloyd Wright, John F. Kennedy, Natalie Portman (Moon in Virgo)

       Henry Kissinger, Aung San Suu Kyi, George H. W. Bush (Moon in Libra)

       G. K. Chesterton, Miles Davis, John Wayne, Alanis Morissette (Moon in Scorpio)

       Judy Garland, Nicole Kidman, Naomi Campbell, Orham Pamuk (Moon in Sagittarius)

       Johnny Depp, Stevie Nicks, Charles Aznavour, Mehmet Oz (Moon in Capricorn)

       Arthur Conan Doyle, William Butler Yeats, Marilyn Monroe (Moon in Aquarius)

       Allen Ginsberg, Kanye West, Kendrick Lamar, Prince (Moon in Pisces)

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