Probability and Statistical Inference. Robert Bartoszynski
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Название: Probability and Statistical Inference

Автор: Robert Bartoszynski

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Математика


isbn: 9781119243823


СКАЧАТЬ The right‐hand side of (3.15) counts the number of sets of size images that can be chosen out of a set of size images. Let us take one element of the latter set and label it somehow. We have then a set of images unlabeled and images labeled element. Each subset of size images is one of the following two categories: (1) subsets that contain only images unlabeled elements, or (2) subsets that contain images unlabeled elements and one labeled element. The two terms on the left‐hand side of (3.15) count the numbers of subsets of the first category and of the second category.


      so that, for example, images, as marked on the triangle in Figure 3.1. While the Pascal triangle was very useful in the past, today it is of a historical value as statistical packages are used to obtain values of binomial coefficients.

Building a Pascal's triangle starting with the top row, which consists of the single number 1, and obtaining each number in the subsequent rows as a sum of two numbers directly above it (as marked with arrows in the fifth row).


      Separating the term for images in the first sum, and the term for images in the last sum, we may write


      Theorem 3.3.4 The binomial coefficients satisfy the identities



      We also have the following theorem:

      Theorem 3.3.5 For every images and every images

      while the left‐hand side equals

      As a consequence of (3.19), we obtain a corollary:

      Corollary СКАЧАТЬ