EMPOWERED. Marty Cagan
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Автор: Marty Cagan

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Экономика


isbn: 9781119691327


СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      1 1 For an unflinching critique of these companies when it comes to their policies, see the writings of Professor Scott Galloway (www.profgalloway.com).

      2 2 To be clear, the designer and tech lead contribute much more than simply ensuring usability and feasibility respectively; what I'm referring to here is who we hold responsible and accountable for each risk.

      3 3 There is actually a third type of technology team, which is referred to as a delivery team (or “Scrum team” or “dev team”). A delivery team doesn't even pretend to be a true product team. They are not cross‐functional, and they are not empowered. There is a product owner (responsible for administering the product backlog) and some number of engineers. They are purely about output (code and ship). If you're running a process like SAFe, then this is unfortunately you, and truthfully, I have no idea why you would want to read this book, since what I describe here is the polar opposite both philosophically and practically.

      CHAPTER 2

      The Role of Technology

      It is plain to see the difference between feature teams and empowered product teams.

      It is plain to see when companies view teams as there to serve the business, versus when they're there to serve customers in ways that work for the business.

      It is plain to see when a company is just trying to please as many stakeholders as possible, versus when they have a clear and intentional product strategy.

      But while these differences might be plain to see, that does not explain why these differences exist.

      If we hope to close the gap between the best and the rest, we need to look at the root cause of this gap.

      Ten years later, it's clear he was remarkably prescient.

      That said, most companies seem to have not really understood his warnings.

      Yes, they're all spending more on software now.

      Yes, they've (mostly) moved to Agile methods.

      But most have not transformed in any meaningful sense, and in particular most have not embraced technology as the business enabler it is.

      The examples of this are unfortunately everywhere.

      Boeing's fundamental mistake was to consider this technology as just a necessary cost, rather than the core competency that enables them to provide the safest, most fuel‐efficient, and most cost‐effective airplanes available.

      Rather than staffing an empowered product team—continuously working to provide the safest, most fuel‐efficient, mission‐critical control software—they decided to outsource this technology, thinking they could maybe save a few dollars.

      As you may know, Pixar is now part of Disney, and look at how Disney has embraced technology to completely reimagine so many of their existing businesses. This includes everything from their legacy theme parks to what they've recently done with the Disney+ video streaming service.

      The same story is playing out in the insurance, banking, health care, telecommunications, education, agriculture, transportation, and defense industries. I could keep going.

      Often, when I am having dinner with one of the CEOs from a company that doesn't get this, they'll tell me how they're not a technology company—they're an insurance company, or a health care company, or an agricultural company. I'll say, “Let me tell you what I would do if I was a product leader at Amazon or Apple, and we've decided to go after your market because we believe it is large and underserved, and that technology is available that enables dramatically better solutions for your customers.”

      After describing how we would set up our teams around the enabling technology to optimize for true innovation, I also point out that, competitively, we would be betting on them not being able to respond because they would be too busy trying to protect their old business.

      It's not that these CEOs don't admire what companies like Amazon and Netflix and others have done—they generally do. It's that they don't see how these lessons apply to them. They don't understand what Marc was trying to warn them about.

      Of course, there are many possible reasons why the CEOs of these companies have been so slow to grok this. Sometimes, they have worked in the old world of business so long that they need more time to wrap their head around the changes. Sometimes, I can't help but feel like they are fearful of technology. Sometimes, they just seem to be resisting change. But, ultimately, these are all just excuses. The board is supposed to be there to ensure the CEO is able to effectively lead the company.

      Rather than outsourcing hundreds or even thousands of mercenary engineers—and providing them roadmaps of features from their stakeholders which rarely generate the necessary business results—I explain to them that they will receive a much greater return from a significantly smaller number of the right employees. Employees who are given business and customer problems to solve and are held accountable to the results.

      One way or another, becoming one of the best companies today requires senior leaders who understand the true and essential СКАЧАТЬ