Beating Endo. Dr Iris Kerin Orbuch
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Название: Beating Endo

Автор: Dr Iris Kerin Orbuch

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9780008305536


СКАЧАТЬ control pills, which one doctor had prescribed for her cramps, because they worsened her migraines and she couldn’t bear the pills’ side effects. Also, she had already undergone a full workup by a gastroenterologist, not to mention a colonoscopy, with results that, happily, were totally negative—nothing wrong with her.

      There may have been “nothing wrong with her,” but none of the medical treatments she had undergone, including her ablation surgery, had alleviated her pain—no surprise to Iris. Elena was exhausted, and she was becoming depressed.

      It was all of this that had finally prompted Elena to seek out a specialist. Her boss, a senior vice president at the firm, had heard about Iris and suggested Elena call. She made an appointment for a “single consultation only,” as she made clear; Elena was pretty sure she wouldn’t be able to afford going out of network more than once.

      But she had never had a consultation like this. She had never been asked the kinds of questions Iris asked—how often she urinated, did she ever get constipated, her sex life—and that was before Iris even began to examine her! So she was surprised and extremely interested when Iris told her that the interview alone suggested that Elena was dealing with a number of systemic conditions—urological, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal—all of which were super-sensitizing and thereby upregulating her central nervous system.

      That was just for openers. As Iris went through her physical exam, Elena felt herself being probed carefully from head to toe, a probe that, from Iris’s point of view, confirmed her original assessment. Iris could feel the tightened muscles that told her Elena had abdominal and pelvic floor dysfunction. She noted the thickened ligaments behind the uterus, in the small space between the rectum and the back wall of the vagina and uterus known as the pouch of Douglas; thickened ligaments are a typical clue for endo. The pain that made Elena grunt when Iris pressed on Elena’s uterus confirmed the suspicion that she probably had adenomyosis as well—endo-like cells in the muscle of the uterus. Iris was convinced that Elena suffered both that syndrome known variously as interstitial cystitis or painful bladder syndrome and tight pelvic muscles. It was also possible, she surmised, that in Elena’s case, the endo implants were literally on the bladder.

      Physical exam, questions asked and answered in detail, medical history: The aim was to translate a patient’s catalogue of symptoms into an analysis of system dysfunctions. For Iris, it was a way of decoding heavy menstrual bleeding, back pain, constipation, trouble sitting down, and all Elena’s other symptoms into a template of coexisting urological, gastrointestinal, and musculoskeletal conditions. And in its turn, it enabled the creation of a systems-based plan of treatment.

      For Elena, learning that what was undermining her life was a panoply of conditions that began with endometriosis and that now coexisted with it was a revelation, but the realization that she needed to treat all of those conditions was a lot to absorb—especially after the false hope of ablation surgery. Yet in a very real sense, Elena was relieved to see this great, huge colossus of unreachable pain broken down into separate systems and into treatable conditions—with a plan for each.

      Affording it was going to be tough. At age thirty-eight, Elena was still paying off student loans. She had been the first person in her family to go to college, but even taking six years to do it—so she could work between semesters—didn’t pay for everything, and she had had to borrow tuition money. On the plus side, she was good at managing expenses, and she lived with a partner who valued her health as much as she did. What Iris was telling her made the disease that stalked her life at long last something she could get her head around, something she might potentially control. It was the first step to beating her endo, and it was clearly worth whatever financial hardships came with it.

      Buttressing that notion of control, Iris recommended a few first steps of treatment, starting with pelvic floor physical therapy—a specialty of the physical therapy practice. She gave Elena a list of such specialists, and Elena, a New Yorker, made an appointment at Amy’s practice. The cost would go well beyond what Elena’s insurance plan would cover; Elena calculated quickly and decided that the new sofa she was eyeing for the apartment could easily be put off.

      Next, Iris turned to Elena’s interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome, giving her a blueprint for an organic, low-acid, low-potassium, anti-inflammatory diet. She also referred Elena for an ultrasound to rule out the possibility of her having an ovarian cyst; the presence of such a cyst is the only imaging finding that ultrasound can reveal.

      Equally important was the education Elena got about the difference between ablation surgery and excision surgery. Iris explained why excision was the proper treatment for endo, and why ablation had not worked for her. “Ablation is superficial; it burns off the top layer of an endo lesion—the surface only. Excision cuts out and removes your endo.” But even though excision is the right procedure, it should be performed only when the body has been sufficiently cooled down from the upregulation the endo has set in motion. Think of endo as the first domino in the row, Iris suggested; when it falls, it sets all the other dominoes tumbling, one after another. What Elena had to understand, Iris told her, was that she needed to address all the “co-condition dominoes” before she could return to the endo domino that had toppled them into her life.

      “You think your endo is the cause of everything,” Iris told her, “but in fact it’s endo and its coexisting conditions. As we identify all the conditions and find a treatment plan for each, you will begin to downregulate your central nervous system, and as you do, you will feel your pain and discomfort diminishing. So start with the diet and the PT to begin treating the interstitial cystitis and the tight pelvic floor muscles, and come back to me in six weeks. And bring the records of your operation and your past medical history so I can learn more. I want to make sure we cover all the bases before we schedule excision surgery.” Bottom line: Excision is the right surgery, there is a right time for doing it—after you’ve separated out and begun to deal with all the coexisting conditions.

      Elena understood at once that she would have to postpone more than just the new sofa in order to pay for the surgery when the time came. It would not be easy, but it would clearly be essential. In Elena’s pyramid of necessary expenses, PT for right now and excision surgery for soon enough rose to the top, displacing repayment of student loans, the sofa, and the dream Caribbean vacation she and her partner had planned. Health first.

      When Elena returned to see Iris six weeks later, she could report that she was urinating less frequently and was now “committed” to her new low-acid, low-potassium, anti-inflammatory eating regimen. She had even recognized that tomatoes, citrus, and coffee aggravated her symptoms; she knew this because she had cheated slightly, reintroducing those items, which had produced instant reactions. Now, needless to say, she was “off” tomatoes, oranges, and black coffee for good.

      A less frequent need to urinate also meant that Elena was getting more sleep at night, so she was less tired, so she felt stronger, better, more confident about what she was doing for her health. And while the first couple of sessions of PT seemed to have introduced a new and different discomfort, Amy had explained it was because her muscles were just so tight that trying to lengthen and relax them would leave her sore. “Ever have a massage?” Amy asked. “The same way a massage that kneads the muscles deeply can leave you feeling sore, this initial flare-up of pain is a message that what you’re doing is working.” Elena could sense it too; she could literally feel that her muscles had a long way to go to relax, and after seven sessions of PT, she began to feel that happening. Moreover, her PT team at Amy’s office worked with her on her bladder and bowel habits, helping her to recognize when she was squeezing involuntarily so she could begin to un-squeeze and relax the muscles instead. They also urged her to start using a Squatty Potty, perhaps the best known of the so-called toilet tools—a valid extra expense if ever there was one.

      She was still bleeding heavily, and she was still in pain, but she could see a glimmer of hope through it all. As Iris told her, “You’re СКАЧАТЬ