SAT For Dummies. Ron Woldoff
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Название: SAT For Dummies

Автор: Ron Woldoff

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Учебная литература


isbn: 9781119716266


СКАЧАТЬ counterparts, so you may have a better academic understanding of sentence structure and verb form than they do. I have observed many, many times in a class with both English-only and non-native English speakers, that after a refresher of the basics of this test, the non-native English speakers often do much better than the English-only speakers!

      For the SAT Math Tests, the math doesn’t change from language to language, so if you can crack the basic language used to put forth the problem, you should do just fine. There may be some fine differences (for example, 2,345.67 in one language appears as 2.345,67 in another), but the basics are the same, and these differences are easy to master. Just be sure to practice using SAT materials.

      Two things that you can do right now:

       First, start reading English books. Pick movies or novels that you love in your own language and read the English versions. You’ll be into the story, and you’ll know the gist of events well enough to pick up the English style of writing. Most importantly, you’ll learn the placement of grammar and the style of expressive writing.

       Next, see if there’s an SAT Subject Test that tests skills in your native language! This test should be easy for you, and you’ll score far better than your primary-English-speaking counterparts. Include your top-scoring Subject Test score with your application and show the schools how naturally strong you are in a topic (your native language) that so many others struggle with. At the time of this writing, the SAT offers Subject Tests in Spanish, French, Chinese, Italian, German, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, and even Latin, where you could do well if you speak a number of Latin-based languages. The list changes, so check and see: The College Board page even tells you, “Show your mastery of (this language).”

      The exam attempts to measure the skills you need to succeed in school and in the workplace. It is not a measure of how smart you are, nor is it a measure of how well you do in school. It measures how adaptable you are, and especially how well you prepare for a blockbuster exam.

      Tip The college admission essay is a great place to put your scores in perspective. If your SAT score struggles from a special circumstance, such as a learning disability, a school that doesn’t value academics, a family tragedy, or any other reason, you may want to explain your situation in an essay. A good essay gives the college a way to interpret your achievement and to see you, the applicant, in more detail. For help with the college admission essay, check out College Admission Essays For Dummies by Geraldine Woods (Wiley).

      Use this to your advantage. The skills for the Reading Test, covered in Chapter 3, are easy to learn and just take practice to master. The details asked in the Writing and Language Test are of a limited scope and fully reviewed in Chapter 5. The skills for the Math Test are also of a limited scope and are captured in Part 4 of this book. In other words, pretty much everything you need to know for the SAT fits into a medium-sized book. There may be an occasional “oddball” question as the SAT steps outside its defined scope of topics, but these questions are very few and very far between.

      One caveat (disclaimer) to the preceding claim: Everything you need to know for the SAT is right here in this book assuming you already have a basic grasp of English and math. This claim assumes that you have certain skills at the basic high-school level: You can read and understand a narrative in English, you can construct a complete sentence in English, and you can execute basic math, which includes long division and adding fractions. If any of these topics is an area where you struggle, there are literally thousands of books and resources available to you, many free online or at a library. You can also check with your school for any type of remedial program, including student tutors. This is something you can easily fix and place into the past.

      The SAT gives colleges an in-depth look at your skills and performance. If you take the exam more than once, as most students do, you can use the detailed information from your score reports to craft a personalized study program and zero in on the skills you need to fine-tune.

      Types of scores

      The redesigned SAT gives you a number of scores. Here’s the idea:

       Composite score: This is the score that everyone is worried about. It’s the sum of the Reading Test, Writing and Language Test, and Math Tests (400 to 1600 points). The maximum SAT score is 1600, with a top combined score of 800 on the Reading Test and the Writing and Language Test and 800 on Math Tests. The minimum is 400, which you get for showing up.

       Essay score: The optional essay receives separate scores for reading, analysis, and writing, each scored at 2 to 8 points, for a total range of 6 (for showing up) to 24 (for knocking it out).

       Cross-test scores: These scores are determined by questions of a particular type in all three areas of the SAT (Reading, Writing and Language, and Math). You get a score for analysis in history/social studies (10 to 40 points) and another for analysis in science (10 to 40 points). These cross-test scores are a metric of your performance, but not one that schools typically pay attention to.

       Subscores: Here’s another way that the SAT slices and dices your performance. On the Reading Test and the Writing and Language Test, there are scores for command of evidence (1 to 15 points) and understanding words in context (1 to 15 points). On the Writing and Language Test, you get scores for expression of ideas (1 to 15 points) and Standard English conventions (1 to 15 points). The Math Tests also do this, giving you 1 to 15 points each for algebra, advanced math, and problem solving/data analysis. Don’t worry about these subscores as much. Schools almost always look at your composite score and your essay score.

      Score reporting

      The SAT experience includes four score reports which can be sent to your choice of schools. (Yikes? Not really. More like, Yes!) If you want to send out more reports to more schools, you can do so for a nominal fee. Check the College Board website at for current prices. You can request additional score reports when you sign up for the exam, when you СКАЧАТЬ