Blazing Bedtime Stories, Volume VIII. Kimberly Raye
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Название: Blazing Bedtime Stories, Volume VIII

Автор: Kimberly Raye

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon Blaze

isbn: 9781408969403


СКАЧАТЬ flexed as he scooped a bite, and her mouth went dry.

      “Good morning.” His deep, sexy voice snapped her back to reality and the all-important fact that there was sunlight streaming through the windows.

       Oh, no.

      She bolted upright and winced at the pain at the base of her skull. “This can’t be happening.” Her gaze swiveled to the window and she blinked against the stream of brightness. “I slept all night? The entire night?”

      “A whopping six hours.” He shoveled in a mouthful of pancakes and chewed.

      “It’s six-thirty? In the morning?”

      “I thought we already established that,” he said after he’d swallowed.

      “Have we been driving all night?”

      “With the exception of a thirty-minute stop, yes.”

      “Where exactly are we?”


      She gave him a duh look. “Exactly where in Texas?” She glanced sideways and caught a glimpse of Welcome to Pinto Creek on a road sign that flew by. “Pinto Creek?”

      “For about the next five minutes, then we’ll be in Lost Gun. And then home.”

      “How far is that from Dallas?”

      “Three hundred and twenty-six miles.” He motioned to a mile marker that rushed by. “And counting.”

      “This can’t be happening.” Panic bolted through her and she pushed to her feet. As if there were any place to go. “Why didn’t you wake me up?”

      He shrugged. “People get grouchy when you wake them up. For all I know you could be some kind of early morning crazy who threatens to murder the first person that taps them on the shoulder. I like breathing too much, especially when I’ve got a mean bull coming up in Boulder next week.”

      The mention of bulls snagged her back to the all-important fact that the papers still sat untouched on the table between them.

      “You still haven’t signed.”

      “I never sign anything before breakfast. I can’t concentrate on an empty stomach.” He held up a forkful. “Pancake?”

      Her stomach grumbled at the sight, reminding her that she hadn’t had anything since the chocolate bar she’d wolfed down at the rodeo arena.

       Woman doth not live by candy bars alone.

      Lisa’s voice echoed in her head. Best friend and serial-dater Lisa was always encouraging Wendy to go out with someone—anyone—and have some fun.

      But at twenty-eight, Wendy wanted more from a man. Sure, she liked doing the nasty as much as the next red-blooded female, but she wanted a real relationship to go with it. And while she didn’t have her heart set on marriage just yet, she at least wanted a man who was open to the concept.

      That’s what she told herself, but her gaze snagged on Pete’s mouth anyway. A dab of syrup sat at the corner and she had the overwhelming urge to lean across the table and lick it off.


      She shook away the notion and fixed her gaze on the papers. “I really need to get these back to corporate for a counter-signature.” The bus swayed to the left as it made a sharp turn and she clutched the edge of the chair. “The sooner that happens—” she fought to regain her composure “—the sooner you get your check.” She dangled the one advantage she had over him. Money. It was more than they’d ever paid to any spokesperson in the history of Western America and it was a heck of a lot more than the payout on any old bull.

      A gleam lit his eyes before taking a nosedive into the deep blue depths. “I never talk money before breakfast, sugar.” He downed a large gulp of milk that sloshed slightly in the glass as they rumbled down what was now a dirt road.

      She watched his Adam’s apple bob as he took another bite and a strange tingling started in the pit of her stomach.

      It was the bus, she told herself. They were pitching and rocking. Enough to hollow out anyone’s stomach.

      Except his. He seemed immune.

      She knew the feeling. She’d lived her life on the road at one time and nothing had bothered her. Not traffic. Or turbulence. Or a rough stretch of road.


      But now things were different. She was different. Even if she had slept like a baby for the past six hours.

      “So why don’t you like pancakes?” he asked as they hit a pothole and she clutched at the chair’s edge.

      “Who said I don’t like pancakes?”

      “I offered to share and you turned me down.”

      “It’s not that I don’t like them. I just don’t happen to want one right now.” Liar. She wanted one desperately. A bite of his pancake. A bite of him.

       Whoa. Back the horse up.

      Where had that thought come from? She didn’t want anything from Pete Gunner except his signature, which obviously wasn’t happening until he finished the mountain on his plate.

      She drew a deep, shaky breath and tried to tamp down on the anxiety rolling through her. Gripping the chair, she slid around and sank down again before she broke an ankle.

      Unearthing her cell phone, she spent the next few minutes doing her best to ignore Pete and his pancakes while she checked her voice messages.

      Ten from Lisa wanting to know how things were going and when she would be back home. One from her dad telling her he would have a six-hour layover in Houston next week on his way to a Cubs’ alumnae dinner. One from Fred telling her not to come back without the papers in hand.


      “You missed yoga this morning,” Lisa said when she picked up on the second ring. Lisa had been her first friend at Western. The first friendship she’d ever had that had lasted longer than six months. “Are you still in Dallas?”

      “Not quite.” She watched Pete take a great big bite. Syrup dribbled down his chin and before she could stop herself, she licked her lips. He grinned and she gave herself a great big mental slap. “I, um, think this is going to take a little longer than I anticipated.”

      “But you’ll be home by tomorrow, right? My parents are coming over to meet Mike and I want to finish painting my living room first. I need you to help.”

      “You guys just started dating two weeks ago. Isn’t it a little early to spring him on your folks?”

      “What can I say? When it’s right, it’s right.”

      “Wasn’t it right with Wayne about three months ago? And Marty before that? And Kevin last year?”

      “Mike СКАЧАТЬ