Caught!. Lori Foster
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Название: Caught!

Автор: Lori Foster

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781408953556


СКАЧАТЬ to snap in slurred tones. She held her shoulders stiff and her hands clenched in her lap. He knew she was fighting the drug and her fear with everything she had. But it was useless.

      “As soon as we get to the cabin and you’re awake, I’ll explain what’s going on. I don’t want you to worry.”

      “I’m thirsty,” she whispered, ignoring his speech. He supposed, given the circumstances, his assurances were bizarre.

      “Sure. Here, there’s a little coffee left.” She glared at him and he added, “Mine. This isn’t drugged. See?” He lifted the mug to this mouth to demonstrate, and that’s when she hit him.

      He should have seen it coming, but he hadn’t realized she still had that much strength. Her doubled fists smacked into the cup, jamming it into his mouth, cutting his lip and clipping his nose. He cursed, dropping the cup and doing his best to steer the truck safely to the side of the road. He hit the brakes and shifted gears. They spun to a rocky stop after sliding several feet.

      Already, Virginia was working on her door. He’d locked it, of course, and she fumbled, crying in frustration as she tried to find the way to unlock it. He’d put a large piece of electrical tape over the lock switch, just in case.

      His hands closed on her shoulders and she turned on him, twisting in the seat and kicking wildly with her small boots. She hit him in the thigh and he grunted.

      Subduing her without hurting her proved damn difficult. He finally just gave up and threw his entire weight on top of her. She gasped and cried and cursed as he captured both her hands and held them over her head. His chest pressed against her breasts, his thighs pinned hers.

      “Virginia, shh. Baby, it’s all right.”

      She looked up, and stark fear darkened her blurry eyes, cutting him deeply.

      “Aw, damn.” He closed his eyes, trying to gather his wits. “Honey, I swear, I’m not going to hurt you. Please believe me.”

      “Then why?” She began to struggle again, but she was weaker now, her eyelids only half-open. He lowered his chest, forcing her to gasp for air, to go completely still.

      “I promise I’ll explain everything at the cabin.”

      “What cabin?” she cried, the words slurred and raw.

      “The cabin where I’m going to keep you for just a few days, until I’m sure it’s safe. Now, can I let you go?”

      She stared up at him, blinking slowly, still fighting. “Your lip is bleeding. And your nose is turning blue.”

      “I think you might have broken it.” He tried a small grin, but with his lip numb, it might not have been too effective. “You pack a hell of a punch, especially for a drugged lady.”

      “I don’t understand you. You’re not the man I thought I knew.”

      “No, I don’t suppose I am. But I won’t hurt you. And in a few days, I’ll take you home. Okay?”

      Slowly, she nodded, and when he cautiously released her, she dropped her head back on the seat and took several deep breaths. After a moment, she pulled herself upright. It seemed to take a great deal of effort, but he didn’t touch her. He didn’t want her to slug him again, or possibly hurt herself jerking away.

      Her gaze went to the door and the electrical tape. “I should have noticed.”

      “It was dark.” He dabbed at his split lip with a hankie. Thankfully, his nose felt more bruised than broken, but it still hurt like hell.

      “I have to use the bathroom.”

      That stymied him for just a moment. He lifted his hands. “There’s nothing for miles, no gas station, no restaurants…”

      “I need to go now. I can’t wait.”

      He measured the wisdom of letting her out, but then he looked at her face. He wanted more than anything for her to trust him just a bit. He frowned at his own weakness. “All right. But stay right beside the truck. I’ll turn my back.”

      She swallowed and her face flamed. To Dillon, she looked remarkably appealing and feminine. Her hair was half-undone, long strands tumbling around her shoulders, waving around her face. Her strange topaz eyes were slumberous, filled with a mixture of muted anger and anxiety. She breathed heavily, slowly, her lush breasts rising and falling. He hated her fear, hated being the cause of it. But he hadn’t had a choice.

      Icy wind and wet snow assaulted him as he opened the door and stepped out. He turned and reached in for Virginia. She swayed, then offered him her hand to allow him to help her out on the driver’s side. That was his first clue. Virginia never admitted to needing help with anything or from anyone. She especially wouldn’t do so now, while she felt so angry and betrayed.

      The realization hit just before she did. This time her aim was for his groin, and her aim was true, though thankfully not as solid as it might have been, given her lethargic state.

      Air left his lungs in a whoosh and he bent double, then dropped to his knees in the icy snow. He ground his teeth against the pain and cursed her—the stubborn, deceiving little cat. This time when he got his hands on her…

      Virginia tried to run, but her legs weren’t working right. She was clumsy, stumbling and falling again and again. She headed for the scraggly trees, even though they wouldn’t offer a speck of concealment. Dillon forced himself to his feet, leaning on the truck as he watched her. She moved awkwardly, hampered by her fear, the drug and the thick snow. He took one more deep breath, which didn’t do a damn thing for the lingering pain and nausea, and started off in a lope after her.

      She must have heard his pursuit because she turned to stare wildly at him—and tripped. Dillon saw her go down, saw her land heavily on the ground and not get back up. His heart stopped, then began to thud against his ribs. Oh God.

      “Virginia!” He forgot his own pain and charged to her. She lay limp, her face in the snow, and he fell to his knees beside her. She didn’t move. He gently lifted her head and felt for a lump of any kind. There was nothing; the snow had cushioned her fall.

      She opened her eyes the tiniest bit and glared at him. In a mere whisper, she said, “You’re a miserable jerk, Dillon.”

      “I know, baby. I know.” He smoothed the silky red hair away from her face while cradling her in his arms. “Easy, now. It’s all right. How do you feel?”

      “You’ve drugged me.” Her head lolled, her words almost incoherent.

      “It’ll be all right, Virginia. I promise. I would never hurt you.”

      He heard a low, weak cry, and knew the sound came from Virginia. “Shh. It’s all right. I swear it’s all right.” He listened to his ridiculous litany and wanted to curse himself. Nothing was all right, and he had the feeling it might never be again.

      He cuddled her close to his chest, rocked her. “Just relax and go to sleep, sweetheart. I’ll take care of everything. I’ll take care of you. That’s all I’m trying to do, you know.”

      Her eyes shut and her body went limp. But just before she gave in, before she let him have his way, she whispered, “You never СКАЧАТЬ