Regency: Mischief & Marriage. Anne Herries
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Название: Regency: Mischief & Marriage

Автор: Anne Herries

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781408979983


СКАЧАТЬ Sarah had sent her a simple string of seed pearls to wear with the gown. She understood that they were a loan from a generous employer who wished her companion to look well and accepted them with pleasure.

      Lady Sarah nodded her approval when she went to her room, to ask if there was anything she needed.

      ‘You look charming, my dear. That gown suits you far better than it ever did me.’

      ‘You have such good taste,’ Eliza replied. ‘Your clothes always look elegant without being too fussy.’

      ‘I never did like too many frills and ribbons—though they look well on younger girls. Lady Roberts has a very nice daughter, Eliza. I see no reason why you two should not be friends. It will be good for you to have some acquaintances in Bath.’

      ‘Yes, it will be pleasant when I know more people,’ Eliza agreed, though she was not certain that the daughter of a titled lady would necessarily wish to know Lady Sarah’s companion.

      ‘Come, my dear. The horses are standing. Coachman never likes his horses kept standing. We must leave.’

      Eliza helped her to gather her shawl, fan and reticule, and then they went down to the carriage. Lady Sarah whiled away the journey by looking out of the window and pointing out places of interest or people they passed that she happened to know, but the journey only took a few minutes and could easily have been walked.

      The footman came to open the door and let down the steps, helping first Lady Sarah and then Eliza to descend. They went into the hall and then up the stairs, where their hostess was waiting to greet them. Lady Roberts was a tall thin woman with a hooked nose, which her daughter had unfortunately inherited, though she was elegantly dressed. They both greeted Lady Sarah with affection and Eliza politely. Almost immediately, another guest was announced and Eliza noticed that Susanne’s face lit with pleasure, making her look almost pretty. Turning her head to look at the newcomer, Eliza felt a shock of recognition. It seemed that she was destined to meet Mr Seaton yet again.

      ‘Lord Seaton,’ her hostess gushed. ‘How delightful to see you this evening. We were so pleased you could come—were we not, Susanne?’

      Eliza felt her cheeks flush. He had not told her that he was Lord Seaton and she felt foolish for having misused his name several times.

      ‘Yes, Mama,’ Susanne replied and giggled shyly. It was clear that she believed he had come for the purpose of seeing her and enjoyed the prospect of being courted.

      ‘I was happy to be invited, ma’am.’ His gaze moved to Lady Sarah and then Eliza. His expression did not change, though Eliza noticed a little pulse flicking at his temple.

      ‘Have you met my good friend Lady Sarah Manners and her companion Miss Eliza Bancroft?’

      ‘I do not think I have had the honour of meeting Lady Sarah,’ Daniel replied. ‘However, I had the pleasure of meeting Miss Bancroft at my uncle’s estate a few weeks ago. I trust you are well, Miss Bancroft?’

      ‘Yes, thank you, my lord.’

      ‘Ah, yes, the dear earl.’ Lady Roberts moved smoothly on, obviously not impressed that he should acknowledge acquaintance with a mere companion. ‘I believe he was not well a few months back.’

      ‘My uncle still mourns the loss of his son,’ Daniel replied with a frown. ‘I think his health is well enough otherwise.’

      ‘Yes, such a sad occurrence.’ Lady Roberts looked at her daughter pointedly. ‘You are released, Susanne. Take our guests into the drawing room. I have only one more guest to greet and then I shall join you.’

      Susanne looked expectantly at Lord Seaton. He offered his arm and they moved forwards into the large drawing room, where Lord Roberts was entertaining three other guests and a footman was standing with a tray of champagne. Eliza followed with Lady Sarah. She was offered a glass of champagne by the footman, which she accepted, but made no attempt to drink. Lady Sarah led the way to a rather beautiful blonde lady dressed in grey silk, smiling and greeting her with pleasure.

      ‘Julia Henderson, I had no idea you would be here this evening. I am delighted to meet you again.’

      ‘Sarah dearest. We arrived in Bath only yesterday. How wonderful to find you here.’ The two ladies embraced and then Julia turned enquiring eyes on Eliza. ‘And this is…?’

      ‘My companion, Miss Eliza Bancroft,’ Lady Sarah said.

      ‘Your companion? For a moment I thought… How nice to meet you, Miss Bancroft,’ Julia Henderson said and extended her hand. ‘How long have you been with my dear friend Sarah?’

      ‘Just a few days, ma’am,’ Eliza said, seeing the warmth and affection for Lady Sarah in her eyes. ‘But they have been extremely pleasant ones.’

      ‘Well, I shall be calling on you both very soon and I shall look forward to a long chat. I want to hear all about you, Eliza—and you must call me Julia. I absolutely insist.’

      ‘Oh…’ Eliza blushed. ‘That is very kind of you, ma… Julia.’

      ‘You will soon get used to it,’ Julia said and laughed. ‘Now, you must meet my daughter Kate—Kate, this is Eliza. You two must absolutely be friends, because you are going to see a lot of one another. I shall want to spend time with Sarah and you two should be prepared to go off on your own somewhere.’

      ‘Mama!’ Kate was a younger image of her mother, her blue eyes sparkling with amusement as she came to Eliza. ‘You must forgive her, Miss Bancroft. She may command me, but not you, though I hope we shall be friends and you may call me Kate if you wish.’

      ‘Only if you call me Eliza.’ Eliza smiled because she liked both the mother and daughter. ‘I, too, hope we shall be friends. As yet I have very few acquaintances in Bath.’

      ‘I have loads of them,’ Kate said frankly. ‘However, only one or two I would actually call friends. I should like to get to know you—and that is not because Mama insists either.’ She threw a fond but exasperated look at her mother, who was talking animatedly with Lady Sarah. ‘Dear Mama is managing, but she means well.’

      ‘I am certain she does,’ Eliza agreed, thinking that she was fortunate to have met a girl she could truly think of as a friend.

      Most of the other young ladies she met exchanged pleasantries but did not seem interested enough to become her friend.

      Her thoughts were interrupted as the invitation to move into the dining room was given. After some shuffling and searching, everyone sat down and Eliza found herself seated between an elderly gentleman, who proved hard of hearing and Lord Roberts. Her host saw her seated with solicitous care and then proceeded to ignore her as he talked exclusively to the lady on his right.

      Obviously, a companion was not deemed worthy of a meaningful conversation. Eliza contented herself by looking about her. She caught snatches of other people’s conversation and smiled as she watched Miss Susanne Roberts making up to Lord Seaton. Susanne simpered, giggled and fluttered her lashes so often that Eliza would have asked if she had something in her eye had she been close enough.

      Now and then the deaf gentleman muttered something. Eliza nodded or asked if she could pass him a dish or the condiment set. She risked a few glances at Lord Seaton and discovered that he was looking at her and frowning. СКАЧАТЬ