Tempted. Kimberly Van Meter
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Название: Tempted

Автор: Kimberly Van Meter

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Эротическая литература

Серия: Mills & Boon Blaze

isbn: 9781474064613



      But she wouldn’t be young forever.

      Sooner or later, time would catch up to her and no amount of Pilates would keep her ass from succumbing to gravity.

      Harper winced at the cruelty awaiting her and that fear renewed her purpose.

      That’s why Stuart was so important.

      This one was going to marry her.

      No more playing the mistress or girlfriend with nothing legally binding.

      She couldn’t live on gifts alone.

      And that meant she had to be smart.

      Stuart wasn’t a stupid playboy with a trust fund.

      He was a successful businessman who’d been loyal to his wife until the day she died.

      Stuart held old-fashioned values and believed in hard work and fair play.

      Honestly, Stuart was the kind of man Harper would have liked for a father or grandfather.

      Except instead of going to Stuart for fatherly advice, she was going to seduce the man.

      Harper groaned when a tiny bubble of bile rose in her throat.

      What was wrong with her?

      Stuart was not the worst she’d slept with.

      He seemed kind, generous...and incredibly old.

      Okay, maybe he wasn’t the Crypt Keeper, but compared to Teagan, Stuart was a fossil.

      She closed her eyes and immediately Teagan was there.

      Hard muscles covering a solid, manly frame.

      Sensual lips that played with a flirty smile and begged to be kissed.

      How was a guy like Teagan single, anyway?

      Either the women in his circles were incredibly stupid or he had some heinous defect.

      Maybe he chewed his toenails.

      Maybe he picked his nose and ate his boogers.

      Or maybe he had some weird sexual fetish like armpit licking or he liked to dress up like a baby and be breast-fed.

      Yes, keep thinking of Teagan as a deviant, a voice encouraged, otherwise, you’re going to find yourself pressed up against him before you know it.

      How long had it been since Harper had enjoyed a real relationship? Been with someone because she wanted to be, not because he was a target.

      Just as she started to mourn her lack of true intimacy, the specter of the past rose to slap her.

      It was hard to forget her mother’s tears. The horrible sadness that clawed the personality out of Anna Riley, and Harper was sure that the subsequent drag on her immune system had eventually led to MS.

      Whereas Anna had once been sweet, kind and way too trusting, time and repeated heartache had left the woman a shell.

      The disease had robbed her of everything else.

      Harper had been twelve when Rex had conned her mother out of their savings, leaving them with nothing but bad credit, crippling debt and no way out.

      And her mom had gotten pregnant, too.

      Harper blinked furiously at the unwanted tears that threatened to fall.

      Some say that things happened for a reason.

      Losing Rex’s baby had been a blessing in disguise but it’d taken the final toll on Anna.

      Harper’s childhood had disintegrated, leaving behind nothing but cold, hard adulthood.

      And she had vowed to never let a man do to her what had been done to Anna.

      If anyone was going to suffer scars, it wouldn’t be Harper from that moment forward.

      She stilled for a moment to gather her focus.

      That’s it, remember the pain. Remember the reason men like Teagan are bad news.

      Releasing a long breath, Harper felt a renewed sense of purpose and returned to her research.

      Tomorrow...Stuart Buck.


      VANESSA THOUGHT TO escape to her room, but when she was midway, she stopped. The point of this trip was to liberate herself from her past. To stop mourning a life she didn’t miss.

      Her and Dale’s relationship had been complicated, like most romantic relationships. They’d married young, and although there were too many bad times to count, there were good times, too.

      A lifetime together had seamed a jagged stitch but it had bound them just the same.

      One kid.

      A daughter.

      She’d done her due diligence as a wife and mother. Sabrina was off living her life as she should, but it’d left Vanessa alone to deal with Dale and their shortcomings.

      Just as things had become unbearable, Dale had done the honorable thing and died of a heart attack.

      Boom. No flash and bang. No long, drawn-out illness...just gone.

      Sometimes Vanessa still thought she could smell his Old Spice cologne.

      As much as Dale had been an overbearing, pigheaded jerk at times, he’d also been her best friend.

      What she’d thought was going to be a grand dating adventure after he’d passed, had turned into a sad realization that she’d never truly mourned the man who’d been her constant companion for thirty years.

      And somehow that young cutie at the bar had managed to activate that button that she’d been trying to hide for a year.

      Her best friend, Lola, said the best way to get over a man was to get under another.

      So far that had only worked temporarily.

      But since Vanessa didn’t have any other advice to follow, she’d booked her first cruise, and followed it with another.

      Right about now, she was thinking it all might’ve been a waste of money.

      She didn’t have the right mind-set to jump into another fling.

      She wanted...something more.

      So was it time to change her game plan? Look for something a little less transient? Maybe admit that Lola had been completely bonkers to suggest a series of one-night stands to heal her bleeding heart?

      Vanessa СКАЧАТЬ