Hot Nights with the...Australian. Nicola Marsh
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Название: Hot Nights with the...Australian

Автор: Nicola Marsh

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Эротическая литература

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781408995419


СКАЧАТЬ is simply protecting me from the kind of harassment you’re dealing out right now.’

      ‘And why is he doing it, Chloe? Have you asked yourself that?’

      ‘I don’t care why. I’m out of the mess of my marriage, which you hid from me so I’d keep on working and bringing in the money. I’m not so blindly naive that I can’t see that, Mother.’

      ‘You’ve been working today to bring in the money for Max Hart.’

      ‘He didn’t deceive me.’

      ‘It was for your own good,’ she snapped defensively. ‘The affair would have blown over without any pain for you if Laura hadn’t got herself pregnant.’

      ‘I don’t like your judgement of what is good for me. I’m not going to take it anymore.’

      ‘You need me, Chloe,’ she bored in. ‘You’ll be lost without me. I’ve handled everything for you for so long …’

      ‘I’ll learn to do it myself.’

      ‘You think that can be done in a day?’ she jeered.

      ‘No. I expect it will take a while.’

      ‘Making a host of bad judgements. For a start, where do you intend to live?’

      Chloe hesitated, not having thought that far yet.

      ‘You can’t stay in Max’s guest house forever,’ her mother pushed, mocking Chloe’s indecision.

      ‘No, of course not.’

      Maybe her lack of any urgent concern over where to live gave the situation away.

      Her mother pounced. ‘He’s invited you to stay on, hasn’t he? How long?’

      ‘This is none of your business!’ Chloe retorted defensively.

      ‘Longer than a few days. Longer than a week for you to think you don’t need me. A month? Two months?’ Speculation turned to triumphant certainty. ‘Yes. Two months. Until shooting all the episodes for the show is over. That would suit him very nicely. And you’re so gullible you got sucked right in.’

      ‘It suits me, too,’ Chloe hotly insisted, hating how her mother twisted everything.

      Her claim was dismissed with a derisive snort. ‘Out of the frying pan into the fire!’

      ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’

      Her eyes glittered with contempt for Chloe’s intelligence. ‘Max Hart is worse than Tony, flitting from woman to woman. He’s setting you up for when he gets rid of Shannah Lian. Which will be very soon. Mark my words! You won’t have two months free of him. I’ll bet the bank on that.’

      Dangerous … the undertow of physical attraction … impossible to ignore yet she hated her mother’s interpretation of the situation.

      ‘You’ll end up in a bigger mess than you have now,’ she went on in her disparaging voice. ‘You need me, Chloe. I’m the one who’s always protected you. Max Hart is a shark. He’ll eat you up and when you’ve satisfied his sexual appetite …’

      ‘That’s enough!’ Chloe cried. ‘I don’t have to listen to this and I won’t! Gerry …’ She turned to him in urgent appeal. ‘I want to go now.’

      He immediately hooked one arm around hers, holding the other one out in a warding-off gesture. ‘Excuse us, Mrs Rollins,’ he said politely, starting to move Chloe along the shopping aisle towards the exit.

      ‘When you know I’m right, come home to me,’ her mother sliced at her. ‘I’ll look after you.’

      Chloe maintained a stony face, looking straight ahead, refusing to acknowledge the claim that she couldn’t look after herself.

      She would.

      As for the rest, Max wouldn’t force her into anything she didn’t want.

      All along he had given her choices.

      Not like her mother, who dictated what was to be done.

      And not like Tony, who cheated on women, playing two at once.

      At least she could be her own person with Max. She liked that. It was a positive step. She was never, never going to take the backward step of running home to her mother for help. For anything!

      ‘Would you like me to drive you to another shopping mall?’ Gerry asked as he saw her settled in the car.

      She had forgotten the trolley containing the few pieces of fruit she had selected. They had walked out, leaving it standing in the aisle. ‘Tomorrow afternoon,’ she said, in too much emotional turmoil to think of food and knowing she could make do with what was available in the kitchenette. ‘Let’s go straight home, please, Gerry.’

      He nodded and took the driver’s seat without comment.

      Home … tears pricked her eyes at that slip of the tongue. The children’s house was not her home, yet it felt more like one than any of the places she’d lived in with her mother. Even the Randwick apartment that she and Tony had furnished had been more to his taste than hers—wanting to please him. He’d probably insist on keeping it as part of the divorce settlement. Chloe decided she didn’t care. Sometime in the next two months she would find a place of her own and please herself with the furnishings.

      It was difficult to keep blinking away the tears. Her chest was tight with them. Max had made it possible for her to put the past with her mother at a distance since Friday night, but meeting her face to face … she felt both physically and mentally drained by the effort of standing up to her, standing up for herself. She had run away from the confrontation in the end, with the help of the bodyguard Max had had the foresight to hire. Would she have managed otherwise?

      She wasn’t sure. The old sense of helplessness had welled up in her although she’d fought it as hard as she could. It wasn’t easy to shed a lifetime of being dominated, being told what to do and torn up emotionally if she resisted, giving in because she couldn’t bear the many manifestations of her mother’s anger. She needed the refuge Max had given her, needed the time to build up her own strength of purpose. Yet was her mother right? Did Max have a personal as well as a professional motive for helping her? Was she hopelessly gullible? What was the truth?

      The tears spilled over. She tried desperately to mop them up and regain some composure as they arrived at Max’s mansion. Gerry opened the passenger door for her and she kept her head down while alighting from the car. ‘Thank you,’ she choked out, swallowing hard before adding, ‘I’ll see you in the morning, Gerry.’

      ‘Have a good night, Miss Rollins,’ he replied.

      ‘You, too,’ she mumbled and bolted for the children’s house, wanting its cosy comfort to embrace her and close out all the horrid feelings aroused by the meeting with her mother.

      Max felt his jaw tightening with anger as he listened to Gerry Anderson’s report. Stephanie Rollins was obviously going to be relentless in her drive to get СКАЧАТЬ