A Regency Baron's Bride. Sarah Mallory
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Название: A Regency Baron's Bride

Автор: Sarah Mallory

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781474037907


СКАЧАТЬ you are right,’ said Lady Leaconham, much relieved, ‘and it will give you the opportunity to be seen in the park at the fashionable hour.’

      So Lady Leaconham gave the outing her blessing.

      Kitty set off with Lord Leaconham, knowing that her godmother would be far more disapproving of her engagement with Ann Harworth, if ever she learned the truth of it.

      It was a beautiful summer’s day and much as Kitty wanted to turn her face up to the skies and feel the sun’s warmth on her skin, she knew that this would be frowned upon. Instead she unfurled her parasol, looking around her with interest as Lord Leaconham drove his phaeton through the busy London streets. Her initial apprehension at riding so high above the ground soon disappeared and she relaxed, looking forward to her excursion.

      ‘Heavens, how crowded it is,’ she remarked, as they turned in through the park gates. ‘I thought it busy enough when Miss Harworth and I brought Titan here for a walk one morning.’

      ‘Oh, I have seen it ten times worse than this,’ cried Garston, gaily flourishing his whip. ‘I have been here when we have been forced to crawl along at a snail’s pace because there is so much traffic. But it is not yet five o’clock. We are early. I have no doubt it will fill up later.’

      Kitty heard this with dismay. She had been expecting the great park to offer some peace and solitude after the hustle and bustle of the busy streets but all she could see was a host of fashionably dressed people riding, driving or walking, everyone intent on seeing and being seen.

      Their own progress was slow for the park was full of Garston’s friends, some of whom she knew, but many she did not, so that each stop necessitated explanations and a few moments’ conversation.

      ‘Well, Miss Wythenshawe, are you enjoying yourself?’ Lord Leaconham enquired as they moved off from yet another introduction.

      ‘Why, yes, my lord. Very much. Although I am afraid that with so many of your acquaintances here today we shall not complete even one circuit of the park.’

      He laughed. ‘What a jokesmith you are, Miss Wythenshawe! One does not come to Hyde Park for the drive! No, no: when I go to White’s this evening I shall be complimented on the fine new rig I was driving this afternoon, and of course upon my charming companion. To be seen here will bring you to the attention of a great number of useful people, I assure you.’

      She did not know what to reply; she was not at all sure she wanted to be brought to anyone’s attention.

      Kitty was beginning to wonder if she would be back in Portman Square before Ann called for her when she suddenly heard her escort give a low whistle.

      ‘By heaven, that is a most beautiful piece of horseflesh.’

      Kitty looked up to see two riders approaching and had no difficulty in recognising the creature that had drawn Garston’s admiration—a sleek black horse with a deep chest, refined head and a bold eye. The animal seemed well aware that it was a handsome beast for it carried itself proudly, almost as proudly as the straight-backed gentleman in the saddle: Daniel Blackwood. He was accompanied by Lord Harworth but to Kitty’s mind neither the older man’s bearing nor his glossy bay hack could compare with the dark grandeur of Daniel and his mare. But Kitty remembered seeing the very same horse and rider when they had looked much less grand, covered in mud in a lane above Halifax. Once again the mortification of that encounter overwhelmed her and she hoped fervently that the two riders might not see them in the crowd, but Lord Leaconham pulled up the team, waving his whip to attract their attention. She smothered her dismay as the gentlemen drew rein and turned their mounts towards the phaeton.

      Lord Harworth greeted Kitty in his usual friendly way but his companion gave only a slight nod of recognition.

      ‘Blackwood, ain’t it? We met at the ball the other night. By Jove, that’s a fine horse you have there, sir,’ declared Garston. ‘Broad chest, good sloping shoulders, intelligent eye—magnificent!’

      Daniel acknowledged the compliment with a nod.

      ‘Thank you. She’s Yorkshire bred, of course.’

      ‘Of course.’ Garston laughed. ‘We’ve a few good hunters at Leaconham but nothing as fine as that.’ He cocked an eyebrow at Daniel. ‘How much d’you want for her? She looks up to my weight. Yes, I’d like to buy that mare.’

      Daniel’s dark brows rose.

      ‘What, when you haven’t seen her put through her paces?’

      ‘No need, Blackwood. I can tell just by looking that she is a good all-round mount, certainly at home here in Town, but I have no doubt she comes into her own in the hunting field. Well, Blackwood, what d’you say? Name your price, sir!’

      ‘Thank you, my lord, but no. Marnie has been with me for so long I believe she will see her days out in my company.’

      ‘As you wish,’ replied Garston, shrugging. ‘But I’m not beat yet. Mayhap you will give me a chance to win her from you one night, when we’ve had a few glasses of wine together. Now what d’ye say to that, sir, eh?’

      Kitty saw the faint hint of contempt creep into Daniel’s dark eyes.

      ‘I never gamble—’

      ‘Never gamble?’ cried Garston, ‘why, man, you will be telling me you don’t like cock-fighting next!’

      ‘As a matter of fact, I don’t,’ Daniel replied curtly. ‘But I was going to say that I never gamble with what is important to me.’

      ‘Ha, very wise,’ agreed Lord Harworth. ‘That’s a lesson we could all learn, eh, Leaconham? But we are holding you up, sir, and we should not keep the horses standing. Nor should we keep a lady here in this heat. You will want to get on, Miss Wythenshawe.’ He smiled at Kitty. ‘Has that madcap sister of mine acquainted you with her latest scheme?’ Kitty’s eyes widened. Had Ann told her brother of their visit to Lombard Street that evening? She was about to speak when Lord Harworth continued, saying jovially, ‘A picnic! My mother has a small property a little way out of town, on the Cambridge road. She rarely uses it but the grounds are very pretty and Ann has decided we should dine there, al fresco’

      ‘Miss Harworth has said nothing to me, my lord,’ replied Kitty, thanking Providence she had not mentioned the Abolition meeting.

      ‘Well, depend upon it she will. I have no doubt that she is even now plaguing my mother to write the invitations.’ He touched his hat. ‘Good day to you, Miss Wythenshawe. Leaconham.’

      As the gentlemen moved off, Garston turned in his seat to watch them.

      ‘Do you know, I was not that enamoured of Blackwood when I first met him. Far too serious for me, and he drinks hardly anything—Bertram tells me he never goes beyond the third bottle. Not the sort to go out on a spree! But having seen his horse, damn me, I think he can’t be such a bad fellow after all! I can even forgive him for not liking to gamble! Seems to be great friends with Harworth.’

      ‘I believe Mr Blackwood is a manufacturer,’ said Kitty carefully.

      ‘Ah, that might explain his gloomy looks,’ nodded Garston, setting his team in motion. ‘Not brought up to enjoy himself, or to appreciate the finer things in life.’

      ‘He СКАЧАТЬ