The Boss's Marriage Plan. Gina Wilkins
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Название: The Boss's Marriage Plan

Автор: Gina Wilkins

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Cherish

isbn: 9781474002479


СКАЧАТЬ first office. She still cringed a little when she thought of how incoherent she’d been during that awkward interview. She wasn’t sure what he’d seen in her to take a chance on hiring her, but she was so glad he had. She loved her job and took great pride in the success of the business.

      Scott thought for a moment before complying with her impulsive request. “During breakfast Thanksgiving morning, Madison reached for the butter and knocked over an entire glass of cold milk directly into Eli’s lap. Eli jumped and knocked over his cereal bowl, which landed on their shih tzu. The dog went tearing through the house scattering milk and Cheerios all over the floors while the girls chased after it, smashing the cereal underfoot. Eli was laughing when he told us the story over Thanksgiving dinner, but his wife was not amused.”

      Tess laughed. “That sounds like a scene from a TV sitcom.”

      “Right? Eli said it’s pretty much life as expected with energetic almost-five-year-old twins.”

      “I can imagine. It must be exhausting.”

      He smiled up at the server who set their pizza in front of them, then continued the conversation as Tess reached for a slice. “Eli and Libby put on the long-suffering act, but they love every minute with those girls.”

      She’d met all the members of Scott’s family, most recently in September, at the annual PCCI picnic at sprawling Burns Park in North Little Rock.

      She doubted he got the same kind of grief from his family that she did from hers just because he hadn’t yet found his own life mate. From what she knew of them, she thought perhaps they’d tease him a little, but probably not in the insultingly patronizing tone her sister used toward her. With Thanksgiving behind them, the holiday season was now well under way. Parties, traditions, family gatherings loomed ahead. She wished she could feel a little more enthusiastic about what was to come in the next month.

      “You like children, don’t you, Tess?” Scott asked unexpectedly.

      “I love children.” She hoped her quick smile hid the wistfulness that underlaid her reply.

      “Yeah, me, too.”

      Looking down at his plate, Scott toyed with his food, seemingly lost in his thoughts again. With silence reigning, she took another bite of her veggie pizza.

      He cleared his throat and she glanced up. Her eyebrows rose in response to his expression. “What?”

      “You remember when I had that unexpected appendectomy last year and you had to come to my house to work the next day because we had that big deadline?”

      She was rather surprised he’d mentioned that incident. He’d seemed to try very hard to forget that day since. “Of course I remember.”

      Hypersensitive to the painkillers, Scott had spent a few hours rambling somewhat disjointedly until the effects wore off. He hadn’t said anything too far out of line, but he’d been amusingly whimsical and had continually heaped praise on her, telling her how important she was to him and how he couldn’t get by without her. Even knowing his effusiveness was fueled by medication, she’d taken the compliments to heart.

      The only seriously awkward moment had come as she’d prepared to leave. Though Scott wasn’t a “hugger,” he’d hauled her into his arms for a somewhat clumsy embrace, thanking her too heartily for her help. She’d convinced herself afterward that he had surely intended to kiss her cheek, but he’d missed. His lips had landed squarely on her mouth.

      It had lasted only seconds. Hardly long enough to be called a kiss. Even under the influence of the medicines, he’d been aware enough to jump back immediately, stammering apologies, flustered, his face uncharacteristically flushed. Tess had laughed it off, attempting to mask her own reactions behind indulgent humor. Despite her assurances the next day that he’d said nothing untoward, Scott had been embarrassed by his lack of control and obviously concerned that he’d crossed professional lines. They had implicitly agreed to put the incident behind them and never refer to it again. To be honest, though, there’d been times when she’d found herself reliving that almost kiss and wondering what it might have been like had it been real.

      Scott cleared his throat, bringing her abruptly back to the present. “So, the thing is, I’d like to handle this conversation the same way we did that incident. Though I am completely clearheaded and unaffected by any outside influences tonight, feel free to forget anything I’m about to say, if you want, and to pretend it never happened next time we see each other. That’s why I wanted to talk here, away from the office.”

      Lifting her eyebrows in confusion, she looked at the tall, thin glass in his hand. “You’ve only had a few sips of your beer, so that’s probably not the reason you aren’t making any sense.”

      Setting the glass aside, he shook his head. “As I said, I’m not under the influence of anything. Just not quite sure how to begin this conversation.”

      Swallowing a bit nervously, she touched her napkin to her lips, then lowered her hands to her lap to toy with the checkered tablecloth. Since when had Scott ever had trouble talking with her? This couldn’t be good. “Just say it, Scott.”

      He nodded. “Your job means a lot to you, right? I mean, it matters to you that the company is successful. Reputable.”

      Her chest tightened. A cold, hard knot formed in her throat, forcing her to clear it before she could ask, “Have I done something wrong? Have I messed up somehow? Is that what you’re trying to tell me?”

      He shook his head quickly. “Of course not. Just the opposite, in fact. You’ve gone above and beyond this past year. I’m not exaggerating when I say I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

      Relief flooded her. Her hand felt just a little unsteady when she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Then, what...?”

      “I overheard some of a phone conversation you had earlier,” he blurted. “You were talking about the upcoming holiday parties, and about problems you’ve been having with online dating.”

      She felt warmth spread across her face. He’d heard her conversation with her friend Stevie? How humiliating!

      “So anyway,” he continued before she could speak, “I’ve got a bunch of holiday events coming up, too, and no one to attend them with me. Which made me wonder why we couldn’t go to some of those parties together.”

      Of all the things he could have said, this was the least expected. Surely he wasn’t suggesting...

      “You coworkers?” she asked in a tentative attempt at clarification.

      “No, nothing to do with work. I guess you could say I’m asking you out.”

      She stared at him, her mind going completely blank with shock. “Oh. Ah.”

      “I’ve been thinking about how you and I get along so well and always have,” he said, cutting into her stunned stammering. “About how much more comfortable it could be if we attend these things together rather than going alone or trying to deal with early-dating drama with other people during the holidays. So, what do you think?”

      She moved his glass firmly to the other side of the table, symbolically out of his reach. “I think you had too much of this on an empty stomach. It must have gone straight to your head.”

      He СКАЧАТЬ