Rocky Mountain Match. Pamela Nissen
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Название: Rocky Mountain Match

Автор: Pamela Nissen

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Исторические любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Love Inspired

isbn: 9781472023193


СКАЧАТЬ Holding her elbow out in front of him, she offered, “Here’s my arm. You just set the pace.” When he reached out and found her arm, his touch sent stirring warmth through her.

      He started forward at a leisurely pace. “It galls me how tired I am from just this one outing.”

      “Don’t be so hard on yourself. It takes a great deal of mental energy to do what you’ve done today.”

      “Well, I can tell you one thing, Tuesday of next week can’t come fast enough. When I get these bandages off and can see again, I doubt I’ll close my eyes for a week straight.”

      She hoped that he was right. That he would see again.

      Noticing the curious stares of a few of the church folks who still lingered on the grounds, she asked, “You don’t think people will talk, do you?” She stepped around a bed of fragrant lavender. “I mean, with me walking you home?”

      He came to a stop and tilted his head down at her. “I’m sure that by now they’re aware that you’re my instructor. Word gets around fast here. But if it’s uncomfortable for you, I could just wait for Ben.”

      “Oh, no,” she said, a little too eagerly. “I mean, of course it’s not uncomfortable.”

      With a smile tipping the corners of his mouth, he nodded, then continued an even stroll toward his home.

      “Joseph. Katie, wait up!” a voice called from behind them.

      Katie turned to see Ben jogging toward them.

      “Sorry about leaving you stranded.” Ben clapped Joseph on the arm and pulled in a long breath. “I got tied up with Mrs. Duncan and you know how that can go. Pastor Winters almost paid a hefty ransom to free me. At the rate she’s going, you’d think she was planning a presidential inauguration.”

      “Mrs. Duncan isn’t a woman to miss details,” Joseph said, leaning slightly toward Katie.

      “That’s very diplomatic of you, Joseph. Personally, I’d rather strain at gnats all day than iron out details with that woman.” Ben gave a wide-eyed look. “I hope you’re in for a fast walk, Joseph, because I’ve got to hightail it out to the Randalls’ place. Jeb laid an ill-aimed ax to his leg yesterday and I just got word that it’s not looking too good.”

      Katie winced. “That sounds bad.”

      “When I left him late last night I said I’d be back later this afternoon, but I’d feel better if I got out there as soon as I can. Besides that, I’ve just acquired a couple of stray kittens that showed up in my barn yesterday.”

      “Your newest four-legged patients?” Joseph asked.

      “Yep. And they’re in need of round-the-clock attention right now. I have them bedded down in a crate beside my bed.”

      Joseph smiled and focused down at her. “Ben’s always taking in strays and doctoring them back to health.”


      “I can’t help it. They just show up.”

      “That’s so sweet of you,” Katie said, her throat going tight with instant emotion. She loved animals.

      “Yeah, well, what else is a fella to do?” Ben remarked as if he were trying to step out of the focus.

      “Go on ahead. Katie said she’d walk with me.” The sideways grin Joseph gave her set her pulse skittering. “That is, if you still don’t mind?”

      She shook her head. “Not at all.”

      “Good, it’s settled.” Ben clapped his hands, then came forward and gave Joseph’s arm a quick squeeze. “Thanks again for coming with me today.”

      Joseph nodded. “By the way, you sent the wire for my appointment in Denver Tuesday, right?”

      Ben passed a wary glance to Katie and her heart instantly squeezed with compassion for Joseph.

      “Nine o’clock Tuesday morning,” Ben confirmed.

      A tightness strained Joseph’s features. Over the course of the week, she’d discovered from the few times he’d spoken of the appointment or his vision, he’d become instantly irritable.

      Ben glanced at his pocket watch and snapped it shut again. “By the way, Katie, you’ve made quite an impression on Aaron and Ellie. She can’t say enough good things about you.” On a wink, he turned and jogged away from them.

      Katie felt a warm blush color her cheeks as they walked in silence for several moments.

      “He’s right, you know…”

      “Right about what?”

      “Ellie has really taken to you.” His voice was as low and soothing as a cool breeze on a hot day. “Last night when the two of them stopped by, she couldn’t stop talking about you. Said you were beautiful, inside and out.”

      Embarrassment flamed hot now. Her knees went weak and her mouth grew dry. She couldn’t seem to be around him without noticing every little thing about him and being affected in ways she’d never experienced.

      But she was Joseph’s teacher. Nothing else. She had to keep telling herself that.

      “Sorry if I embarrassed you.” His deep, mellow voice had countless other effects on her besides soothing her. His voice incited a warm quiver in her stomach and a slow, steady tremble up her spine. “When Ellie said that, it blew the very first image I had of you when Ben called you up from the street.”

      She slowed to a stop. “There’s a step here. Gauge its height with your foot, then move ahead.” When he continued without incident, she went on to ask, “What image did you have?”

      He puffed out his cheeks on a big sigh. “Oh, just that you were a prune-faced old woman with a sharp nose and even sharper tongue. Good thing I didn’t ride away into the sunset with that impression all week.”

      She smiled at his description, recalling how sour and gruff he’d been when she’d first met him. “Likewise, it’s a good thing I didn’t hold you to my first impression, either.”

      Wincing, he pulled at his collar as though it was suddenly too tight for comfort.

      “For a while there, I thought my uncle’s high opinion of you was overrated.” She came to a stop and stared up at him. “But now, I think that it might just be underrated.”

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