A Mum For Amy. Ann Evans
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Название: A Mum For Amy

Автор: Ann Evans

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Single Father

isbn: 9781408910375


СКАЧАТЬ suddenly, snapping off the computer. She rose, pulled her purse out of the bottom drawer of the desk and grabbed her car keys. “Nope. I’m going to find out right now. Tonight.”

      IN THE END, Maggie didn’t make the four-hour drive up to Miami that evening. Even if she’d known where to find Teddy LaCrosse, tracking him down, forcing him into a midnight conversation, would look unprofessional and probably wouldn’t win her any points. She’d spent years trying to get a handle on her impulsive nature. No sense letting her emotions get the best of her now.

      But early the next morning, as she drove up the long stretch of US-1 that connected the mainland to the Keys, it wasn’t how to win over Teddy that ate at her nerves.

      It was the thought of Will Stewart.

      All Maggie could think about was how her gut had kicked to see his face again.

      Eight years seemed like a long time, and yet she could recall every detail of that bright spring afternoon as though it had happened yesterday. Huckabee’s arrest. Lisa, white-faced and trembling as they sat together at the police station. Someone handing Maggie a cup of coffee that spilled and burned her fingers because she, too, was shaking so badly.

      Most of all, she remembered Will striding into the detective’s office, rigid with anger and fear. He had pulled his sister into a hug so tight that Maggie imagined she could hear bones creak. She felt as if she were in a dream, the kind where a person can only watch, not move or speak. She saw Will enfold Lisa, saw his head bending. It almost made her weep to witness the exquisite tenderness with which his fingers traced her face as he crooned comfort to her.

      “What the hell happened?” he had demanded at last, and even his voice was white-hot.

      Oh, those words. In the pit of Maggie’s stomach, something twisted even tighter. He hadn’t addressed the detective. He swung to face her, fixing her with a stare that would have scattered some men like petals on the wind. Right then, in that moment, she knew it was over between them. She felt as though some support in the pit of her stomach had been abruptly ripped away.

      It took a little while, of course. There were charges to be filed and court appearances to make. It could have been worse, she supposed. Huckabee turned out to be a repeat offender. His attorney tried to persuade him to throw himself on the mercy of the court. Instead, thinking money could fix almost anything, the fool made the mistake of attempting to bribe the judge. He found himself in jail in record time.

      Lisa weathered all of it surprisingly well, thank God. After three sessions with a child psychologist who pronounced her very resilient, she seemed none the worse for what had happened.

      But for Will and Maggie…there was no hope.

      It was clear that Will held her responsible for everything. He didn’t say it. At least, not at first. But their time together took on a new unnatural formality, a masquerade performance for Lisa’s benefit. Words between them marched and maneuvered like tense soldiers. When Maggie tried to find a way to make it right again, she was met only with Will’s cast-iron composure, so that eventually, she, too, was forced to take refuge in blank-faced complacency.

      And then one night a month after the incident, everything just erupted. They opened a door between them that was impossible to shut. The argument was quick, hot and horrible. They stepped on each other’s sentences without waiting for responses. Will’s dark, fenced-in manner gave way to harsh accusations, until Maggie felt bludgeoned and desperate and the healthy instincts of self-defense rose up in her.

      But his anger was fully unleashed at last, and he would hear no explanations, no excuses. They were like stars separated by unimaginable distances and would never see eye to eye. Her impulsive, immature behavior had put Lisa in danger. Maggie was the adult. She should not have given in to his sister that day, knowing how he felt.

      In the end, every nugget of hope was extracted from their relationship, and there was nothing left to do but finish it. Nothing in her life had been easier than loving Will, and nothing about leaving him could have been harder. They traded one last, searing look. Operating on numb disbelief and adrenaline, Maggie walked out of Will’s house and did not glance back.

      She went home, weighed down with a misery she could barely comprehend. Deep inside where it counted, she felt withered and betrayed. Grief made her unapproachable for days. She stayed in her room over the objections of her parents, who begged her to come out. She cried a flood of tears, got angry and resentful all over again, then wept into her pillow for hours. It had been unbearable to be nineteen and heartbroken, and when Maggie finally did emerge, she had thought she would never be the same again.

      She was right.

      A week after that final argument, she learned she was pregnant with Will’s child.

      The green interstate sign announcing her approach to Miami brought Maggie back to the present. Just as well. She didn’t need to think about the mess her life had been eight years ago. She needed to stay focused on getting the LaCrosse contract. There had to be some new way to persuade Teddy to go with Sapphire Seas.

      Since the South Beach project was en route to Teddy’s office, Maggie stopped there first. She saw his sleek, red Lamborghini with the vanity plates parked just outside the main construction trailer and pulled to a halt nearby. Drawing a decisive deep breath, she reapplied lipstick, swept the wrinkles as best she could from her mauve skirt and tucked her bid file under one arm.

      The site hummed with activity. The LaCrosse Restoration Project—a massive resort, condo, shopping and dining complex—spanned an entire city block and seemed to be moving ahead quickly. Months ago, the land had been cleared and concrete poured. The hotel section, nearly complete, towered impressively, and Maggie glimpsed the guts of the lobby shaping up beneath it. Now, if only Sapphire Seas could be part of the excitement.

      Maggie entered the trailer. Because of the strong morning light, it took a moment for her eyes to adjust. Then she spotted Teddy, lounging in a high-backed office chair behind a desk laden with blueprints, tools and a storm of paperwork that probably kept some construction boss up late at night.

      He raised his head, looking surprised to see her. “Maggie,” he said in his usual affable way. “What an unexpected pleasure! What brings you to my neck of the woods?”

      A person could make the mistake of underestimating Teddy’s laid-back, aging surfer-boy demeanor, but Maggie knew that LaCrosse was a tough negotiator and nobody’s fool. She reached across the desk to firmly shake his hand. “Good to see you again, Teddy.”

      “I thought we were going to be talking later today.”

      “I was in town anyway,” Maggie lied. “Could we chat now?”

      “Sure, sure. I assume this is a business visit.”

      “It is.”

      He nodded toward the rear of the office. “Then you won’t mind if Will sits in.”

      Maggie turned to see Will Stewart at the small kitchen counter, pouring a cup of coffee from a battered-looking pot.

      She felt a jolt like an electric current turn her insides over. She hadn’t been expecting Will to be here, and considering her suspicions, she certainly wasn’t eager to speak to LaCrosse in front of him. She barely heard Teddy introduce Will as the project’s chief architect, a fact she’d already learned from the Internet.

      Will inclined his head. His quick, assessing gaze played СКАЧАТЬ