The Governess and Mr. Granville. Abby Gaines
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СКАЧАТЬ suppose you’ll want to tidy yourself first,” Dominic said.

      She looked surprised, but said agreeably, “As you wish.” She lifted the bonnet from her head.

      Alice shrieked; Molson made an exclamation, quickly muffled.

      Miss Somerton turned to stare at them. “What’s wrong?”

      “It appears, Miss Somerton, you have a lizard on your head,” Dominic said.

      The green creature (emerald was a gross exaggeration) perched motionless, as if moving might reveal its location to people who hadn’t noticed it.

      Dominic braced himself for the governess to fall into a faint; he would be obligated to catch her.

      Instead, she stilled, not in panic, but in cautious relief. “Isn’t that just like a lizard?” she said. “I didn’t even feel it, the stealthy little creature!” She beamed at the butler. “Rather like you, Mr. Molson.”

      So she, too, found the butler’s ability to materialize out of nowhere disconcerting? Molson appeared to take being compared to a lizard as a compliment; his countenance retained its butlerish impassivity, but his eyes twinkled. Had Dominic observed his butler’s eyes twinkling before?

      “I don’t suppose you have a jar you could put over Captain Emerald, Mr. Granville?” Miss Somerton asked.

      “No, Miss Somerton, I do not carry a jar on my person for the purpose of trapping lizards on young ladies’ heads.” Dominic stepped closer. “But if you remain still, I hope to pluck it from your hair. With your permission.”

      It seemed to take her a moment to realize he was asking for that permission.

      She smiled suddenly, but carefully, so as not to move her head. “Pluck away, Mr. Granville, please.”

      Her blue eyes were alight with humor. Dominic found himself grinning in return; the situation was quite absurd.

      Though Miss Somerton was of above average height, he still looked down on her hair, which was, he noted objectively, a color the poets called flaxen. He lowered his fingers in a pincer movement and grabbed the lizard.

      “Ha!” he murmured under his breath.

      “Am I to assume from your cry of triumph, Mr. Granville, that you have Captain Emerald in your grasp?” Miss Somerton asked. “And that I am therefore free to move?”

      “I have the creature, yes, but one of its feet has become tangled in your hair.” Dominic was suddenly aware he was closer than he’d ever been before to his children’s governess—and that he was touching her hair. Chaperoned by a butler, a footman and a housemaid, to be sure, but still... He wasn’t sure if this morning’s letter made the proximity more or less acceptable. “May I, er, attempt to extract it?”

      “That would be an excellent idea.” She encouraged him in much the same tone she used with Thomas.

      Which had the effect of removing any impropriety—which was good—but at the same time relegated her employer to the status of one of her charges.

      Dominic narrowed his eyes and applied himself to his task. “By the way, I wouldn’t describe my earlier reaction as a cry of triumph, Miss Somerton.”

      “My mistake,” she said demurely.

      “You might hear such a cry from me in, say, the hunting field,” he continued, “but I scarcely think capturing a lizard is worthy of acclaim.”

      “Slaughtering a large animal is a far more admirable achievement,” she said.

      Dominic paused in his untangling to meet her eyes. They were wide and innocent.

      He wasn’t fooled. No wonder his children were running wild! Their governess valued chasing butterflies and lizards above the academic and sporting pursuits essential to the life of an English country gentleman.

      Dominic freed the lizard at last and took a relieved step back. “Gregory, could you take this and deal with it as you see fit?”

      “Yes, sir,” the footman said with grim pleasure.

      “Oh, Gregory, no,” Miss Somerton protested. “You wouldn’t harm one of God’s creatures, would you?”

      Gregory looked uncertain at this invocation of the deity. “It’s a pest, miss. And it frightened Alice,” he added virtuously.

      “Only for a moment,” the maid said. A quelling look from Molson sent her hurrying toward the kitchen.

      “Gregory...” Miss Somerton clasped her hands in front of her and gave the man a look so beseeching, Dominic was amazed the servant didn’t melt into submission. “I realize you’ve been grossly inconvenienced by Captain—by this lizard. It definitely does not deserve your mercy. But Thomas is anxious to have it as a pet.”

      When Gregory scowled at the mention of Thomas, she added quickly, “Hetty is, too. I’m pleading with you, for Hetty’s sake, to leave it in the stables. In a jar. With a few twigs and leaves for comfort. And maybe a fly or two—the common lizard eats invertebrates, so any insect will do. A worm would be wonderful, if you happen to come across one.”

      As her list of demands grew more unreasonable, Dominic almost laughed. Clever of her to include the blameless Hetty in her plea for a reprieve for the lizard.

      And plea it was, since strictly speaking she couldn’t order Gregory to do anything. It was an awkward situation for Miss Somerton, Dominic knew. Since she was neither a member of the family nor a guest, she had no authority over the servants. But her status was unquestionably above Gregory’s...even more now than it had been.

      “Unfortunately, miss, Mr. Molson would need to excuse me from my duties for me to perform such tasks.” Gregory directed a hopeful glance at the butler, clearly wanting permission to be denied.

      “You may do as Miss Somerton asks, Gregory,” Molson said, and the footman departed in reluctant possession of one green lizard.

      “I shall tell Thomas—and Hetty—the good news,” Miss Somerton declared.

      “The library first, if you please,” Dominic said, deliberately forgetting his suggestion that she tidy herself. If he waited for the governess to comport herself in a more orderly fashion, he would be here until midnight.

      * * *

      After Molson had relieved Serena of her dented bonnet, she preceded Mr. Granville into the library. She was conscious of him behind her, conscious of his innate authority and, also, something she feared was disapproval.

      Perhaps he’d learned of one of those incidents that she’d decided wasn’t serious enough to report to him. In her opinion, the children were so courteous and well-behaved, few infractions were that serious.

      Dominic Granville waved her to a seat. “Miss Somerton, you probably know why I wish to talk to you—”

      “About Thomas going away to school?” she asked hopefully. “As I see it—”

      “Not that.” He frowned as he settled into the studded СКАЧАТЬ