From the First Kiss. Jessica Bird
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Название: From the First Kiss

Автор: Jessica Bird

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon Cherish

isbn: 9781408904800


СКАЧАТЬ anything, other than suffering should have been a relief. Instead, the flush kicked up regrets that almost had him crying out.

      Reese may be dead, but in Alex’s mind, Cassandra was still very much the man’s wife. And she always would be.

      Chapter Two

      The following afternoon Cassandra scanned the small crowd that had gathered in the living room for Gray and Joy’s marriage ceremony. Gray’s father, still recovering from a stroke, was sitting in a cushioned chair. Nate Walker, who was married to Alex’s sister Frankie, was standing against some windows. Next to him was a handsome, black-haired guy with a tattoo on his neck. Spike? Yes, that was his name. Libby, Gray’s housekeeper, was behind Spike. In her hands, she had the leash of a golden retriever who had a ring of flowers around his neck.

      At the head of the room, in front of the fire, there was a collared minister holding a leather book. Flanking him were Gray and his best man, Sean O’Banyon, as well as Alex’s two sisters, Joy and Frankie.

      As Cass caught Gray’s eye and waved to him, she thought the man had never looked happier. She’d known him for almost a decade and had watched him grow so hard she’d worried that no one could reach him. But here he was, smiling like a schoolboy, love shining in his eyes as he shifted his weight impatiently.

      Cass went over and stood next to the dog. Spike was stroking one of the retriever’s ears, and the man flashed her a smile, his odd yellow eyes crinkling at the corners.

      “You want to take Ernest’s other side?” he said quietly, as if he sensed she was nervous.

      The dog looked up, clearly seconding the invitation.

      She laid a hand on Ernest’s soft head. While patting, she glanced behind her.

      “Don’t worry,” Libby whispered. “I just left Joy in the kitchen. She hasn’t forgotten what she’s supposed to do in that gown.”

      But the bride wasn’t who Cass was looking for.

      Moments later the double doors from the dining room opened and Joy appeared. Dressed in a simple white satin sheath, and holding a small bouquet of cream-colored roses, she walked up to Gray, glowing like a sunrise.

      Cass glanced over her shoulder once more. She’d been steeling herself to see Alex all morning, sure that he wouldn’t miss his sister’s wedding. He was in rough shape, but certainly not that rough.

      Although, it wasn’t as if she were going to volunteer to check on him.

      Just as the minister flipped open the Book of Common Prayer, she caught a movement over to the right.

      Cass’s eyes grabbed and held on to Alex as he came in on crutches. He positioned himself in the far corner, leaning back against the wall and kicking out his cast. He’d shaved, and his damp hair was brushed straight back from his forehead. Without any whiskers or bangs, the bones in his face were very clear. His high, carved cheekbones. That hard jawline. The straight nose.

      He was wearing a different pair of flannel pajama bottoms, in a Black Watch plaid. One of the legs had been split up the side to accommodate his cast and a couple of safety pins had been used to keep the two halves together above his knee. His button-down shirt was white and pressed, tucked neatly into the waistband.

      His eyes were trained on the ceremony. Which was good because she didn’t want to get caught staring at him.

      She forced herself to look away.

      Alex knew the moment Cassandra’s gaze left him. It was a goddamned relief.

      And he did a good job of not staring at her. He kept his head forward, staying focused on his sister.

      At least until the minister addressed Gray. “Will you love her and comfort her, honor and keep her…”

      Alex shifted his head a little to the left so he could catch sight of Cassandra in his peripheral vision. She was wearing a spectacular dark red jacket-and-skirt combo that fit her body as if made for it. Which the clothes undoubtedly had been.

      But it wasn’t the fancy threads that made her beautiful. She was bent to the side in her high heels, stroking the dog’s head. Little blond hairs were getting all over the beautiful suit but she didn’t care. She just urged Ernest closer, smiling at him as he leaned into her.

       Will you love her…

      I will, he thought. All the days of my worthless life.

      And he wanted to comfort her. He just couldn’t do that without dishonoring her and his dead friend. Not knowing how he felt. Knowing what he’d done.

      “I will,” Gray said from up front.

      After the bride and groom kissed, the couple turned and faced the small assembly. As Joy’s happy eyes met Alex’s, he was glad he’d come down. He nodded at her, gave her a smile and then propped his weight on the crutches. He wasn’t going to stay for the reception and wanted to leave before he got trapped talking to people.

      As he made his way out into the hall, he looked up at the grand front staircase. Three flights, two landings. Probably forty or so steps. It was going to take him a good ten minutes to get up them.

      “Yo, you need help?” Spike asked casually. The guy had obviously followed him out at a discreet distance.

      Spike was a good guy, Alex thought. Calm, steady, even though he looked like a dangerous criminal with the tattoos and piercings. He and Nate were partners in the White Caps kitchen and had catered the wedding at Gray’s house.

      “Thanks, man, but I’m good.”

      Alex started for the rear of the house. Taking the back stairs to the second floor was better. That way, no one would watch him struggle.

      As he pushed open the kitchen’s swinging door, he noticed the place smelled fantastic and was surprised when his stomach checked in with a faded version of hunger pangs. Punching the crutches into the floor and swinging his body along, he paused when he heard his name called out.

      He smiled as he looked back at Joy. “Hey, married woman.”

      “Thank you so much for coming down.” She ran over and threw her arms around his neck, holding on so tightly he could barely breathe. Unable to return the embrace because of the crutches, he dropped his head down to his sister’s shoulder. He was a little shaken by how much his presence seemed to mean to her.

      “Thank you,” she whispered again.

      “Wouldn’t have missed it for the world.”

      There was the sound of laughter and then the flap door was thrown open.

      Gray’s best man came barreling into the kitchen. With his arm around Cassandra.

      The Wall Street big shot was laughing and smiling. “—so Spike and Nate deserve a break, you and I are it, baby cakes.”

      The two pulled up short. And Alex found himself measuring the guy for a fight.

      Which was insane.

      First of all, Cassandra СКАЧАТЬ