From the First Kiss. Jessica Bird
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Название: From the First Kiss

Автор: Jessica Bird

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon Cherish

isbn: 9781408904800


СКАЧАТЬ fact that one of the short-listers was a white-haired grandmother.

      Libby brought the coffee over first, and Alex closed his eyes as he took the first sip. The stuff was steaming hot and strong enough to wake the dead.

      In a word, divine.

      When he started to sweat, he realized he was sitting in a shaft of sunlight. He peeled off the fleece and went back to work on the mug.

      As he sipped and stroked Ernest’s ear, the moment sank into him with the pleasurable flush of an unexpected kind word. The dog’s head was a warm weight on his good leg. Libby’s friendly chatter about Saranac Lake’s characters was like the crackle of a cheery fire. The rhythmic hiss of a wire whisk cutting through batter reminded him of happy mornings from his childhood.

      He settled back against the chair and closed his eyes again. His leg was throbbing, but it was a dull pump, not the kind of pain that made his skin ache. He took a deep breath and felt his shoulders loosen on the exhale.

      “More coffee?” Libby asked gently.

      He opened his lids and smiled. “Please.”

      She brought over the coffeepot, refilled his mug to the brim and then hurried back to the griddle to flip over the pancakes. When the bacon slices hit the pan, he shut his eyes once more.

      Hunger cut through him and he welcomed it.

      Minutes later Libby set a heavy plate in front of him along with a stick of butter and a gravy boat full of syrup. He put a slice of bacon in his mouth while he lathered up the pancakes and doused them in maple heaven. Then he tore through the food.

      When he put his fork down, he and Libby were both a little surprised at the clean plate. Ernest looked disappointed.

      “You want more?” Libby asked.

      Alex rubbed his belly. “Ah, yeah. Thanks.”

      As a cold November wind gusted up from the lake, Cassandra put her hands on her hips and surveyed the ruins of the White Caps Bed and Breakfast. When she stepped toward the house, she heard the five people behind her move along like a small herd. Frankie and Nate, Joy, Gray and Sean had all come for the tour.

      Wow, what a house this is, she thought, measuring the structure’s superb, Federal lines. Sitting regally on a bluff that jutted out into the lake, the place was a real charmer, all white clapboards and shiny black shutters. The fire damage in the back was jarring, like a bruise on the face of a beautiful woman.

      “Thomas Crane was the architect, right?” she asked as she walked over to the kitchen where the destruction was the most severe.

      “It was one of Crane’s last commissions,” Frankie replied.

      “Do you have the original plans?”

      “Fortunately, yes. The set has always been kept out in my father’s workshop so it survived the fire.”

      Cassandra lifted a sheet of thick plastic and stepped through what had been the kitchen door. Even though the fire had been a month ago, the pungent stench of smoke and ash hung in the air.

      “This part of the house wasn’t added on later, was it?”

      “No, it’s in the plans,” Frankie said. “When our father converted the mansion into a B and B in the seventies, all he did was bring up the kitchen to restaurant code. He didn’t make any changes to the structure.”

      Cass looked around, assessing the load-bearing walls. They seemed mostly solid, though someone had buttressed one with a couple of two-by-fours to make sure it didn’t sag. She glanced upward. The ceiling was burnt through in places so she could see past the joists to the second floor.

      She pointed over to the scorched back staircase. “I’d like to go upstairs, but not using those.”

      “The ones in front are safe,” Nate replied.

      A half hour later, the group was out on the lawn again.

      “So what do you think?” Frankie asked as they piled into Sean’s massive Mercedes-Benz.

      Cass gathered her thoughts before answering. “I’d have to see the plans and reflect a little before I could give you even the roughest estimate of time and cost.”

      “But you don’t think we need to tear the wing down and rebuild it from scratch, right?”

      “God, no! Although you will have to go slowly because you should save as much as you can. Given the historic nature of the house, a contractor who has respect for its pedigree will be the best choice for you.” Her voice drifted. “I tell you, the workmanship on the moldings in those front rooms is remarkable. The hours of labor… Thank heavens that balustrade going up the main stairs wasn’t ruined. You just don’t see that kind of curvilinear detail very often. Amazing what the human hand can do with a tool, isn’t it?”

      She closed her eyes, savoring the images she’d stored up.

      What a house.

      When they pulled up to Gray’s, the group unpacked themselves and went through the back door into the kitchen. From around the corner, Ernest came barreling at them, stopping to greet each of the arrivals like he was the official ambassador of the household.

      “So will you do it?” Frankie asked.

      “Do what?” Cass replied while taking off her coat and stepping into the kitchen.

      “Be our architect and general contractor.”

      Cass stopped, but not only because of the question. Alex was across the room, sitting at the table.

      With a flush, she saw his body arching up under her hand.

      She looked down quickly.

      Which was actually a good thing. Because she’d just dropped her coat on the dog.

      “Well?” Frankie prompted. “We can pay you. The insurance company is going after the manufacturer of the gas stove that started the fire. Money’s not going to be a problem.”

      “I, uh—”

      Actually, I’d like to go lie down now. Because being in the same room with your brother this morning is making me dizzy and incoherent.

      Sean stepped forward. “Cass, are your bags packed? We gotta hit the road, woman.”

      She cleared her throat. “Yes. They’re in my room.”

      “I’ll get them.” As Sean strode through the kitchen, he nodded at Alex. “Moorehouse.”

      “O’Banyon,” Alex shot back.

      The sound of the rough, low voice took Cass right back to the man’s bedside. Where she’d touched his body. Where she’d watched him move. Where he’d—

      Get a grip.

      Well, she’d sure had one last night….

      Cass shut her СКАЧАТЬ