Hawaiian Sunset, Dream Proposal. Joanna Neil
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Название: Hawaiian Sunset, Dream Proposal

Автор: Joanna Neil

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon Medical

isbn: 9781408918074


СКАЧАТЬ back to Caitlin. ‘I know this is going to be hard for you to accept,’ she said softly, ‘but your father is never going to be the man he once was. He’s very frail and once he’s up and about again he’ll find that he’s short of breath if he tries to do too much. He’ll have to take things slowly and that means he will need a long convalescence.’

      Caitlin looked bewildered. ‘He’s never going to tolerate that. He’s always been so vigorous. The business has been everything to him, and I can’t see him sitting back and taking a passive role.’

      ‘I don’t believe he’ll have any choice,’ Amber said in a quiet voice. ‘He can look forward to a reasonable quality of life if he takes things easy. Perhaps you can help by encouraging him to do that?’

      Caitlin looked at the computer screen, sending her cousin a look of complete bewilderment. ‘The business is everything to him,’ she said. ‘How is he going to be able to hand over the reins?’

      Ethan’s reply was brisk. ‘I’m his partner,’ he remarked in a matter-of-fact tone. ‘I’ll have to step in and make decisions for him.’

      ‘But you’ve never been involved one hundred per cent in the business,’ Caitlin protested. ‘How is that going to work? You know what he’s like. He’ll never sit back and allow others to take over.’

      ‘You’ll have to leave it to me to sort things out,’ Ethan said. ‘I’m more worried about how you’re going to manage. You still have a few weeks to go at university before you have to come home, don’t you? Do you want me to come over and help you out?’

      Caitlin shook her head. ‘No, I couldn’t ask that of you. I know how busy you are, and you’ll have even more on your plate now that this has happened. You can’t afford to take time off from your work. I’ll manage. Don’t worry about me. I have friends who will help me to get through this, and it’s comforting to have this link set up so that I’m able to talk to you this way. It helps to put my mind at rest knowing that you’re at the other end of a phone.’

      Amber looked at her with renewed respect. Maybe she was growing up fast because of what had happened to her father. She wondered what it was that kept Ethan Brookes so busy, if he wasn’t taking an active role in his uncle’s business. What kind of work was he involved in?

      ‘Will you keep me informed of what’s going on over there, Dr Shaw?’ His voice cut into her thoughts, and she blinked, looking up at the screen.

      ‘Of course. I shall take a personal interest in your uncle’s welfare. It may be that once he’s up and about, we can refer him to our rehabilitation unit. They’re very good at helping people to get back on their feet and helping them to learn how to cope with their limitations.’ She studied him briefly. ‘I understand how difficult this must be for everyone to take on board, but if you have any worries or questions, you only have to ask and I’ll do my best to explain things.’

      Ethan nodded. ‘I know it can’t be easy for you, relaying everything to me from such a long distance, but I do appreciate what you have been doing up to now. I should warn you, though, that illness and frailty won’t keep my uncle down for long. Even though it seems that he might be easy to manage at the moment, once he’s sitting up and taking notice you’re likely to find him quite a different kettle of fish.’

      ‘I’ll try to bear that in mind,’ Amber said. She wondered why he was warning her. Did he not think her capable of dealing with a difficult patient? She doubted Martyn would ever cause her a problem…he seemed to be a likeable man, through and through.

      She glanced towards Caitlin. The girl was talking softly to her father, lightly stroking his hand in a gesture of affection, and Amber decided that for the moment she was calm enough and probably had as much information as she could handle. It would probably be best to leave her to come to terms with her father’s condition at her own pace.

      She looked back at the flat-panel computer screen, taking in the breathtaking sight of the Hawaiian seashore in the background. ‘Every time I see you, you’re close by the beach,’ she murmured, focussing once more on Ethan. ‘I had assumed that you were talking to us from your workplace—perhaps I was wrong about that? I must admit I’ve been envying your lifestyle.’

      He gave her a fleeting smile that lit up his features. ‘I should have explained,’ he said. He waved a hand at the villa behind him. ‘This is where I live. I’ve been trying to call the hospital from here whenever possible. You perhaps don’t realise that it’s actually very early in the morning over here, not long past sunrise, and I haven’t even had breakfast yet, let alone set off for work. Besides, if I were to ring from the office, my uncle would soon become agitated. He likes to keep his finger on the pulse of what’s going on, and any sign of his workplace would be enough to bring his blood pressure up.’

      ‘You’re right…I hadn’t even thought about the time difference. It’s late afternoon here.’ So late, in fact, that she was due to finish her shift shortly. ‘Anyway, from what I can see of it,’ Amber murmured, ‘you have a beautiful home.’

      ‘Thank you. I certainly appreciate it,’ Ethan said. ‘Maybe at a time when neither of us is quite so busy, I’ll show you around the inside, via the webcam.’

      ‘I think I’d like that,’ Amber agreed. ‘It won’t be quite the same as being there, but I’m sure to get something of the feel of the place.’ Maybe technology wasn’t so bad after all. She smiled. ‘All that sand and sea and palm trees waving in the light breeze make me long for my summer vacation. Not that I’d ever be likely to go as far as Hawaii.’

      Perhaps it was the smile that caused it, but Ethan’s eyes widened a fraction as he looked at her intently. After a moment or two his gaze moved slowly over her, as though he was seeing her properly for the first time, and she was suddenly conscious of the clothes she was wearing—a skirt that fell smoothly over the curve of her hips to drape softly around her legs, and a snugly fitting cotton top. What did he make of her? she wondered. Did he only see her as young and inexperienced, incapable of taking proper care of his uncle?

      ‘I’m sure you would love it here,’ he said. ‘I’ll be sure to show you the landscape all around when you check in again.’

      At that moment, Martyn made a faint groaning sound, and Amber turned immediately to look at him. She moved closer to the bedside. ‘How are you feeling?’ she asked.

      ‘A bit sore,’ Martyn answered. ‘And very tired…It’s as if all my energy has drained away.’

      ‘That’s to be expected,’ Amber told him. ‘It’s nature’s way of telling you to take things easy.’

      ‘That’s not what I’m used to,’ he said with a wry smile. His gaze wandered to the computer screen. ‘I thought I heard voices,’ he murmured. ‘Ethan, my boy, I’m glad you’re there. What’s happening at the plantation?’ He paused to drag in a shaky breath. ‘Are you managing to keep on top of things?’

      Amber raised her eyes heavenward. Caitlin and Ethan had been right when they’d said he wouldn’t let go. Here he was, slowly coming round from the effects of an injection that had made him woozy and tranquil, and he was already asking questions. ‘I’ll leave you in the care of the nurse while I go and look in on my other patients,’ she told him. ‘Have a chat with your family, but don’t go tiring yourself. You need to rest.’

      She gazed at the screen and sent Ethan a look that spoke volumes. He nodded, and gave her a smile in return. ‘I’ll make sure of it,’ he said.