Posh Doc Claims His Bride. Anne Fraser
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Название: Posh Doc Claims His Bride

Автор: Anne Fraser

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon Medical

isbn: 9781408907597


СКАЧАТЬ with a group of fellow sailors towing the islands. He had known that. Still there wasn’t a flicker in his eyes.

      ‘Colin did mention that you had been here before, so at least you know what to expect.’

      ‘Meagan sailed competitively, Cameron. She’s a woman of many talents.’ Colin smiled fondly at Meagan. ‘I still have my old boat if ever you want to use it. I don’t get out in it much these days,’ he said, rubbing his hip with a grimace, ‘but Cameron takes care of her for me. I’m sure he’d be delighted to take you out on it. Won’t you, Cameron?’

      Cameron smiled, his eyes creasing at the corners. ‘It would be my pleasure, but I suspect we’ll both be too busy while you’re away to do much sailing. Anyway, shall we get down to business?’

      The next hour passed swiftly as Cameron quizzed Meagan on her experience. She knew that there was little he could find to criticise, except perhaps her limited experience as a general practitioner. She hadn’t actually worked as a GP since she’d completed her general practice training. The end of her training had coincided with Charlie’s death, and once she had emerged from her haze of grief she had gone overseas. While her experience there had shown her she could cope with most things, working as a GP was bound to have its own challenges.

      Colin leaned back in his chair, apparently satisfied that the interview was drawing to a close.

      ‘The practice covers the whole of Uist, with a population of around two thousand, a large proportion of whom is elderly. We can handle most things but what we can’t handle comfortably we send to Stornoway, or for more specialist care to Glasgow. We’re very fortunate to have Cameron, who is a member of the Royal College of Paediatricians and who is happy to see most of the children,’ Colin informed Meagan.

      Meagan looked over at Cameron in surprise. What was a qualified paediatrician doing in rural practice? she wondered. But something in his expression warned her not to pursue the matter.

      ‘We do our own on-call rota and I’m afraid that’s one in two at the moment,’ Colin went on ‘You’ll have every second night and weekend on and every second one off. Do you feel you can cope?’

      ‘That’s fine. I’m used to working hard. I prefer to keep busy,’ Meagan said. It was the truth. Working so hard that she had no time for thinking had been what had saved her sanity.

      Colin looked satisfied. ‘Well, that’s sorted, then. Take tomorrow to settle in and then make a start the day after. Now let’s go and get some dinner, shall we? I’m sure you’re ready for it, Meagan, after your long journey. Peggy is looking forward to seeing you. Are you sure you won’t join us, Cameron? You know they’ll be plenty.’

      ‘No, thanks, Colin. I need to get home. But give my love to Peggy and both of you have a wonderful holiday. Don’t worry about us here. We’ll be fine. I’ll look in on you tomorrow at some point, Meagan. Perhaps show you around, if you like?’ Cameron said. He stood, stretching his lean frame.

      ‘I’ll look forward to it,’ Meagan said politely.

      ‘Goodnight, then,’ he said leaving Meagan and Colin alone.

      Meagan watched his departing back, before turning back to Colin.

      ‘Are you sure he wants me here?’ she said anxiously.

      ‘He wasn’t altogether keen,’ Colin admitted reluctantly. ‘Nothing personal, you understand. He just thought we should have asked someone a little more…well, settled. He knows I am looking to retire and that we need a replacement for me. He’s worried that a young single woman won’t stay and he’s also little worried you don’t have enough experience for the job.’

      Meagan’s heart sank. Her day was going from bad to worse. On top of everything, it seemed that Cameron had opposed her appointment. Had it simply been her lack of experience or had he known who she was? He had shown no indication that he’d known she was the new locum when they had met on the road, and there was no reason for him to associate her married name, Dr Galbraith, with Meagan Davidson. And what about him? Was he married? She swallowed a sigh. If she had known that she would find Cameron here, would she still have come? She had taken the job because she had thought it would be a fresh start, and the last thing she needed were complications. And somehow she recognised with a shiver that working with Cameron was going to be a complication she could do without. Still, it was too late now. She was here. At least until Colin returned from his trip.

      Colin must have noticed how dejected she felt because he added hastily, ‘I’m sure once he gets to know you he’ll recognise that you are the right person for the job and then you’ll get on famously. You have a lot in common. Until then, try not to worry. Cameron will see you come to no harm. You can trust him with your life.’

      But, as Meagan followed Colin out of the surgery, she wasn’t altogether sure she could trust herself.

      As Cameron drove home he was thinking about his new colleague. It had been a surprise when he had recognised the woman in the car. And an even bigger shock to find that she was the new locum. He had known her as Meagan Davidson, now she was Meagan Galbraith. She had married, then, but where was her husband? Were they separated? Divorced? Why had she come alone?

      Even before he’d realised who the locum was, he’d had grave reservations about taking on someone with her level of experience. And it wasn’t just her relative lack of general practice experience that had worried him. She was clearly used to a more exciting life than the one she’d find here. Why had she come? And how did he feel about seeing her again?

      Despite the lines of pain etched into the corners of her mouth—and he wondered what had caused them—she looked even younger than her 26 years. She had no idea of how vulnerable she appeared, especially, he thought amused, with the small smear of dirt on her brow that had escaped her cleaning efforts. Notwithstanding the odd blob of dirt, she looked more like a fashion icon from the city than a country doctor.

      A practice like theirs couldn’t afford passengers. He had wanted to recruit someone older, more experienced, but there hadn’t been many applicants. Cameron had been carrying an increased share of the practice burden for the last year as Colin had relinquished more and more to his younger partner.

      Cameron had known about Colin’s friendship with the new locum’s father and had been concerned that the friendship might have influenced the older doctor’s decision, but Colin had been adamant that Meagan was an exceptional junior doctor who had passed all her exams with distinction. So, despite his reservations, he had agreed to go along with his partner’s choice. And that choice had turned out to be more interesting than he could ever have suspected. Well, it was done now. He would just have to keep a close eye on Meagan and be there to offer support to her and the patients whenever possible. And as for the fact she still made his pulse race? That was just male libido, he told himself firmly, and the fact he had been too long without a woman. It was nothing whatsoever to do with eyes the colour of the sea after rain and a mouth made for kissing. Nothing whatsoever.


      IT TOOK Meagan a couple of seconds to realise where she was when she woke up the next morning. It had been dark when Colin had dropped her off the night before and, exhausted, she had gone straight to bed. Despite her tiredness, she had lain awake, thinking about Cameron. Why had he never tried to get in touch with her? She had been so sure that he had felt the same way she had that night they had met. She had waited for him to contact her, but eventually anticipation had turned into disappointment with the realisation he was never going to. She had been badly mistaken about him and the kind of man he was. Now he was here СКАЧАТЬ