Yuletide Stalker. Irene Brand
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Название: Yuletide Stalker

Автор: Irene Brand

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Love Inspired

isbn: 9781408967317


СКАЧАТЬ ready, come to the house for breakfast. We’ll spend the next two days in Honolulu visiting the World War II sites that you want to see and also laze around on Waikiki Beach for a few hours.”

      He opened the door. Hesitantly, she said, “Do you have time to come in?”

      Wondering, he said, “Yes, of course.”

      “I want to show you something.”

      Maddie went into the bedroom area and returned with the newspaper she’d gotten on the plane. She spread it out before him and pointed to the article that had disturbed her. “Do you know anything about this?”

      Linc threaded his fingers through his thick hair. “I’m sorry you found out before I had a chance to tell you. If you’ve read the paper, you know as much as I do. The prison break was reported on television, but since residents have both English and Hawaiian names, at first I didn’t connect the escapees with your father’s death. Since the military is doing the investigation, they won’t release much information, but I’m sure that it is Commander Horton’s death.”

      “Will you tell me about Daddy’s death? I’m sure I heard details of the accident when I was a child, but Mother didn’t like to talk about it. I don’t remember what really happened.”

      “Yes, I will, but shouldn’t we wait until tomorrow? You must be tired, and if we start talking about this tonight, you probably won’t go to sleep.”

      “You’re right, of course.”

      His eyes were compassionate as he said, “It must have been a jolt for you to learn about this new development when you’re so far from your family and friends.”

      “Actually, I don’t really have a family. I’m an only child, and except for a few cousins I rarely see, there isn’t anyone. My grandmother died soon after my mother did. After that, you know that I spent two years at the Valley of Hope.”

      Linc nodded, and she continued, “And the last two years I’ve lived in a college dorm. I’ve gone to school winter and summer because I didn’t have anything else to do. I have some very special friends, however, and I’m thankful for them.”

      “I guess we have a lot in common. I’m an only child, too, and I joined the navy after my parents died in a car accident. I have several aunts and uncles and lots of cousins, but we don’t keep in touch. My fault, not theirs.”

      Stifling another yawn, Maddie said, “Because I don’t have any home ties, I do appreciate this invitation to visit you. Christmas has always been a sad time for me, so I’m determined to enjoy myself while I’m here despite this disturbing news, which may concern Daddy.”

      Linc squeezed her hand gently.

      “Hey, I’m a loner, too,” he said with a gentle smile. “The pleasure is mine. You’re going to keep me from being lonely this Christmas.” Tugging gently on her hair, he laughed and said, “Once you get used to the angels in the nativity scenes wearing leis instead of halos, you’ll enjoy Christmas in Hawaii.”

      Maddie stood in the door and watched Linc’s long stride as he returned to the house. His last words sounded as if he was speaking to a child. Why did that annoy her?


      After the long flight, Maddie had expected to fall asleep quickly. The bed was comfortable, the room was cool, and she was irritated when she flounced until the covers resembled a war zone. She couldn’t stop thinking about Linc. The affection she’d harbored for him since she’d first met him had been like a child’s security blanket. Following the death of her father, she’d needed a physical reminder to keep his memory alive in her heart and mind. Linc had been that reminder.

      During her teen years, after her mother had gotten ill, she’d also needed an anchor, and Linc’s memory had provided that. Thinking of Linc as her special friend had helped her bear the loss of both parents. Although their contact had been infrequent, she’d remembered him in her heart as a sort of knight in shining armor. She had imagined him to be all that was good, noble and caring. How did the Linc she’d met today measure up to her dream man?

      Maddie groaned, turned on her stomach and buried her head in the pillow. Linc was even more charming than she had ever imagined. Would spending a month with him bring her a lot of grief? He obviously thought of her as a child. And what about his relationship with Ahonui? If she allowed herself to fall in love with Linc, would she go home with a broken heart?

      Tears stained the pillow before Maddie finally fell sleep, but she awakened at daylight. She showered and dressed for the day in jeans and a blue-and-white stripped tunic-length cotton shirt. Since her fair skin burned easily, she thought the cuffed three-quarter-length sleeves would be helpful. The shirttail hem allowed the blouse to hang loosely about her hips. She put on the sandals she’d worn yesterday. She hadn’t brought many clothes, because she hoped to buy a few locally made garments.

      Linc hadn’t said what time Roselina served breakfast, but since it wasn’t yet seven o’clock, she walked to the beach. The tide was out, and she picked up several small shells to take to her friend Lucy. She stepped out of her shoes to test the temperature of the water. It was cool, but not too cold, and she thought she could easily swim each morning.

      Hearing a sound behind her, Maddie turned and waved to Linc, who walked toward her. He wore white walking shorts and a red knit shirt. Her heart fluttered like a leaf caught in a strong wind, and this reaction to Linc’s appearance irritated her. What had happened to her common sense?

      “You’re up early,” he said.

      “I couldn’t sleep. My mind and body are still operating on Eastern Standard Time.”

      “That happens sometimes,” he said. “It will take a day or two for you to get over jet lag.”

      Laughing up at him, Maddie said, “I didn’t realize what jet lag was until I woke up before dawn this morning.”

      “Ready for breakfast?” Linc said. “Roselina has everything prepared. I have a full day planned for you.”

      “Such as?”

      “Since you want to research World War II in Hawaii, I’ll take you to the Punch Bowl Cemetery to see the memorial to the men who died in that war. We’ll also go to Pearl Harbor and visit the USS Arizona memorial. After you get a general view of these historic places, you can do more detailed research if you like.”

      “I’m planning to collect books and pamphlets, as well as take pictures. I brought some disposable cameras with me.”

      Roselina served breakfast on the patio. In the distance, large ships plied the open waters of the Pacific. Palm trees along the coast swayed like ballerinas in the mild breeze. Sun had warmed the air, but the breeze had a cooling effect.

      Sipping on a glass of pineapple juice, Maddie said, “This can’t be me—Maddie Horton—in paradise. We’d already had snow and some zero temperatures before I left home. Pinch me so I can tell if I’m dreaming.”

      Playfully, Linc reached across the table and pinched her arm lightly. It was a simple gesture, but an electrifying one. Blue eyes looked into gray ones, and for a moment the universe seemed to stand still, as if they were seeing each other for the first time.

      Coming out on СКАЧАТЬ