Way to Her Heart. Melanie Schuster
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Название: Way to Her Heart

Автор: Melanie Schuster

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Kimani

isbn: 9781472011350


СКАЧАТЬ You have to take baby steps first, Uncle Lucas.”

      She sounded so wise and worldly that Lucas had to smother a laugh. “Sydney, you’re pretty sure of yourself. This is a big enterprise you’re talking about. I like your mom a lot, but it’s going to take more than that for the two of us to start dating. I think this is something that you need to leave up to your mom. It has to be her decision, and you and I have to respect her wishes.”

      “Uncle Lucas, don’t be a chicken baby. No pain, no gain, no gain, no glory.”

      “Where in the world did you get that from?”

      Sydney looked thoughtful as she told him she’d heard it on the Food Network. “I was watching Iron Chef America and Alton Brown said it. It made sense to me.”

      This time Lucas laughed out loud. “Sydney, are you sure you’re only six? That’s some mighty grown-up thinking for a little girl.”

      “I’ll be seven in a little while. And I’m precocious—my teacher said so. So, what are you going to do first? We have to have a plan. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. That’s on Mommy’s quote-of-the-day calendar,” she informed him.

      “The first thing we need to do is take these refreshments to the ladies. Next I need to go to the store for some more provisions. Do you want to come with me?”

      Her face lit up and she agreed. “That’s a good idea. We can make our plans on the way.”

      He scooped her up off the high stool and placed her on the floor. Lucas covered the basket of tea cakes with another cloth napkin and handed it to Sydney along with a stack of smaller napkins. After filling a clear ice bucket, he grabbed the pitcher of tea and they went out on the deck to replenish the drinks. They were greeted with joy when the plump, golden pastries were revealed. Sydney took her job as server quite seriously, making sure that each woman had a fresh napkin and a fragrant, vanilla-scented cake. Lucas refilled each glass with fresh ice and sweet tea, making sure that everyone was comfortable as he did so. He was complimentary and attentive to all the ladies, but he had a private remark for Sherri. He refilled her glass and handed it to her with a smile.

      “Sherri, as you know, we’re making a special Mother’s Day dinner today and I need to go to the market for a few things. Would it be okay if Sydney went with me? We won’t be gone very long.”

      Sherri slipped her sunglasses off and gave him the brilliant smile that never failed to warm his heart. “Sure, if you promise not to let her talk you into buying crazy things. Everything she sees on the Food Network she wants to try, so watch out or you’ll end up with a basket full of durian fruit and oxtails, or something equally odd.”

      Lucas gave her a smile of pleasure. Not many people could reference the famously smelly tropical fruit like that. It was just one more thing he liked about her—the fact that she knew about food. He was about to answer her when his grandmother spoke up.

      Delilah looked at her grandson and then at Sherri. “Now this is what I was talking about. Sherri, you and Lucas make a lovely couple. He’s a perfect choice for you,” she said warmly.

      Sherri’s eyes grew wide but before she could get really embarrassed, Jared and his father returned from walking the dogs on the beach. There were four pups; two belonged to the elder VanBurens and two belonged to Alexis and Jared. Lucas took advantage of the happy commotion created by the dogs to suggest that Sherri should make her escape.

      “Hey, if you want to hide out, come with us to the market. My gran means no harm but she has no problem getting into other people’s business,” he said with a rueful grin.

      “You know what? That sounds like a great idea,” Sherri agreed, and in minutes they’d made their getaway.

      Chapter 2

      Sherri was surprised at how much she enjoyed her excursion with Lucas. Sydney was supposed to go with them, but she opted to stay and play with the dogs. She doted on the energetic little Corgis and Sherri had no doubt that there was going to be a puppy or two in their very near future. So that left her all alone with Lucas. It wasn’t awkward or uncomfortable at all because she was used to him. Ever since her bestie Alexis had married Jared VanBuren, the members of his family had become fairly familiar to Sherri.

      She and Lucas had been partners in the wedding and he’d been a lot of fun. He was a good dancer and a great conversationalist. Since he’d moved to Columbia to take over as executive chef at Seven-Seventeen, the restaurant owned by the VanBuren brothers, she saw him fairly often. Lucas was a swell guy, no doubt about it. He was also quite good-looking. He was a perfect combination of his African-American mother and Caucasian father, with thick, wavy, golden-brown hair, green eyes and tawny skin. He was nice and tall, too; all the VanBuren men were inches over six feet.

      “Is there something in my teeth? Do I have a hanger or something?” He flipped down the visor to peer in the mirror and stare in his nostrils with mock anxiety.

      “No, you don’t. I’d tell you if you did, promise,” Sherri said with a laugh.

      “You’re staring at me. I thought I looked weird or something.”

      “Not at all. I was just thinking about how good-looking you are. Your whole family, I mean. You VanBurens are a handsome crew,” she said.

      “Thanks, but I can’t take credit for that. I merely reap the benefits of a beautiful mixture of races and genes. My mom and dad are the ones who have the good looks. They were just kind enough to share them with us. Just like you shared yours with Sydney. She looks just like you,” he said. He had a deep, rich voice and she enjoyed listening to him talk.

      “Our baby pictures are identical,” she confessed.

      “Okay, here’s the place,” Lucas said as he turned into the parking lot of the giant farmers’ market located on a part of Hilton Head island known as Honey Horn.

      Sherri was duly impressed with the huge, immaculately kept facility. She was so busy looking at the market that she almost missed the fact that Lucas had opened her car door. She put her hand into his absently until she felt the warmth of his strong fingers. A sensation like a mild electric shock raced right up her arm, spreading warmth as it went. Wow. What was that? Profoundly glad that Lucas had glanced at something in the distance, Sherri gracefully exited the car. She was pretty sure she had a goofy expression on her face and she was relieved he hadn’t seen it. Luckily, he didn’t seem to have noticed her momentary schoolgirl foolishness. As they entered the market, Sherri inhaled the fresh smells of the gorgeous produce displayed in tempting piles.

      “Sydney would love this. She might have forsaken her beloved doggies to see all of this.”

      They stopped by a stand that sold locally made baskets. Lucas bought two large ones and a T-shirt with the market logo for Sydney. “Now she won’t feel like she missed out. We’ll have to bring her here the next time we’re on the island.”

      “That’s so thoughtful of you,” Sherri said warmly. “She’s a big fan of yours. She thinks you’re the funniest man she ever met and she says that you cook better than Jared, and that’s high praise because she knows her food.”

      “You have an amazing kid, Sherri. Smart, well-behaved, cute as a button and a budding gourmet. You’re a great mom.”

      Sherri stopped looking at the heirloom tomatoes in unusual СКАЧАТЬ