Winning Charlotte Back. Kathy Douglass
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Название: Winning Charlotte Back

Автор: Kathy Douglass

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon True Love

isbn: 9781474090629


СКАЧАТЬ Sweet Briar was a small town, and she knew they would run into each other from time to time, but now?

      “Hi, Charlotte,” Rick said cautiously.

      “Hi.” She didn’t return his smile. Maybe if she didn’t do anything to encourage conversation, he would take the hint and leave her alone.

      “Bobby, say hello.”

      Or not.

      “Hi,” the kid said dutifully. There was a sadness in his eyes that she recognized. She saw it in the mirror every morning.

      “Hi, Bobby.” She smiled at him. After all, she didn’t have anything against him.

      She looked around, hoping to find an empty booth. After a few minutes, a group of four rose and a busboy began to clear the table. The hostess came up to Rick. “Your table is ready.”

      Rick turned back to Charlotte. “Are you meeting someone or would you like to join us?”

      He smiled again, and despite the fact that he was the last man in the world she wanted to spend time with, her heart skipped a beat and was off to the races. Reminding herself that he’d hurt and humiliated her didn’t help. At a couple of inches over six feet with a muscular body, he had always appealed to her. His face had matured over the past dozen years, but he still had those dimples that had always made her go weak in the knees. And darn if her knees didn’t feel a little wobbly now.

      “I’d rather eat alone.”

      Rick turned back to the hostess. “How long is the wait?”

      “Twenty-five minutes. You’re lucky that party finished when they did.”

      “I don’t mind waiting,” Charlotte said. “I’m not that hungry.” Her stomach chose that moment to growl loudly, giving lie to her words.

      Rick’s smile wavered, then faded. “I know I hurt you, Charlotte. And I also know my apology didn’t take away the pain of seeing me. Sorry for bothering you.”

      He turned to go but his words echoed in her mind. Didn’t take away the pain? Did he think she wasn’t over being left at the altar after twelve long years? That her poor little heart was still hurting? That she couldn’t handle being around him without wanting to dissolve into tears? What kind of weakling did he think she was? No way was she going to live next door to him while he gave her pitying looks. She would show him that Charlotte Shields was stronger than anyone he’d ever met.

      “On second thought,” she said loud enough to have him pausing midstep, “I am hungry and would prefer not to wait.”

      He turned back and smiled. “Come on.”

      They scooted around crowded tables, following the hostess to the vacant booth. She placed the menus on the table then smiled at them. “Your server will be with you soon. Enjoy your meal.”

      Bobby slid into one side of the booth, and Rick stood aside waiting for Charlotte to sit on the other. She squelched a sigh when he sat down beside her. The bench was small, but she moved as far away from Rick as she could. She was eating with him to prove a point, but did that require sitting close enough to inhale his cologne?

      The waitress appeared, pad in hand, ready to take their orders.

      “Could we have another minute?” Rick asked.

      “No problem.”

      “It’s nice running into you here,” Rick said. “Right, Bobby?”

      “Sure,” the kid said from behind his menu.

      Rick removed the menu from his son’s hands and set it on the table. “Bobby, don’t be rude.”

      Charlotte stared at Rick’s son. “I brought a book because I was planning to enjoy my meal alone. Your dad is the one who insisted I join you, not the other way around, kid.”

      Bobby looked like he wasn’t sure what to make of her. “He dragged me here, too. I wanted McDonald’s.”

      “Fat chance of that. There isn’t a McDonald’s for miles around. But Mabel’s food is great. I’m getting a double burger and a mega basket of fries. Maybe even some onion rings. And before you ask, I’m not sharing, so if you want some get your own.”

      The kid’s eyes were the size of saucers. “You mean you aren’t getting a salad?”

      “I hate vegetables. Especially salad. I gave them up for Lent one year and decided to make it a lifestyle. I’m going to use a bunch of ketchup on my fries and you can pretend it’s tomatoes if that makes you feel better.”

      The kid looked at her with something akin to admiration. Hopefully it was a passing phase. She didn’t want Bobby to get the idea that they were going to be friends. “I want what you’re getting.”

      She glanced at Rick, who was staring at her like she had two heads. Tough. She wasn’t responsible for the kid’s diet. If he wanted the boy to eat vegetables he was going to have to fight that battle on his own.

      “You’re kidding, right?” Rick asked, hope in his eyes. He really did expect her to help him manage his son’s diet. Poor thing. He may have asked for her forgiveness and may even regret his actions, but that only got him so far. She’d lived with the pain of his rejection for years. She’d heard the whispers behind her back. Then she’d learned to turn off her heart and keep people at a distance. An apology, no matter how sincerely made, wouldn’t turn back time.

      “No. The only green thing I eat is pistachio ice cream. And only if they’re out of cookies and cream.” She looked at the boy again. “Two treats in one. Cookies and ice cream.”

      Clearly awed, Bobby nodded as if she’d just shared some great wisdom with him.

      Rick sputtered and Charlotte nearly laughed out loud. Incredibly, she was having fun. There was something freeing about not worrying about living up to her father’s impossible standards.

      The waitress came and Charlotte gave her order. Bobby asked for the same thing.

      “Make that three with two side salads,” Rick said, looking at Bobby.

      “I hope they’re both for you because I’m giving up vegetables, too.” The kid looked at Charlotte. “When is Lent?”

      “You’re out of luck. It started six weeks before Easter. You missed it.”

      “Not to mention that we’re not Catholic,” Rick added.

      “Neither am I,” Charlotte said.

      “You’re not helping.”

      She simply smiled.

      The waitress arrived with their orders. They were silent while they added mustard and ketchup to their burgers and fries. Charlotte picked up her burger and took a huge bite. Delicious. She’d pay tomorrow when she had to ride a few more miles on her bike, but for tonight she was going to indulge.

      “The town has sure changed since I was here last,” Rick said.

      “Did СКАЧАТЬ