Finally, A Family. Callie Endicott
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Название: Finally, A Family

Автор: Callie Endicott

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Emerald City Stories

isbn: 9781474096041


СКАЧАТЬ in shock. “What section?”

      “Around the back. It’s okay, nothing has been decided. He just wants to discuss the possibility, so I said we could talk.”

      Penny tried to keep her chin from quivering. When Eric had died, she’d determinedly held herself together. It wasn’t as if she hadn’t known she would spend years alone; her husband had been almost eighteen years her senior. But now... She touched the sales counter Eric had made when they were opening the Crystal Connection.

      She gulped down a knot in her throat. “We worked together for so long. Right here. I have countless memories in this place.”

      “I know.” Jessica gave her a hug. “I think of Granddad all the time when I’m here. But remember, the building doesn’t belong to us. As it is, your name will need to stay on the lease because I’ve been told it isn’t transferable. We can work out a sublease arrangement.”

      “That’s fine, but Kevin always said we could stay as long as we wanted.”

      Jessica took a deep breath. “That was my first thought, too, except Uncle Kevin doesn’t own the building any longer and the new owners have a right to consider their needs.”

      “What needs?”

      “They want to expand and because we’re next door, this is where Moonlight Ventures needs to go.”

      “I see.”

      Penny glanced around the shop. Despite the changes her granddaughter had made, it was still the place where she’d spent years with Eric. With every step it was as if she was crossing paths with her husband’s spirit. Sometimes she could sense him next to her or hear his voice and laughter.

      How could the Crystal Connection move?

      They’d poured themselves into creating a place that reflected their travels. Most of their stock came directly from friends in South America, Africa, the South Seas and Asia. With the shop they’d helped open up markets and create cottage industries for people they cared about.

      “Nothing has been decided, Grams.”

      Penny tried to slow her racing thoughts. This might be hard for her, but it was also tough on her granddaughter.

      “Please don’t make any promises or commitments until we’ve discussed everything,” she urged. “That is, the Crystal Connection is yours now, but I hope you’ll talk with me first.”

      “I will,” Jessica promised. “But please don’t worry about it. And remember that no matter where the store is, Grandpa’s counter goes with us.”

      Penny let out a choked laugh. “Good. You know, we could probably get his DNA off that thing. Eric cut himself and skinned his knuckles more times than I could count when he was cutting and polishing the wood.”

      “So when you used to say there was blood, sweat and tears in this place, you weren’t kidding, right?”

      “Right. Now I’d better go pick up Cyndi.”

      * * *

      JESSICA’S HEART ACHED as her grandmother left, seeming more lonely and lost than she’d ever seen her. For the first time Penny looked her age.

      As a rule, no one would guess she was seventy-two years old. With few wrinkles and brown hair barely streaked with gray, she could pass for fifty or younger. Granddad had been more than a decade older than her, but he hadn’t looked his age, either.

      Grams’s first thought had been about losing the place where she’d worked with her husband, and it bothered Jessica that she hadn’t considered that before. Was she more consumed by business success than she’d believed?

      Swell. Now she had something else to keep her awake at night.

      * * *

      AT HOME THAT EVENING, Jessica tried to conceal her churning thoughts as she tidied the house. Her side of the duplex was roomier than their apartment back east had been, and it even had a small backyard.

      A healthy dish her daughter actually liked was pasta primavera, probably because of the noodles, so after vacuuming, she cut up chicken and vegetables.

      “Momma, do you think Logan would show me how to take pictures?” Cyndi wanted to know as they ate at the dinner table.

      Jessica’s first instinct was to say no and to tell her daughter not to ask. But it was a selfish reaction and she didn’t want to discourage Cyndi from being excited about new things.

      “I suppose it’s possible,” she answered. “But he might not have time. He’s very busy.”

      “I was hoping he could help me get a hobby badge. Photography can be a hobby, right?” Cyndi had just joined a girl rangers’ troop and was determined to earn every single badge they offered.

      “Uh, yes.”

      Jessica had a sweet vision of siccing the entire group of giggling girl rangers on Logan. It might partially even the score for his having ruined a night’s sleep for her. On the other hand, a few of the older kids had already developed romantic natures and they might get a crush on the handsome photographer. Then she’d have to listen to a steady diet of lovelorn commentary about a man she’d rather forget ever meeting.

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