Hill Country Reunion. Myra Johnson
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Название: Hill Country Reunion

Автор: Myra Johnson

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Love Inspired

isbn: 9781474080309


СКАЧАТЬ earlier. Diana Matthews was every bit as beautiful as he remembered. Yep, even without the waist-length dark brown braid he used to love weaving his fingers through. The fresh herbal scent of the shampoo she’d always used still lingered in his memory.

      What had he gone and done, accepting Robert Ingram’s offer of a partnership in his veterinary practice—and when Tripp knew Juniper Bluff was Diana’s hometown?

      Okay, so he’d wrongly assumed Diana would be married, with 2.5 kids and living somewhere far, far away from here by now. Hadn’t his sister told him only a few months after the breakup that Diana was seeing someone else?

      Besides, he couldn’t pass up this opportunity to get out of the big city and leave behind the pressures of a huge practice where he was one of fourteen vets on staff and rarely got to see the same patient twice in a row.

      “Coffee okay?” Robert’s question, laced with friendly concern, interrupted Tripp’s thoughts.

      “Yeah. Fine.” Not the coffee fanatic he used to be, he stirred in another splash of soy milk and hoped his stomach would settle quickly.

      “Had no idea you knew Diana. Small world, huh?”


      Robert polished off the last two bites of his scones, then drained his coffee mug. “Need anything else before we head back to the clinic?”

      “I’m good, thanks.” Pushing back his chair, Tripp avoided so much as a glance in Diana’s direction, scared to death of what he’d see in her eyes. After how he’d left things, she had every right to despise him.

      He’d just hoped, after all these years, she might have forgiven and forgotten.

      Like he could ever forget her. Or forgive himself.

      Outside, he inhaled a bolstering breath of sun-warmed Texas air and followed Robert to the white dually pickup with Ingram Veterinary Hospital and the clinic phone number emblazoned across both sides.

      As they neared the clinic on the south edge of town, Robert broke the silence that had settled between them. “Ready to hold down the fort while I head out on some calls?”

      “No problem.” Tripp mentally reviewed the small-animal appointments scheduled for the rest of the morning. It should be a slow and easy first day on the job.

      Robert pulled in behind the long, gray-brick clinic building and shut off the engine. He angled Tripp a curious grin. “You always this talkative?”

      With a self-conscious chuckle, Tripp shook his head. “Guess I’m still recovering from the shock of running into Diana.”

      “I’m getting the impression y’all were way more than just college friends.”

      “Yeah.” Tripp sighed. “We were.”

      “Well, she’s still single, and so are you, right?” Quirking a grin, Robert shoved open his door. “And Diana’s Donuts is the best place in town to get your morning cup of java.”

      Tripp sat in the pickup a moment longer while his new partner’s words sank in. Could it be more than mere coincidence that had landed him in Juniper Bluff? Was this God’s way of fixing the worst mistake Tripp had ever made in his crazy, mixed-up life?

      Noticing Robert already had the back door to the clinic unlocked, Tripp scrambled from the pickup. Not a good idea to flake out on his first day. While Robert geared up for his farm calls, Tripp grabbed a lab coat on his way to check in with Yolanda, the salt-and-pepper-haired receptionist.

      “Good, you’re back.” Yolanda nodded to the waiting area. “Mrs. Cox just got here for her ten a.m. appointment—Schatzi’s annual checkup and shots. Plus, we’ve got two walk-ins. Sue Ellen Jamison’s cat needs to be dewormed, and Carl Vasquez’s German shepherd tangled with a coyote last night.”

      Tripp smiled toward the pet owners. “Bring Mr. Vasquez and his dog to exam room one. Apologize to Mrs. Cox for the delay, and tell Ms. Jamison we’ll work her in as soon as we can.”

      Two hectic but gratifying hours later, he scanned the empty waiting area. Yes—all caught up, and none too soon. It was lunchtime, and his stomach was growling louder than Sue Ellen Jamison’s angry cat.

      “I heard that,” Yolanda said with a snicker. She made a notation in a patient file, then tucked it into a slot on the shelf behind her. “By the way, Sue Ellen said to tell you nobody’s ever gotten Cleopatra to take her medicine as easily as you did.”

      Tripp rubbed the teeth marks on his left thumb. “Then I’d hate to see the last vet who tried.”

      “That would be Doc Ingram, and he has the scars to prove it.” Yolanda shut down the computer, scooped up her shoulder bag and started turning off lights. “Truth is, I think Cleopatra had a whole lot to do with convincing the doc it was time to bring a small-animal vet on board.”

      “Well, there was no mention of a psychopathic Siamese in the paperwork I signed.” Chuckling, Tripp followed the receptionist out the rear door. They said their goodbyes, and Tripp climbed into his SUV. Time to grab a sandwich and some groceries and head home.

      With only a couple of days between his last day at his former practice and coming to Juniper Bluff, Tripp hadn’t had much time to settle in. Robert Ingram had made arrangements for Tripp to stay at a place outside of town called Serenity Hills Guest Ranch. One of their staff cabins was currently vacant, and for a bachelor like Tripp, the single bedroom, small living area and kitchenette would serve him just fine until either the owners kicked him out or he found a place closer to the clinic.

      As he waited for his to-go order at the supermarket deli, another advantage of living so far out of town occurred to him: a much smaller likelihood of accidentally running into Diana. Despite what Robert had hinted about the possibility of their getting back together, Tripp figured he’d long ago blown his chances.

      Anyway, hadn’t he pretty much convinced himself marriage and family weren’t for him? Something much more ominous than hunger pangs could be blamed for the rumblings in his abdomen. Sure, the Crohn’s might be well controlled most of the time, but flare-ups were inevitable. And how, in good conscience, could Tripp ever risk passing on this possibly genetic and sometimes excruciatingly painful disease to any children in his future?

      * * *

      Business at the doughnut shop generally slowed as lunchtime approached, which meant Diana could turn things over to Kimberly and get away for a while. Still shaken by the unexpected encounter with Tripp, she needed a break before her runaway emotions got the best of her—and before her nosy assistant had a chance to pepper her with more questions.

      Figuring her parents would be too busy helping Aunt Jennie move in to think about lunch, she filled a small white bag with her great-aunt’s favorite doughnuts, then texted her mom with an offer to run by the supermarket deli and pick up sandwiches.

      At the supermarket, a line of customers waited at the deli counter, so she picked up a sandwich menu and joined the queue.

      While she studied the menu, someone paused beside her. “I hear the ham-and-Swiss is really good.”

      The page nearly fell from her hand. “Tripp.”

      “Yep, СКАЧАТЬ