Addie Gets Her Man. Angel Smits
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Название: Addie Gets Her Man

Автор: Angel Smits

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Эротическая литература

Серия: A Chair at the Hawkins Table

isbn: 9781474084727


СКАЧАТЬ “He was ready to come over around noon, so we compromised. They were here about an hour ago.” His grin was indulgent and satisfied. The man was head over heels in love with his wife, with his whole family, and Addie was pleased to see it. They’d been through a lot to be together. DJ hadn’t even known about Tyler until he was eight, and once they’d found each other, a madman had nearly stolen everything. But here they were now, happy and their family expanding.

      “Everything okay?”

      “Yeah. Doc says she’s right on schedule.” Was that a sweat breaking out on his brow? It was no secret that this whole having-a-baby thing was freaking out the former marine. Addie bit back a smile. The day they’d found out it was going to be a little girl, he’d nearly passed out in the doctor’s office. Tammie and Tyler still loved sharing that tidbit of information with everyone.

      DJ hurried ahead and opened the door. Voices, the sound of clattering dishes and the delicious aroma of Tara’s cooking flowed over them. “Do you see Tara?” she yelled over the din.

      DJ was taller than most everyone in the room, but he shook his head. “Wyatt and Emily are in the back corner. At the big table. Should be a little quieter over there,” he yelled and led the way through the crowd. Addie gripped the box, praying she wouldn’t drop it.

      Getting through the room was a challenge. Everyone knew Wyatt and, of course, Tara, so by association the rest of the family were part of the community, as well. “Hi, Addie,” “Hi, DJ,” rang out half a dozen times.

      As she moved, Addie glanced around. Everything looked great, just like it had before the flooding, before the raging river had torn through, destroying most of Tara’s hard work. Thankfully, they’d managed to save all the furniture.

      Tara had purchased several old wooden tables when she’d first bought the worn-out diner. The big three-leaf dining table where Wyatt was seated looked newly cleaned and polished. The mismatched chairs that sat at those tables looked just like Mom’s after six kids had gotten through with them. It was a wonderful eclectic mess, just as Tara had planned.

      A wave of homesickness washed over her, but Addie swallowed it and kept walking.

      As usual, she took stock of who was here. Her older brother, Wyatt, called it her mother-hen mode. Just then, as if catching her in the act, he shot her a wink. Like always, he sat at the head of the big table while the others talked and ate.

      Tammie looked great considering she was within days of delivering the newest Hawkins to the world. Wyatt’s wife, Emily, was beside her, and next to her sat Mandy, her other sister, holding little Lucas on her lap. His tiny hand smacked the wooden tabletop, eliciting a giggle from his pudgy cheeks. Hard to believe he was nearly a year old.

      Even Jason and Lauren were here. She’d known they were flying through on their way home from Lauren’s European tour. She wondered if it just so happened that the ballet tour ended the same time as the grand reopening, or if they’d worked something out with her management company. Considering Jason was Tara’s attorney, anything was possible. Either way, it was great to have them home.

      Tyler sat at the other end of the table, imitating his father’s gestures as he explained something quite intense to the little girl in the next chair. He was definitely ruling the roost. The boy had brought so much life to the entire Hawkins family when he’d come into it last year.

      Addie watched the little girl for a long moment. This must be Brooke. Addie moved cautiously toward her. Morgan, Tara’s...what the heck did you call a man dating your sister who was six foot two with body-builder muscles and a tough exterior? Boyfriend seemed too tame.

      This was Morgan’s daughter. Tara had said the girl was a bit skittish around strangers. Tyler seemed to be doing well with her, so Addie didn’t want to upset either of them.

      “Addie!” Wyatt called when she reached the table. “I can take that box for you.” The twinkle in his eye told her he knew exactly what was inside.

      She laughed and swatted him, winking at DJ. “I might have brought you some of your own, so leave those for Tara’s customers.”

      “Oh, yeah, score.” He and DJ high-fived, and Addie let the warmth of their enjoyment wash over her. Everyone in the family loved her cookies, and she didn’t dare come to a family function without a batch—or two.

      The fact that Tara wanted to sell them in her diner only made Addie’s heart swell. These cookies were still the one contribution she made to this ever-growing family. It was her gift to them, what held her place in their hearts.

      With all the new spouses and children, Addie often felt like an outsider in this big family. She missed their needing her.

      She’d been so young when Dad died. Mom had fallen apart, and it had taken months for her to get back on her feet. As the oldest, Addie and Wyatt had taken on the job of caring for all the littler ones. She’d become more mother than sister, and she’d never really been able to go back.

      Finally reaching the table, she set the big box down. As soon as she found Tara, she would pass the cookies off to her—at least now, she wouldn’t drop them.

      It might be quieter here in the corner, but it still didn’t allow for much conversation. Just then, Wyatt caught her eye and waggled his eyebrows while he tilted his head to his right.

      There was a reason she never got picked first to play charades. “What?” she mouthed to him, not sure what he was doing. He did the whole contortion thing again, and she shrugged, confused.

      Someone tapped her arm, and Addie turned to see the little girl, Brooke, standing beside her. She crooked her finger for Addie to bend down.

      “He’s talking about the lady with the ring,” she said.

      “What lady with the ring?” She looked to where Wyatt sat next to his wife, and frowned. Of course Emily had a ring. And Tammie had her hand resting on her belly. Her ring shone in the light. It’d be impossible to forget her and DJ’s big country wedding last year.

      Mandy sat next to her, holding Lucas on her shoulder, patting his back as he snuggled close, sleepy-eyed now. Her hand moved—and sparkled.

      “Oh...oh!” Addie rushed around the table, having to shove only a couple of people out of the way. Without thinking, or hesitating, she took hold of Mandy’s hand and pulled it toward her. “When did Lane change his mind?”

      Mandy laughed. “He never changed his mind. Turns out he just wanted to wait until he could do it right.”

      “Did he do it right?”

      “Oh, yeah.” Mandy grinned, and if it wouldn’t have disturbed Lucas, Addie would have pulled her little sister into a big hug.

      “I want details as soon as we’re someplace I can hear them all.”

      Mandy nodded and resumed patting Lucas’s back. Her ring winked so brightly, Addie wondered how she’d missed it. Wyatt gave her a thumbs-up across the table.

      Like proud parents, she and Wyatt shared this moment. Addie knew he was thinking the same thing she was. That it would be so nice if Mom were here.

      Before she got maudlin, she looked toward the serving counter. Tara was here—somewhere. A giant white banner that read Grand Reopening hung over the doors to the kitchen.