VanCleef & Arpels on the summer night. Nonna Ananieva
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Название: VanCleef & Arpels on the summer night

Автор: Nonna Ananieva


Жанр: Повести


isbn: 978-5-00071-026-5


СКАЧАТЬ a cup of coffee, buns, pizzas with tomato paste and olives. I remember that there always were sunflower seed husks on the floor. Lots of the students would munch on them because they were so cheap, and because the fact you had to crack them made them last a long time. They were sold in little paper-bags; it was very nice. Well, to tell the truth, I’ve never eaten better sunflower seeds or potatoes than the ones I ate in Tunis. But we would only eat sunflower seeds at home in the kitchen, and after the scholarship we also bought almonds and hazel-nuts.

      Pete was always hanging about, drinking coffee and chatting with Tunisians. Sometimes he even spoke Italian.

      – Privet, Sophie, – he addressed me in Russian. – How are you doing?

      Filimonich had taught him that. He also could say “I love you” (‘Ya tebya lyublyu”), “don’t love” (“ne lyublyu”), “A girl” (“devushka”) and “A booty” (“popa”). He couldn’t remember the word for ‘a kiss’ (“potseluy”). “What the hell?! How can such an important word be so long and complicated?” – he protested. He also hated the words for “Hello” (“zdravstvuyte”) and “nothing” (“nichego”).

      – Hi, Pete! What a wonderful sweater that is!

      After our trip to the market I began to pay attention to his clothes and to intuitively understand that he was dressed expensively and well. At that time we didn’t know much about style and fashion, but we were beginning to get a feeling for such things.

      – Mum sent me a parcel. This one’s supposed to be for Alicia. But you know what she’s like: how could she possibly go to the Institute wearing cashmere? In fact, it’s actually a little bit tight on her. Let me give it to you, take it. – He handed over a black paper packet with a silk bow on it. – The package is Tunisian – couldn’t find anything better.

      It was a silly situation. I didn’t know what to do. He was an American, and it was all very awkward. Just nonsense.

      He saw that I was hesitating.

      – And what present should I give you, Pete?

      – How should I know? Just think of something. It’s not like I’m giving you panties or a saucepan.

      At that moment it dawned on me: It was Saint Valentine’s Day today! Goodness gracious, I thought. What shall I say to Sergey? And how shall I explain it to the girls? Shall I tell them I bought it for myself, with, I don’t know, six scholarships or something? And what on earth is in this parcel? I’m snookered!

      – Do you think before you do things? – I asked. But I didn’t want to offend him.

      – You’re the reason I’m still studying at this sodding Institute. I want you to know that… that you have more strength and willpower than these uncombed feminists. Just be a real woman, the only one. Everyone has their own mission. The main thing is to realize that in time.

      I blushed. The parcel was hot in my hands.

      – Would you like a cup of coffee? It’s kind of awkward standing here like this.

      There was a sweater in it, better than any garment I’d ever touched, and the coral beads from the market.

      Later I learnt, that Pete came from a family of very prosperous bankers. He had studied political science at Yale University, and he had come to Tunis to visit an acquaintance of his father, who was the US ambassador. He had stayed by mere chance – for the sake of improving his health and in order to overcome some traumatic experience of his own. He was living for his soul and was paying for it: life is never a fairytale, whether you’re living in Manhattan or in Sokolniky. He had studied Arabic at some time in his childhood, in Jordan, where his family had lived for about three years. There he was, the oldest son of a billionaire, and he was interested in me. He was the kind of man you dreamt about! But I didn’t think of him in this way. Anyway, we were afraid of our supervisors. And he certainly was one of their chief targets, making me a target by association. You couldn’t get off without show downs, which was exactly what happened next.

      – Do you really think, my dear, that we will let you flirt with Americans? – Comrade Alabyan asked me, having called me to his office on the first floor of our Embassy.

      I felt dizzy, as though I were on the carousel in Gorky park.

      – He will try to hire you, and as soon as you come to your senses, you will jump off the cliff near the walls of Carthage. You are not only a fool, but you are also ready to endanger all of your relatives.

      I saw black dots. His dumb-witted speech registered in waves in my mind, like Ayvazovsky’s pictures.

      – Well, tell me, then. I’m not joking. – He made a strict and haughty face which made my tongue feel numb.

      – What should I tell you, Alexander Eduardovich? Are your asking me about Peter Kent? – I whispered.

      – Is there also some John? – asked the secretary of the Party Organization.

      – He studies in our group in Grammar. Alicia is also in the group. She is an American too. Nobody is hiring me, nobody has asked me any suspicious questions, – I said in a horrible, hoarse voice.

      – You should not be making contact! – retorted comrade Alabyan. – This is your final warning! Next time, you will be arrested and flown back to Moscow. You should not even borrow a pen from them! Is that clear? You’d be better to write with your fingers! The less you hang about at the university, the more soundly you can sleep. We’ve spoilt you anyway – you have made a bordello out of your apartment. I should also deal with that other guy of yours, Pekarsky. You have got totally out of hand! Come here!

      – Where? – I stammered, almost fainting.

      – Come here!

      I came up to the table, at which he was sitting.

      – Come nearer!

      My legs were numb, made from foam, plastic, wood – or whatever material they turn to on such occasions. I remember that he unzipped his fly, and then I finally fainted for real.

      I choked with water and coughed.

      – What’s the matter, Sonia? – asked Sergey, frightened.

      – I just choked, sorry. Nothing serious… everything’s ok.

      There were even more people in the restaurant by then. All the tables were occupied. It was noisy, the dishes were clinking. This place, ‘Pushkin’, is really interesting. It’s a crazy restaurant! Probably one of the best in Moscow. And it’s as busy as a beehive, even at 1 am.

      A waiter wearing an apron came in with a tray, on which was a bottle of French champagne and a bouquet of white roses.

      – Our guests have sent these to you. Welcome! I will put the flowers in a vase and bring them back to the table, if you like.

      I stared at Sergey in astonishment. He was smiling.

      – Did you do this?

      – No, not me, – answered Sergey, still smiling.

      – Which guests? – I asked the waiter.

      – At СКАЧАТЬ