A Priceless Find. Kate James
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Название: A Priceless Find

Автор: Kate James

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Эротическая литература

Серия: Mills & Boon Heartwarming

isbn: 9781474076036


СКАЧАТЬ then?”

      “Interesting line of reasoning,” he said. “You’ve taken courses in criminology?” he teased.

      Her delighted smile caused a twinge—like extreme hunger—in his gut.

      “No, but I love reading crime novels.” Her expression turned serious. “I can put two plus two together well enough to know that if you considered it a routine robbery, we wouldn’t be here having coffee.”

      The thought of them doing just that, but for personal reasons, ran through his mind. “Maybe I used it as an excuse to get you here.”

      She rolled her eyes, but not before she smiled at him again—flirtatiously this time. “I understand you can’t tell me more,” she said, “but I honestly don’t know what I can say that would help. Believe me, I want the person who hurt Mr. Rochester caught.” The intensity in her voice underscored her words.

      “You care about him,” he said, stating the obvious.

      She raised her hands. “Of course I care about Mr. Rochester. And Mrs. Rochester, who’s been worried sick about her husband. They’re a sweet couple. The way they are with each other, you’d think they were in the honeymoon phase of their relationship. They’ve been married more than forty-five years.”

      He mentally added romantic to the list of her attributes. And the list was getting long. She had intelligence, warmth and compassion. She had a spirit of fun that he readily admitted he was lacking but admired. And, needless to say, he loved the way she looked.

      But she had a boyfriend and he had to stay focused on the case. “Another question, if you don’t mind. Is there anything more you can tell me about Adam Rochester or his mother?”

      “Not really.” She stared down at the table. “I told you everything I know the other night.”

      He’d been watching her intently—couldn’t take his eyes off her. So he’d noticed that the warmth fizzled out as she talked about the nephew. “You don’t like him.”

      She raised startled eyes to meet his. “What makes you say that?”

      “I’m a detective, remember. Well-honed observation skills,” he responded, trying to put her at ease again and lighten the mood. It had the desired effect, making her smile again. “So, why is that?” he asked.

      She seemed to consider his question for a moment. “I don’t dislike Adam. We’ve just never...connected.”

      “How long have you known him?”

      “Since I started working at the gallery. Nearly five years ago now.”

      “That’s a long time not to connect with someone.”

      “Perhaps,” she acknowledged. “But I don’t think connecting is a function of time. We’re too different.”

      Soon after, Sam ran out of questions, and he needed to take Chelsea back to the gallery. He dropped her off there and said good-night.

      But he found himself thinking about her as he drove home.

      He was drawn to her in a way he couldn’t remember being drawn to anyone else...other than Katherine. He’d been tempted to ask Chelsea about her relationship with Joel again, but he didn’t want to cross the line from business to personal. Her reaction to his impromptu question in the car had told him she was sensitive about it.

      Didn’t it just figure that when he finally met a woman he could be interested in, it was during an investigation and she was in a relationship. Even if those obstacles didn’t exist, he recalled her comment about not connecting with Adam Sinclair because they were too different.

      Weren’t they too different? Sam wondered grudgingly as he let himself into his apartment. Not from his perspective. And her comment about connecting not being a function of time? His own reaction to her had been almost immediate, so he had to agree.

      It was only when he closed the door behind him that he realized he’d neglected to ask her what she’d meant about this being one of her worst days.

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