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СКАЧАТЬ help today?” she asked softly so that the others within the room couldn’t hear their conversation.

      He shook his head. “Unfortunately, I’m alone today.”

      “I’ll be happy to help if you’d like.”

      His eyes brightened as relief swept across his features. “I’d like that. Thank you.”

      * * *

      James had never been happier to see Nell Stoltzfus. His receptionist, Michelle, was out sick, and Janie, his assistant, was on vacation, and he was swamped and alone dealing with a crowded waiting room.

      As he’d watched Nell push out of the corner and approach, he’d been overcome with an immediate sense of calm. He’d never realized it before, but she had the same effect on him as she’d had on her injured rescue dog when she’d first brought Jonas in.

      “Come into the back,” he said, aware of the huskiness of his voice. He felt a jolt in his stomach as she smiled and followed him. Nell, a pretty young Amish woman, wore a spring-green dress with matching cape and apron. Her soft brown hair was covered by her white prayer kapp. Her nose was pert and perfectly formed, and her mouth was pink with a slight bow to her upper lip. He felt something shift inside him as he became the focus of her beautiful, brown gaze.

      “Dr. Pierce, your waiting room seems unusually full.” Her softly spoken words jerked him to awareness. She studied him with her head slightly tilted as if she were trying to gauge his thoughts. “I’d like to check your schedule.”

      They entered the reception area through a door off the hallway, and he showed her where to find the appointment book. “How long can you stay?”

      “Through the afternoon.” Her shy smile warmed him from the inside out. “May I use your phone?”

      “Of course.” She would need to get word to her family, he realized, so that they wouldn’t worry about her absence. He waited while she made her phone call, trying not to listen as she explained the situation.

      “Ja, Bob,” he heard her say. “Ja, that would be gut. Thank you. Tell them that I shouldn’t be too late.” She glanced up to meet his gaze, and James instantly moved away to give her privacy.

      He approached after Nell hung up the phone and stood. “Is everything all right?”

      “Ja, ’tis fine.” Her gaze met his, then slid away. He watched her study Michelle’s appointment book. Her eyes narrowed. “You definitely don’t have this many patients expected today,” she murmured with a frown. “I’ll have to do some rescheduling.”

      He started to leave, then turned. “Nell?”

      She dragged her eyes away from the page to meet his gaze. “Ja?”

      “Thank you.” He spoke quietly so that no one would overhear him, but he knew immediately that she’d heard.

      “You’re willkomm,” she breathed, and then she waved him away as she went back to studying the appointment book.

      With a smile on his face, he opened the door to the back room.

      “Dr. Pierce?”

      He halted and faced her. “Yes?”

      “Which exam rooms are available for patients?”

      “One, three and four,” he told her without hesitation. Then he entered the back of the clinic and went on to exam room two where his next patient waited.

      James was examining the ear of a golden retriever when Nell knocked softly before opening the door.

      “Dr. Pierce?”

      “Yes, Nell?” he inquired without looking up.

      “I’ve put Mrs. Rogan and Boots in exam room one and Mr. Jones with his dog Betsy in three. Mr. Yoder and his goat are in four. I rescheduled three patients for tomorrow because they didn’t have appointments and your schedule could handle them then. Mrs. Pettyjohn is here with her poodle. She is your last appointment.”

      He straightened. “Already?” Amazed, he stared at her.

      She gazed at him, her brown eyes filled with uncertainly. “Already?” she echoed.

      “Are we really almost finished?” he asked. “Thank you for getting control of the situation so quickly.” He looked sheepish. “I’ve been struggling about how to handle everyone for the last hour and a half.” He rubbed his fingers through the dog’s coat. “Bailey is going to be fine, Mrs. Martin.”

      The woman looked relieved as she glanced back and forth between them. “Thank you, Dr. Pierce.”

      “You’re welcome.” He turned toward Nell, pleased that she hadn’t moved. “Nell, would you mind checking out Mrs. Martin and Bailey?”

      “I’d be happy to,” she said politely. She turned to the dog’s owner. “Mrs. Martin, would you please follow me?”

      James caught Nell’s gaze as she waited for the woman and her dog to walk past her. He grinned in approval and was relieved to see her answering smile before she quickly followed Mrs. Martin.

      Nell came into the back as he exited exam room two. “I forgot to tell you that Mrs. Rogan in exam room one had the next earliest appointment, then Mr. Jones, then Abraham Yoder.”

      He couldn’t keep from studying her face. Nell Stoltzfus was genuinely lovely, with no need for artificial enhancement. He noted her smooth, unblemished skin, her pink lips, the reddish tinge to her cheeks. Since graduating from vet school, he’d had little time for a personal life, especially now that he was working hard to establish his new practice. He didn’t know why, but there was something about her that made him long for something more. “Thank you, Nell.”

      “You’re willkomm, Dr. Pierce.”

      He briefly met her gaze. “James, please,” he invited. Again.

      “James,” she said then she blushed. “It was Mrs. Beggs, Mr. Merritt and Mrs. McDaniel whom I rescheduled.”

      “I appreciate your help,” he told her, meaning it. “I didn’t expect Michelle and Janie to both be out today. Janie asked for the week off, and Michelle is home with a stomach bug.” He sighed. “I confess that I’m not good at juggling appointments.”

      Nell looked confused. “Juggling?”

      He laughed. “Sorry, I’m not laughing at you but at myself. I don’t know how Michelle does her job. She’s good at what she does.” He studied her thoughtfully, liking what he saw. “Apparently, you’re good at it, too.”

      “At juggling appointments?” She arched her eyebrows.

      “Yes.” He chuckled, and the smile that came to Nell’s pink lips had him mesmerized until he realized that he was staring. He stole one last glance at her as he opened the door to room one.

      He heard her “Ja” before he closed the door.

      * СКАЧАТЬ