Say You Want Me. Cindi Myers
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Название: Say You Want Me

Автор: Cindi Myers

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Temptation

isbn: 9781474018784


СКАЧАТЬ at her with an intensity that made her feel, not physically undressed, but emotionally naked.

      She looked away again, at her feet, and stumbled against him. “It’s all right,” he soothed, and pulled her closer.

      She fought the urge to rest her head on his shoulder, to savor the feeling of his arms around her. Despite her misgivings about his profession, she had to admit that Carter Sullivan was one-hundred-percent attractive male. The kind of man any woman would admire.

      “G.P. would love you,” she murmured.

      He blinked. “Who is G.P.?”

      She sighed. Now was as good a time as any for the story to come out. “G.P. is my grandmother Pettigrew. She never seemed like an ordinary grandmother to me when I was growing up, so I called her G.P.”

      The music stopped and he led her back to the table. The dinner dishes had been cleared, replaced by a carafe of coffee and two demitasse cups. “I take it your grandmother likes cops?”

      “Cops. Firemen. Soldiers. Pilots. Race-car drivers. If a job is dangerous or daring, she’s in love.”

      “But she didn’t pass this love to her granddaughter.” His expression was serious, but his eyes laughed at her.

      She added sugar to her cup. “Let’s just say I prefer someone who’s more…stable.”

      He nodded. “That’s me, all right. Mr. Unstable. It’s a wonder they let me on the force.”

      She made a face. “I get your point and I’m not going to argue with you. In fact, I hope you’ll agree to help me with something.”

      His gaze on her had the intensity of a physical touch. “I’m listening.”

      She leaned toward him, looking into his eyes. “Carter, I need a man. I need you.”

      CARTER SWALLOWED HARD, sure he was back in dream world. Wasn’t this the same woman who’d said she didn’t like cops? Then again, she had chosen to stay with him instead of the accountant. And she hadn’t exactly protested when they’d cuddled up on the dance floor. He grinned. “So my devastating charm has won you over.”

      She picked up a coffee spoon and studied her reflection in it. “Do you remember when I told you I had a lot on my mind?”

      “Yes, and you were going to tell me about it, but you never got around to it.”

      She glanced around them. “Let’s go somewhere a little more private and I’ll explain everything.”

      He wasn’t too surprised when she tried to pay the check, but he pushed her credit card back into her hand. “Call me old-fashioned, but I’ll pay.”

      She frowned. “That’s ridiculous. This wasn’t even your idea.”

      When the waiter returned, Carter signed the credit card slip and tore off his copy. “Let’s just say my fragile male ego will be crushed if I let a beautiful woman, whose company I’ve enjoyed by the way, pick up the check.”

      He wasn’t surprised to find her blushing again. Maybe he hadn’t lost his touch after all.

      He walked her to her car. “Where do you want to go?” he asked.

      “Here is fine.” She leaned against the driver’s-side door, facing him. “It’s just that this story is kind of embarrassing and I didn’t want anyone to overhear.”

      “The suspense is killing me.” He shoved his hands into his pockets, though what he really wanted to do was hold her again.

      She fiddled with a row of beads on her key chain. “In two days, my grandmother Pettigrew is coming to San Antonio for the sole purpose of finding a husband for me.”

      He chuckled. “You’re not serious.”

      “Serious as a heart attack. G.P. has decided it’s time I was married and once she makes a decision, there’s no stopping her.”

      “Where do I come in?” He stood up straighter. “Not as the potential groom?”

      “No!” She dropped the keys and stooped to retrieve them, but he got them first.

      He returned the keys to her. “No bridegroom.”

      She nodded. “No, but I want you to pretend to be my boyfriend, just for a few days. You could come to the barbecue we’re having in her honor.” She met his gaze again. “Once she meets you, she’ll realize her services aren’t needed.”

      So she wanted him, but only long enough to fool her grandmother. Should he be insulted, or pleased? A man with more pride would probably tell her to find some other guy for her charade.

      But a man with more pride would end up alone. Why not take the chance to spend more time with the woman fate had sent his way?

      “What’s in it for me?” he asked.

      “The chance to do a good deed? Free barbecue?”

      He shook his head.

      She frowned. “What do you want?”

      “I want you to give me a chance to prove that a cop can be relationship material. That whatever opinion you’ve formed about me is wrong.”

      “You won’t change my mind.”

      “Oh, but I’ll enjoy the challenge.” He put his hands on her shoulders. “After this is over, go out with me again. Not just to pull one over on your grandmother, but on a real date. For yourself.”

      She looked away, her lips in a tight line. He could almost see her weighing the pros and cons of his proposal. But where was she going to find another guy to agree to her crazy plan on such short notice? She must have reached the same conclusion. “All right. I guess I can do that.”

      “Good. Then what say we start right this minute?”

      She looked wary. “How?”

      “With a good-night kiss.”

      Her eyes widened in surprise as he brought his lips to hers. He slipped his arms around her, pressing her tightly against his chest, stroking her back in a soothing motion as his mouth teased away her resistance.

      He kissed the corners of her mouth and traced his tongue along the seam of her lips, then bent to kiss the tender flesh of her throat, her skin like satin against his tongue. He returned to her mouth, sucking gently at her lips, every sensitive nerve of his own mouth alive to her.

      Triumph filled him as she melted against him, and her lips parted. She tasted of the wine they’d shared and smelled of exotic flowers. And she felt…God, she felt like heaven. He moved his hand to her waist, bringing her closer against his erection. He wanted her to know how she affected him. Instead of drawing away, she pressed into him, her hands on his back, fingers digging in.

      Somewhere nearby, a car door slammed, making him aware that they were in a public place. Reluctantly, he drew away, and tried to catch his breath.

      She СКАЧАТЬ