Daddy's Angel. Annette Broadrick
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Название: Daddy's Angel

Автор: Annette Broadrick

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781474025843


СКАЧАТЬ on tiptoe, wrapping her arms around his neck. “What do you mean, I can’t be?” she whispered with a smile. “Is your memory already slipping, cowboy? Do I have to go into detail exactly when and how this happened?” She kissed him in her very special way.

      She managed to distract him, as usual, but only for a few moments. When he pulled away from her, he was frowning. “How can you joke about it, honey? How could you forget about the rough time you had when you carried Sally? The doctor told us then that—”

      She covered his mouth with her hand. “I know what the doctor said, Bret. But lots of things have changed. Sally is almost five, so my body’s had plenty of time to rest and recuperate. Besides, there’s been all kinds of medical advances since my last pregnancy. I’m not worried and I don’t want you to be, either.” She danced away from him, threw her arms wide and turned in a circle. “I’m so excited. Just think! We’re going to have another Bishop to love. Sally will start preschool in the spring. By fall she’ll be ready for the first grade. The house will be so empty.”

      She paused and looked around the room with all its boxes of decorations. “Just think, Bret. This time next year we’ll have a baby in our home once again, one who’ll be dazzled by all the lights and color.” She returned to Bret’s side and brushed her fingers against his cheek. “Please be happy, honey. I know it’s a bit of a shock, but I didn’t want to say anything to you until I found out for sure. I wanted my news to be a special Christmas surprise for everybody.” Her voice dropped to a whisper and tears filled her eyes. “I can’t think of anything I want more than to have another one of your children to love.”

      He took her hand and gently placed a kiss in her palm. “Honey, if this is what you want, then I’m happy, too.” He gathered her in his arms as though she were made of the most fragile porcelain. “All I’ve ever wanted was for you to be happy.”

      “How could I not be happy? I have everything I could possibly want in my life—you and the children. I feel truly blessed.”

      He shook his head, humbled by her courage and her determination. “I love you, Patti Bishop,” he murmured, holding her close.

      “I love you, too, Bret. More than I can possibly say.”

      Unfortunately their love for each other wasn’t enough to keep Patti alive.

      She was careful.

      She followed the doctor’s instructions.

      She did everything she was supposed to do.

      But her heart gave out without warning during the delivery of her second son. The skilled medical staff was unable to resuscitate her.

      Noelle knew the events of that year despite the fact that she was packed carefully away with all the other decorations.

      She felt Bret’s pain at the loss of his beloved wife.

      She felt his bewilderment when faced with the prospect of trying to raise four children on his own.

      She felt his anger that God could have allowed such a thing to happen.

      The newborn was a healthy little boy with his mother’s black curls and gray eyes. Bret gave him the name Patti had picked for a boy—Travis.

      Travis was four months old his first Christmas. If the older children hadn’t insisted, Bret wouldn’t have put up a tree that year. He found the season too painful a reminder of other years when Patti had been by his side.

      The children missed their mother with a heartbroken intensity. Having the new baby to care for kept them going. Travis became their focal point. Taking care of him helped to heal their pain and ease their loss.

      Three more years had passed and it was Christmastime once again, the fourth Christmas the Bishop family had spent without Patti. Noelle wanted to weep at the harsh changes that had taken place in Bret.

      The laughing young man she’d first caught sight of all those years ago was gone, never to be seen again. In his place was a grim-faced rancher with overwhelming duties and responsibilities.

      Bret had adjusted to his new way of life in some ways. He’d grown accustomed to being on his own with the children. He made certain he was there whenever they needed him. He planned his work schedule around their school schedules. He watched over them and supervised them.

      What saddened Noelle the most was that over the years Bret had lost more than his mate.…

      Bret had lost his belief in the goodness of life.

      Bret had abandoned all his hopes and dreams.

      Noelle knew that yet another upheaval was soon to cause additional problems for the Bishop family. Unfortunately, as a mere Christmas tree angel she didn’t have the jurisdiction to change certain events that had already been set into motion. She understood that every seemingly random event had a positive reason and result behind it. However, she knew that Bret wouldn’t see the event in that light. He would see another burden placed on his shoulders.

      She was afraid for him…afraid he would falter under his grim load of responsibilities because he’d lost sight of the very things that could lighten the burdens for him.

      Somehow, someway, she wanted to be able to help him—to ease his load, to help him regain some of his beliefs about life, to help him to understand how things have a way of working out if we only give them a chance.

      If we only believe.

      Noelle contacted her supervisor to discuss the present situation in the Bishop household. She had a request to make—a very special request—one that was most unusual but because of the upcoming emergency, most necessary.

      She knew the risks. As an angel she had never taken human form, never experienced human emotions, never been plagued by earthly considerations. She knew there would be limitations placed on her. She knew that, if she was given permission to take a more active role in the Bishop family, she would have to return to her original form no later than midnight on Christmas Eve.

      She didn’t know if that would give her enough time to help Bret. She only knew that she had to make the effort before he gave up on life completely.

      She had to try.

      Chapter One

      Dark clouds rolled along the northern horizon, adding an urgency to Bret’s movements. He gave the barbed wire an extra twist of his wrist, then wearily straightened and looked along the fence he’d recently mended.

      No doubt a deer had pulled the top strand loose while bounding across the fence, causing the line to sag. He’d been checking all the fence lines of his ranch for the past several days. Some of the terrain was too rugged for him to use his pickup truck, his usual mode of conveyance. For the last two days he’d ridden Hercules.

      Perhaps traveling around the ranch on horseback had prompted the recurrence of his memories of Patti. After all, Patti had given Hercules to him. She’d always enjoyed riding with him whenever she could get away for a few hours.

      No doubt his saddling up Hercules and riding him yesterday had triggered the dreams he’d had last night.

      He’d dreamed that Patti was alive. СКАЧАТЬ