Good Night, Gracie. Kristin Gabriel
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Название: Good Night, Gracie

Автор: Kristin Gabriel

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon Temptation

isbn: 9781474018241


СКАЧАТЬ you nuts?” she hissed. “This isn’t the time to be playing games. There’s too much at stake.”

      His instincts as a cop kicked into high gear at her words. It looked like there was more to the mystery of Allison than anyone here had imagined. There was something going on between her and Gilbert. Not a physical relationship, obviously, since she didn’t realize he was an imposter—which left another incriminating possibility.

      “I guess I like to live dangerously.”

      “I know why you’re here,” she accused, her gaze narrowing on him. “You want to see goody-two-shoes Gracie.”

      The jealousy in her tone was unmistakable. But he still couldn’t be sure about her connection to Gilbert. He needed to draw her out and make her reveal something that would lead him in the right direction. “What makes you say that?”

      “Maybe the fact that you’re compromising the entire plan by showing up here tonight. Why did you insist that I make contact with Walker Mullen if you were planning to be here?”

      Walker Mullen? The name didn’t sound familiar. Just how many alumni from the class of ’95 were involved in this case?

      “In case you’re interested, he bought my story about the stalker and is making the plans for us to travel incognito. I’m supposed to pick up the airline tickets at his agency on Monday.”

      So Walker Mullen was a local travel agent—and a dupe. That answered one question but still didn’t get him any closer to finding Gilbert.

      “Now you’re taking a chance of blowing everything. And for what?” She rolled her eyes. “A chance to moon over Gracie Dawson?”

      Zach wished he knew what she was talking about. He was floundering here and had no idea how to dig for more information without revealing himself.

      “Let me buy you a drink,” he offered, noting the empty glass in her hand. He could smell the alcohol on her breath and hoped a little more would help her loosen her tongue.

      She shook her head. “I’m leaving now. Besides, I prefer to keep a clear head. It’s safer that way. And I suggest you do the same—especially around Gracie. If she gets in the way…”

      “What?” he prodded, his skin prickling at her tone.

      “Just follow the plan and Gracie won’t get hurt,” Allison replied. “I know where she lives, so if anything goes wrong—and I mean, anything, then she’ll be the one who pays. Got it?”

      Before he could reply to her not-so-veiled threat, Allison turned on her heel and walked away. Zach started to follow her when another woman came into his view. The woman he’d flown over a thousand miles to meet. The woman he’d only seen before this moment in a yearbook and in his dreams.


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