The Wedding Cake War. Lynna Banning
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Название: The Wedding Cake War

Автор: Lynna Banning

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература

Серия: Mills & Boon Historical

isbn: 9781472079350


СКАЧАТЬ the colonel is…well, he is just wonderful. Simply, truly…wonderful.”

      “Wonderful,” Fleurette echoed dryly. She tapped her spoon against the edge of her glass and laid it on the tiny pink tea napkin provided. “Wonderful, how?”

      “Oh, in every way, I assure you. I’ve known him all my life, you see. He came to live here in Maple Falls when I was four…or was I five? Let’s see, I am nineteen now, and the colonel arrived right after the war. That’s sixty-five subtracted from seventy-nine…. Yes, I was five. I remember it was on my birthday.”

      “More to the point, how old is he?”

      Carrie giggled. “Oh, I calculate he’s old enough to be my father and then some. But Dora Mae Landsfelter is years younger than her husband, and she said such things don’t matter in the least.”

      “Carrie,” Lolly said, her voice gentle. “Could you calculate how old the colonel is exactly.”

      Carrie closed her soft brown eyes for a moment. “Forty-three.”

      Fleurette lifted her lips away from her lemonade. “Ah do wonder why he has not married in all this time.”

      Lolly’s hand stilled on her glass. The question had occurred to her, as well. How had the town’s prize catch remained uncaught for fourteen years?

      “Well,” Carrie began, lowering her voice, “some people say he lost a sweetheart in the war and never recovered. Others say he’s stubborn and set in his ways and he never before wanted a wife for fear she’d change him.”

      Lolly’s ears burned. Stubborn? Set in his ways? The same had been said of her ever since she turned fourteen.

      “He hardly lets anyone female into his house,” Carrie went on, “except for old Mrs. Squires. She’s kept house for him for years, but the colonel does all his own cooking, and Mrs. Squires says he even irons his own shirts. Can you imagine?”

      “If he married, he would require servants,” Fleurette murmured. “Ah have had servants all my life.”

      Lolly bit her tongue. Slaves, more likely. She squashed down a ripple of anger and decided to change the subject. “What is his home like?”

      “It’s a big white house with gray shutters, and it has three whole floors and a music room and a library. I’ve never seen the library, but once I attended a recital in the—”

      Fleurette cut her off. “Why would a bachelor purchase such a mansion?”

      “Oh, he didn’t purchase it. He inherited it from his great-aunt Henrietta on his father’s side. She married a Northerner and came out west, but she died of the quinsy soon after the war…. Why, what’s the matter, Leora? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

      Lolly unclenched the fist she hid in her lap. Mama had died of the quinsy a month after Papa had been killed at Chancellorsville. She spoke over a tightened throat. “Nothing is the matter.”

      “Do Ah understand that Colonel Macready is a Southerner?” The excitement was evident in Fleurette’s voice.

      “Oh, yes, he’s a real Southern gentleman. From Virginia. He has the most courtly manners, when he wants to, that is. And he’s so tall and well formed and…” Carrie blushed and gulped her lemonade.

      “Why—” Fleurette paused, pinning her gaze on Carrie “—since you seem obviously smitten with the gentleman, has he never courted you?”

      Carrie gaped at her. “Me! Every single female in this town, and even some not so single, are smitten with Colonel Macready. He’s never courted any of us!”

      “Perhaps because he is a Southerner, and y’all are Yankees,” Fleurette murmured.

      “Or perhaps,” Lolly said in a level tone, “because he wants to be the Smitten and not the Smittee. So to speak.”

      Carrie gave a whoop of laughter and clapped her hand over her mouth, then continued. Lolly watched the green-eyed, golden-haired Fleurette straighten her spine and crook her little finger into a dainty arc.

      “Ah’m sure that is exactly right, Miss…May-pole. A gentleman’s heart is not easily won.”

      “Mayfield. It’s Mayfield.”

      “Why, of course it is,” Fleurette purred.

      “In this case,” Lolly continued, “the gentleman is willing to donate his heart to finance a schoolhouse. Apparently he doesn’t care one way or the other whether he’s smitten or not.”

      Fleurette tipped her head to one side like a curious robin. “We’ll have to wait and see about that, now won’t we?”

      Carrie’s hand drifted down from her mouth. “It won’t matter, ladies. The colonel has given his word on the matter. He will marry whichever one of us wins the competition. Oh, I do hope it will be me!”

      “Why, my dear, Ah’d say you are enamored of the gentleman.”

      “Actually,” Carrie said. “I don’t really know him very well. I’m just one of dozens of females in town who adore him and simply swoon when he smiles. But he treats us all exactly the same.”

      A calculating look came into Fleurette’s eyes. “You don’t know the first thing about this man, do you? Except that you swoon when he smiles.”

      “Why, no,” Carrie said. “If I did, I’d surely tell you both. We’re all in this together, are we not?”

      “Precisely,” Fleurette said, her voice light.

      Lolly didn’t like her tone, pleasant as Fleurette had tried to make it. Again, the back of her neck tingled.

      The scent of the young woman’s perfume, something cloyingly sweet and heavy, like gardenias, made Lolly’s head swim. She turned away to draw an untainted breath and spied young Hank Morehouse lounging in the dining room doorway, sending hand signals in her direction. Satchel. Upstairs. Room 3.

      Lolly nodded. No sooner had the boy disappeared than a blur of royal blue sateen announced the presence of Dora Mae Landsfelter.

      “Ah, here you are,” she trumpeted. “I have an announcement.” Dora Mae clasped her hand over her still-heaving bosom. “This evening, at eight o’clock…” She panted.

      The three candidates froze, fingers curled around their lemonade glasses.

      “The Helpful Ladies will host a reception in the hotel ballroom. And at that time…” She paused dramatically. “You will meet Colonel Macready. She slanted a look at Fleurette. “Dress will be ladies’ evening attire.”

      Fleurette gasped. “My trunks! Have they arrived?”

      “They have. Mrs. Petrov had all three moved up to your room at her boardinghouse.”

      Lolly sat stricken, unable to move. Trunk? Her trunk had been on the train; in her agitation about disembarking she’d completely forgotten about it. Now she realized all her possessions, except for what she obviously carried in her travel СКАЧАТЬ