Take My Hand. Ruth Scofield
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Название: Take My Hand

Автор: Ruth Scofield

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Love Inspired

isbn: 9781472021540


СКАЧАТЬ This adjustment was extremely difficult on both of them, and it touched a sympathetic chord in her. But…how dare J.D. treat his son with such flippant lack of concern? Didn’t he love the child at all? Didn’t he care what the boy got himself into? Where he went?

      Cliff must feel the loss of his mother keenly. How could the child cope with a father who rebuffed him?

      Alexis felt so blessed. She’d had a loving set of parents and two older sisters to nurture her through childhood. They accepted her completely. Plus she had a plethora of extended family to fill her life. There never was a time when she hadn’t felt wanted and cherished. Even after her recent breakup with Ron, she’d never doubted her family’s love, nor her Lord’s.

      She leaned against the car door, silently praying, Father, give me patience…and wisdom….

      Perhaps that was the major problem. Just maybe neither of these two felt loved. According to the paperwork she had, this father and son had only each other. And since they’d just been reunited after a five-year absence, they were near strangers. Perhaps J.D. didn’t know how to love his son. Or even know what it was to love.

      You’re the teacher….

      Her breath came sharply and lodged uncomfortably just under her breastbone. J.D glanced her way, his expression quizzical.

      “Cliff is probably on the other playground,” she said abruptly. Turning on her heel, Alexis went to search for him. “I’ll find him.”

      She sprinted around the building to the small playground in back of the original section of the school. Then she rounded the corner, seeing no one. She wasn’t surprised. This field was seldom used anymore because most of the classes found it too small.

      She heard children’s voices and noisy activity from up the way. Crossing the street, she hurried along the old broken sidewalk. Still yards distant, she spotted three boys.

      It wasn’t a friendly scene.

      Skateboard raised high above his head, Randy Brown’s irritated voice floated out to her. Alexis remembered him from last year, her first year of teaching in Sunny Creek. The boy was two grades higher than Cliff, half a head taller and a bit of a bully. He was yelling in strident tones, “You don’t know nothin’, brat, so just stuff it.”

      Jason Kell, also two years older and even taller than Randy, stood with arms crossed, glaring at Cliff.

      When she strolled up to them, he rolled his eyes in distaste, letting her know his opinion of the younger boy.

      Cliff had his back to her. He didn’t seem to notice their ire. He was talking a mile a minute. “I do so. I can do lots of tricks. I watched how they do it out in California. They’re better’n any of you guys. They have a monster track. I’m going to be a champion and stuff, just like them. You wait to see.”

      Her first instinct was that she’d arrived just in time. It was clear that Cliff had worn out his welcome.

      As she smiled at the older boys, she saw recognition of her teacher’s status flash across Randy’s face.

      “Hi, guys.”

      They mumbled a hello. Cliff kept talking.


      He glanced over his shoulder impatiently. “Yeah?”

      She held out her hand. “Let’s go. Your dad wants you.”

      “He’s busy doing something else,” he protested. He dropped his skateboard, stepping up and pushing off to ride the length of the concrete drive. Away from her.

      “Yes, but he wants you now.” She firmed her tone. “Come along, we need to go.”

      The skateboard hit a bump and tipped. Cliff jumped off awkwardly, barely avoiding a fall. Randy and Jason snickered.

      Cliff glared with all the ferocity of a wolf pup.

      Alexis hid her sigh. Cliff already sported skinned knees, so she suspected he’d taken a number of recent falls. She didn’t see much of his father’s grace in the boy’s movements. He would have to grow into that, she supposed. It might take a while.

      Meantime, he was ripe for all the teasing grief he’d already encountered. If only he didn’t invite it.

      She casually moved toward him, not wanting to cause alarm. Yet her movement held command.

      “I don’t see why I have to leave.” Cliff’s tone was contentious. “He’s looking at your car.”

      “That’s right. But he’s almost through and he needs you.” She tipped her head, giving her statement additional authority. “Now, let’s go.”

      Cliff’s face took on all the aspects of the proverbial Missouri mule. But after a moment, he picked up his board and followed her up the terrace to the playground. “I don’t see why I can’t stay here…”

      Out of earshot of the other boys, she slowed her step to let him walk alongside of her. “I know you like to ride your board, Cliff,” she said in sympathy. “There will be other times when you can practice.”

      “But I wanted to show those guys.” His eyes, even darker that his dad’s, took on a soulful, puppy dog despair.

      Feeling a rush of compassion, Alexis reached out and ruffled his hair with affection. “Maybe you will. So…how long have you had your skateboard?”

      Although still pouting, Cliff seemed to relax. After a moment, he moved closer, making an effort to match his step with hers while he chattered about the thrills of skateboarding.

      As they arrived at the car, J.D. wiped his hands and glanced up. His bright gaze questioned, but he asked nothing about where she’d found the boy.

      “Is it ready?” Alexis asked.

      Cliff let his board clang to the asphalt and shot away.

      “Nope. Needs more than just a new water hose. You should have it checked over thoroughly before you drive it.”

      “Oh…” Disappointment washed over her. She’d have to arrange for a few rides until her car was running again. She couldn’t afford to trade this one in just yet. “What’s wrong with it now?”

      “Don’t know for sure. But Bill, from the car repair over at Fifth and Main, most likely can tell you. Reckon you can get a loaner from him if you need to.”

      “Oh, well. That will have to do, I guess.”

      “I’m hungry,” Cliff complained, coming up to them. “You said we’d eat real soon.”

      “You haven’t had breakfast?” Alexis asked.

      “Nothing in the house but boring old cereal,” Cliff complained.

      “Better than nothing, Cliff,” J.D. stated. “If you were really hungry, you’d eat it.”

      Alexis glanced at her watch. Almost nine. Around them, the neighborhood activity had begun to pick up.

      “Are СКАЧАТЬ