Posh Doc, Society Wedding. Joanna Neil
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Название: Posh Doc, Society Wedding

Автор: Joanna Neil

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon Medical

isbn: 9781472059475



      ‘Long enough to take the scowl from your mouth, perhaps,’ he said, tucking his hand under her jaw and swooping to drop a fleeting, fierce kiss on her soft lips.

      She gasped as the imprint of his mouth registered on her, leaving a tingling explosion of sensation in its wake. Her whole body responded in a surge of fizzing excitement. ‘You…you kissed me,’ she said in shocked wonder.

      Heat shimmered in his gaze, laughter dancing in the blue-grey depths of his eyes. ‘I couldn’t resist,’ he said, letting his hand fall from her. ‘But I was right, wasn’t I? It certainly lifted the scowl from your lips, and it only took…what…all of two seconds?’

      She waited a moment or two while she battled to bring her emotions under control once more. ‘I wonder if you should have more pressing things to do with your time?’ she said finally, for want of any more cutting response. ‘I think the children may well need your attention. Or perhaps you’d forgotten all about them?’

      ‘I would never do that. But far be it from me to give you cause to find me wanting,’ he murmured. ‘I’ll go right away and find out what they’re up to.’ He paused, though, to study her slender figure, letting his glance sweep over her from head to toe, taking in the clinging cut of her jeans and the soft cashmere of her top. ‘Still as beautiful as ever, my lovely Izzy. But a sight more feisty than when last we met, I dare say, and with way more delicious curves.’ His mouth curved. ‘Yum.’

      Her grey gaze narrowed on him. ‘You should watch your step, Buchanan,’ she said in a low, controlled tone. ‘You’re not so big you can’t take a tumble.’

      He put up his hands in self-defence. ‘Okay, okay. You can stand down. I’m an unarmed man.’ He made a mock attempt at wiping his brow with the back of his hand as she finally relaxed her shoulders. ‘Phew! And I thought young Molly could shoot sparks. They’re nothing compared with her aunt’s artillery.’

      He was chuckling as he moved away in the direction of the garden, and Izzy stared at him, firing more darts at his straight back. The man was dangerous—a hazard to all unsuspecting women who suffered under the misapprehension that he was a good-natured, easygoing kind of man. He could effortlessly take your heart and squeeze it dry.

      But that was probably the least of her problems right now. How on earth was she going to break the news to her father that Ross Buchanan was back in town?

      Chapter Two

      ‘WOULD you like more coffee? I just made a fresh pot.’ Izzy’s housemate lifted the coffee percolator, letting it hover over two brightly painted ceramic mugs in the centre of the kitchen table.

      ‘Yes, please…Anything to warm me up. It’s freezing in here.’ Izzy chafed her arms with her hands in an effort to drum up some heat. ‘We really need to get that central heating fixed, or at the least buy a portable heater.’ She frowned, gazing around the room. ‘I suppose I could make some toast—the heat from the grill will probably make us feel better.’

      Lorna nodded. ‘Good idea. I’ll fry some bacon. I’m really in the mood for toasted bacon sandwiches to set me up for a day in A&E.’ She grinned. ‘Just in case we don’t make it down to the cafeteria again.’

      ‘Good idea.’ Izzy took out a loaf of bread from the wooden bin. ‘But I’ve been thinking…We could take our own food in to the hospital—sandwiches, biscuits, cereal bars…anything that we can cover with clingfilm and set out on a trolley. That way we’ll have stuff on hand if things get hectic.’ She smiled. ‘I thought it was great when Greg brought in hot sausage rolls and pastries the other day. They gave me the will to go on.’

      ‘Me, too.’ Lorna replaced the coffeepot on its base and went to get a frying pan from the cupboard. ‘As to the central heating, and all the other repairs that need doing around here, I suppose Ross will need a bit of time to settle in before he gets round to sorting things out. That’s if he means to stay, of course. It could just be that he’s brought the children over to be closer to Alice, and once she’s up and about he’ll be off.’ Lorna hesitated, frying pan in hand, thinking things through.

      She was a slender girl, with a mop of fair hair that had a flyaway look about it, as though it was permanently out of control—pretty much on a par with her bubbly character. Just now, though, her blue eyes were thoughtful. ‘Then again,’ she murmured, ‘he always had a bit of a thing for Alice, didn’t he? In fact, if you recall, the rumour was that she was seeing Ross long before she decided to run off with his brother. Quite the scandal at the time, I hear.’

      ‘Yes, it was.’ Izzy frowned. ‘Especially where my father was concerned. He hated the thought that she had anything at all to do with any of the Buchanans.’

      Lorna placed the frying pan on the hob and turned towards Izzy, throwing her an anxious look. ‘Oh, I’m sorry, Izzy…I was forgetting for a minute that she’s your cousin. I didn’t mean to say anything out of line—it’s just that everyone’s talking about Ross coming back here. People are wondering what’s going to happen about the crofts, and whether they can do anything to improve the general standard of living. And on top of all that they’re buzzing with talk about the way your families have been at each other’s throats for as far back as anyone can remember. There doesn’t seem to be any getting away from it. Of course they’re all siding with you and your parents and Alice.’

      ‘It’s all right, Lorna. I knew as soon as I saw Ross was back in Glenmuir that the tongues would start wagging. I don’t know what he’s going to do about the crofts. Most people hereabouts lease the land and the cottages from him, but I imagine he’ll have to put his own house in order before he can find time to look into any concerns they might have about their livelihoods. I suppose he could always say that what they do with the land is up to them for the term of the lease.’

      ‘Not his problem, you mean?’ Lorna pulled a face. ‘You could be right. But people seem to think Ross should do something so that they can make a decent living from the land. It’s history rearing its head once again—you know how it is…people around here don’t let go of the past easily. They’re convinced their rights were taken from them in the Highland Clearances well over a hundred years ago. At the very least they think he should pay them compensation on behalf of his ancestors.’

      Izzy switched on the grill and set bread out on the rack. ‘That’s fighting talk,’ she said with a husky laugh. ‘But, knowing how the Buchanans operate, I doubt it will get them very far. They’ve always known how to manoeuvre their way through the legal system and come out the winners.’

      ‘I’m told the Buchanans have oodles of charisma when they choose to exert it, and none of it lost on the women who cross their paths…’ Lorna turned the heat on under the pan and added rashers of bacon. ‘That was the start of things with your families, wasn’t it?’ she asked. ‘Your father’s great-aunt being seduced by the former Laird—Ross’s great-grandfather—some eighty odd years ago.’

      ‘That’s very true.’ Izzy slotted the grill pan under the heat. ‘Of course it caused all kinds of anger and heartache and general mayhem when she died in childbirth. That really upset the McKinnons and added fuel to the fire. I think my father, when he was growing up, soaked up all the vitriol that was poured on the Buchanans, and consequently he has no time for them.

      ‘Alice going off with Robert Buchanan was history repeating itself, and that well and truly stirred the melting pot, didn’t it?’

      ‘What СКАЧАТЬ