Marriage Reunited: Baby on the Way. Sharon Archer
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Название: Marriage Reunited: Baby on the Way

Автор: Sharon Archer

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon Medical

isbn: 9781472059390


СКАЧАТЬ pulled her mind back to the conversation. ‘You didn’t let me know you were coming home so I haven’t done any shopping.’


      The noncommittal response, coupled with her reaction to his touch, irritated her. ‘I’m assuming you do want to eat?’

      ‘Yeah, I do. I’ve got it under control.’

      A short time later and they were on the road. Going home…together. Liz’s heart thumped with an upsurge of poignant emotion.

      ‘Congratulations, by the way.’ She clasped her palms together in her lap, interlaced fingers pressing hard into her knuckles. With her peripheral vision, she saw Jack give her a quick glance before returning his eyes to the road.

      ‘For?’ He sounded wary.

      ‘Being appointed brigade captain.’ She caught her breath in the short, tense silence. ‘Why? Is there something else you haven’t you bothered to tell me?’


      ‘Of course, I’d heard rumours. But nobody thought to tell me because they naturally assumed I already knew.’ She stared at his profile, hating the bitterness she could hear in her voice. ‘How do you think that made me feel, Jack?’

      He sighed. ‘I thought I’d be home to tell you before the details got out. I should have known better. I’m sorry.’

      A muscle jumped along the line of his now clean-shaven jaw. He looked disgustingly fresh and well rested.

      And utterly desirable.

      While she felt frumpy and unattractive. She wrenched her gaze away, sealing her lips to stop herself from saying anything more.

      As soon as the car stopped in the driveway, she scrambled out and opened the back door of the car.

      ‘Leave those,’ Jack said from the driver’s side as she reached for one of the grocery bags on the back seat.

      ‘I’m here so I might as well carry something.’ She leaned in and grasped a calico handle.

      Moments later, hands clamped around her hips and she was gently but firmly tugged out of the vehicle. The bag she held was removed. Off balance from his touch, she looked up to find hard blue eyes boring into hers. ‘I said leave them. Just…go inside and put your feet up. Do whatever you like, but let someone else be in charge for a while.’

      ‘Fine, carry them all yourself, then.’ With Jack’s arms spread, one hand on the car door, the other on the roof, his solidly muscled body effectively corralled her. Her heart ricocheted around in her chest cavity. He’d touched her through layers of clothing, but the imprint of his strong hands still lingered on her flesh. Even worse was her body’s wicked yearning to press against him. She curled her fingers around her handbag to stop any possibility of reaching out.

      Her eyes fixed on the navy rib of his neckband, she forced her mind to form a coherent sentence. ‘If you’ll get out of my way, I’ll leave you to it.’

      Letting go of the car door, he shifted enough for her to brush past.

      Not trusting her voice while he was still so close, she shot a tight smile in his direction. Then, mustering all the dignity she could, she walked towards the house.

      ‘I put the key back in the pot-belly if you need it.’ His voice followed her up the path.

      A few moments later he joined her on the veranda, shopping bags in hand. ‘Dinner will be in an hour or so. I’ll call you.’

      ‘Fine,’ she mumbled, fumbling through the contents of her bag for her keys. She should have just retrieved the spare from the wretched stove. That way she’d have been inside already and out of his disturbing radius.

      He shifted his weight, hefting the bags. Out of the corner of her eye she could see his biceps bulging slightly, filling the short sleeve of his T-shirt. ‘Do you want me to get the spare?’

      She started at the sound of his voice as her fingers closed around her keyring.

      ‘No.’ Picking one, she stabbed it into the lock, relieved when it turned smoothly.

      ‘After you.’ She pushed the door open and stood back to hold the screen. The tang of his aftershave stayed with her as she stood on the doorstep, staring after him.

      The thin cotton knit shirt moulded to his long back. She’d always loved his broad shoulders, loved the strength in them. With snug jeans clinging to narrow hips, he was heart-throb material. A hot spear of lust twisted in her abdomen. Her shoulders slumped and she closed her eyes on a wave of despair. Even after their years together, even after the bitter arguments that had punctuated their relationship before he’d gone away, she wasn’t immune to his masculine appeal. In fact, she wondered if she’d become even more sensitised to him in his absence. For the sake of her sanity she hoped familiarity would breed its contempt—and quickly.

      ‘Are you all right?’ Jack’s voice jolted her out of her miserable reverie. ‘Do you need a hand?’

      ‘Yes. No.’ She drew herself up. The last thing she needed right now was for him to touch her again. ‘I’m fine, thank you. It’s…I’ll go and, um, have a bath. Now. In the en suite.’

      She fled, feeling his gaze follow her into the house, only releasing her when she turned into the main bedroom.

      An hour later, more pampered than she’d felt in a long time, she wandered through to the kitchen.

      ‘Good timing.’ He looked up from the bench where he was putting the finishing touches on a colourful tossed salad. She fidgeted beneath his scrutiny. ‘You look better. Less exhausted.’

      She grimaced wryly. ‘Thanks, I guess.’

      ‘You always look beautiful, Liz.’ A small smile curled the edges of his lips. She dragged her eyes away to focus on the chunks of tomato dotted over the lettuce.

      ‘I wasn’t fishing for a compliment.’ But in her heart she wondered if she was telling the entire truth. Some small, stubborn core lapped up the words, wanting more. Really dumb. They’d soon be going their separate ways…They had to. The marriage was over. She couldn’t use the pregnancy to hold him. Wanting more of anything from him was pointless.

      He shrugged. ‘I’ve set the table on the deck and poured you a drink.’ He nodded at a wineglass filled with golden liquid. ‘Why don’t you take that outside and sit down while I put the salmon on?’

      ‘I can’t drink alcohol.’

      ‘I know.’ He opened the sliding door with his elbow while balancing the salad in one hand and plates in the other. ‘It’s apple cider. Non-alcoholic.’

      ‘Oh. Then…thanks.’ She picked up the chilled glass and stood awkwardly.

      ‘Coming out?’ He was waiting at the door.

      ‘Can I do anything?’

      ‘Yep. Grab the salad.’ He held out the bowl. As soon as she’d taken it, he turned away to the barbecue. СКАЧАТЬ