Chances Are. Donna Hill
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Название: Chances Are

Автор: Donna Hill

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Kimani Arabesque

isbn: 9781472018571


СКАЧАТЬ in the back and put them in one of the cribs or playpens.”

      She waited while two of the girls leaped at the opportunity to put their bundles down. Once they were seated she began again.

      “We have some serious business to discuss tonight and I want all of you to listen carefully to what Ms. Williams has to say. It affects all of us.” She turned to Dione, who moved from the side of the room and took Brenda’s place in front of the girls.

      “An opportunity has presented itself to us. But as Ms. Brenda said, your decision—and it will be your decision—affects everyone.” She looked from one questioning face to the next before she continued. “A gentleman by the name of Garrett Lawrence would like to do a documentary, a short film, about you girls and Chances Are.”

      “A movie!” Kisha beamed.

      “Something like that,” Dione qualified.

      A wave of murmuring rippled through the room.

      “Okay, settle down. Nothing gets settled by talking among yourselves. It may sound exciting, but there are some other things to consider. He’s going to want to interview all of you, and your faces will be on film. I have no guarantees about who will eventually see it.”

      Denise’s hand shot up in the air. “I can’t be on no film, Ms. Williams. I can’t.”

      “Me, neither. None of my friends in school know I live in a shelter,” said another girl in the back.

      “Yeah. Yeah,” chimed a few others.

      “So don’t be in it,” snapped Kisha, looking behind her and giving the whiners dirty looks.

      “Oh, shut up. It ain’t all about you,” snapped Theresa, one of the oldest in the group who’d been the victim of incest and held a blatant distrust of everyone and everything. It had taken Dione months to be able to get her to talk at all. The last thing she wanted for Theresa was a setback.

      Kisha jumped up out of her seat, squaring off for a fight. She was always ready to defend herself or somebody and she was the smallest one in the bunch.

      “Kisha! Sit down. Now!” Dione ordered.

      Kisha blew out a breath and took her seat.

      “Now just settle down. Everybody. Nothing is going to happen without everyone’s cooperation. I know this is a very sensitive issue for many of you. And you know that I’ve always done everything in my power to keep your privacy intact. We’ll put it to a vote.” She looked around the room. “All those in favor of the film being done, raise your hand.”

      Four hands shot up in the air, leaving the majority of six in disagreement.

      Dione sighed, partly in relief, partly in disappointment. “That’s it then. No film.”

      There was a sudden outburst of conversation among the opposing sides, everyone trying to outshout the other.

      “Quiet! Enough. End of discussion.” By degrees everyone settled down. “Thank you all for coming. The meeting is over.”

      There was a lot of scraping of chairs and loud murmurs as the girls started to get up.

      “Wait a minute.” Brenda stepped to the front of the room, her face a mask of barely contained fury.

      Dione put her hand on Brenda’s shoulder in warning.

      “No. They need to hear what I have to say,” she whispered.

      She turned toward the assemblage. “Everybody take a seat.” She waited, tapping her foot with impatience. “I can understand some of you being reluctant about the whole thing for a variety of reasons. Ms. Williams didn’t tell you all everything, but I will.” She cut Dione a quick look from the corner of her eye and could see that Dione was fuming but resigned. “This is the real deal…”

      Brenda told them plainly and slowly about the financial troubles Chances Are was in, and how making the documentary and getting it to important funders could be the key to saving the house.

      “From the moment each of you walked through the doors, we have gone out of our way to make a home for you, help you in any way we could, get your lives and your children’s lives back on track. I think it’s about time you all began thinking about more than just yourselves and just today, but all the tomorrows and all the young women who will need Chances Are when you’ve moved out and moved on.” She took a breath. “I want you all to think about this. Think about it real hard.” She turned away and walked out, leaving them all in open-mouthed silence.

      Dione found Brenda in the upstairs office, with the lights out, sitting in a chair by the window, her silhouette reflected against the moonlit night.

      “Bren.” Dione heard her sniffle.

      “Yeah,” she mumbled.

      Dione stepped into the room. “Can I turn on the light?”

      “I’d really prefer if you didn’t.”

      Dione walked over to where Brenda sat and put a hand on her shoulder. “I think you really shook them up down there,” she began trying to get a chuckle out of her.

      “I had to. They need to know the truth, Dee.” She sniffed again. “Our hearts and souls are in this place.”

      “I know. We’ll find a way, Bren. Work on some more proposals, do some fund-raising. I’m not giving up.”

      Brenda clasped the hand on her shoulder. “I’m sorry. I know you didn’t want them to know how bad things really were. But—”

      “It’s all right. You were right. They do need to know. It’s not fair to them to leave them in the dark. The reality is, if we can’t get some funding in here, we’ll have to start looking for placement for them.”

      Brenda sighed. “I’m not looking forward to that, but it’s a reality.”

      Dione squeezed her shoulder. “Something will work out. Go home and get some rest. I’ll see you in the morning.”

      “Yeah.” Slowly she rose and Dione could see her wiping her eyes in the shadowed room.

      They both got their coats from the closet and walked out together to the front door.

      Just as they reached the exit, Kisha came running down the stairs.

      “Ms. Williams, Ms. Frazier. Wait!”

      They both turned, fearing the worst, like a fight broke out upstairs or something.

      “What’s the matter, Kisha?” Dione asked, holding her breath.

      Kisha came to a stop in front of them. “We took another vote. We can’t let you lose Chances Are, Ms. Williams. It ain’t right.”

      “Isn’t,” Dione corrected with a smile.

      “Isn’t. But we want to help.”

      Brenda turned to Dione and a smile broke out across СКАЧАТЬ