Into the Wilderness. Laura Abbot
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      “My pleasure,” the captain said, following the major’s wife to the food table to comply with her request. Before Rose moved off to join Effie, she poked Lily in the ribs and whispered, “It won’t hurt you to flirt a bit.” When Lily glared at her, Rose affected wide-eyed innocence and added, “Consider it a rehearsal for your assault on St. Louis beaux.”

      Juggling two cups and a plate of cookies, Captain Montgomery returned to Lily. Most of the crowd had gone outside to eat, but he set the refreshments on a bench. “Shall we stay here?”

      She looked around, flustered to see how few concert-goers remained. “This is fine,” she said, sinking onto the bench.

      He handed her a cup, then made a toasting gesture with his own. “To you,” he said quietly.

      “Whatever for?”

      He smiled. “For gracing this place with beauty and gentleness. Most of us have lived with men for far too long. You are a breath of fresh air.”

      The compliment both flattered and disturbed her. “Sir, I think you give me too much credit. I would suggest it is easy to say such things when, by your own admission, you have been long deprived of feminine companionship.”

      “Do you think me so devoid of discernment that I am drawn to just any woman?”

      Drawn? He was drawn? How to answer such a question? “Forgive me, Captain. Of course, you must know your own mind.”

      “As I believe you must know yours. From what the men tell me, you are a fair, but demanding taskmistress—is there such a word?—among your patients.”

      “A hospital is not the place for indecisiveness or the encouragement of malingerers.”

      “Although one might not blame them for preferring your company to that of a drill sergeant.”

      “I assure you there are times in that environment when I bear a closer resemblance to a drill sergeant than a docile maid.”

      “From what I’ve seen of you, docile isn’t a word that comes readily to mind.”

      She couldn’t help herself. She chuckled. “What word does come to mind?”

      He leaned back as if to study her. “Perhaps curious. Or maybe determined.”

      “And what led you to such conclusions?”

      “Your interest in medicine, your passion for that which interests you, whether it is nursing or literature. I suspect there is more going on in that head of yours than meets the eye.”

      “You, sir, are a keen observer. I shall have to watch my p’s and q’s.”

      He set down his cup. “Would it be presumptuous to ask you to call me by my Christian name?”

      Lily was flustered. This conversation was moving beyond her powers to control it. “You have me at a disadvantage, Captain. Are we to become friends, then?”

      “That is my intent, especially as we are both book lovers.”

      “Then, as friends—” she leaned forward by way of emphasis “—in informal situations, I will call you Caleb.”

      “Good.” He hesitated as if hearing his name echo. “Would you object to saying it again?”

      She looked at him quizzically, then softly repeated, “Caleb.”

      “Thank you. It has been many months since I have heard my name uttered by a lovely woman. And, then, only by my sister, Sophie.”

      Unaccountably, Lily felt her eyes moisten. She had never considered how a soldier might miss simple feminine interactions or long for a soft, endearing voice. Casting about for a safer topic, she said, “Tell me about your sister.”

      He stood. “Perhaps we could take a turn around the parade ground while I relate some Sophie stories.” He held out his hand to assist her to rise.

      Tucking her arm through his, she was startled by a sensation very like happiness. Surely, she told herself, it was the beauty of the spring night rather than her companion that provoked such an emotion.

      On their walk, she discovered that he was a gifted raconteur. His mother had died giving birth to Sophie, and he obviously doted on his younger sister, a tomboy of the first magnitude. His tales of her cutting off her long hair when she was ten in order to look more like a boy and wading into the river to noodle for catfish were both humorous and poignant. He painted a vivid picture of his sister’s flyaway curly red hair and ended by saying, “Sophie possesses a mind of her own, but she has a generous heart.”

      “I think I’d like her,” Lily said, full of admiration for the independent young woman who dared to live beyond the conventional.

      Caleb faced her. “She would like you.” He clasped her hand between his own. “I like you.”


      “Caleb, please.”

      “Caleb, I don’t know what to say.”

      He snugged her hand beneath his arm and started walking slowly toward her home. “You don’t need to say anything.”

      She decided silence was the best course lest she offer any more encouragement than, inadvertently, she may have already given. As they walked, an awkwardness seemed to develop where earlier there had been camaraderie. She could ask him about the mother he had lost, but they were nearing the hospital. Perhaps another time. Did she want another time?

      At her door, he gently disengaged his arm and faced her. “Miss Lily, I pray I have not overstepped my bounds.”

      Again, she was at a loss for words. “It’s late, Captain. It’s best to say good-night.” When his eyes clouded, she took pity on him. “Until we meet again, Caleb.” She liked saying his strong, masculine name.

      “Good night, Miss Lily.” As if remembering his manners, he added stiffly, “Thank you for a pleasant evening.”

      Inside the house, she leaned against the closed door, bewildered. He had shown signs of his interest in her, but in the past few minutes had seemed to retreat into formality. She had enjoyed his company more than she cared to admit. That concerned her. She would need to steel herself and not let her fickle emotions sidetrack her plans.

      When Lily entered the bedroom she shared with Rose, her sister was just finishing plaiting her long reddish-blond hair. The light from the candle on the bedside table cast an intimate glow. Lily loosened her buttons, plucked her nightgown from its hook and prepared for bed. Rose watched her, a smug smile playing about her lips. “Well?” she finally said. “How did you find your Captain Montgomery?”

      “He’s not mine,” Lily said decisively, taking the pins out of her hair and beginning her ritual one-hundred brush strokes. Knowing that those three words would not satisfy her sister, she went on. “Like many of our officers, he is lonely. I provided a temporary diversion, no doubt.”

      Rose hooted. “Are you blind? The way he looked at you was special.”

      “He СКАЧАТЬ