Her Rocky Mountain Protector. Patricia Thayer
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Название: Her Rocky Mountain Protector

Автор: Patricia Thayer

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon Cherish

isbn: 9781472004512


СКАЧАТЬ changed into hiking boots laced up at the bottom of her jeans. A sweatshirt under a quilted down vest would keep her warm against the cool day. She had her hair pulled back into a ponytail and a wide-brimmed hat to protect her from the elements. Springtime in Colorado was unpredictable. It could mean anything from rain to a full-blown snowstorm.

      A blonde woman walked out behind the boy’s mother. He recognized her as Lorelei Hutchinson Yeager. She’d pretty much owned this town since her father’s death last year. Grady knew about the Hutchinsons only because of his grandfather’s stories. Old Fletch had a strong dislike for any members of the town’s founding family. It had something to do with disagreements over land rights.

      Grady stood straighter when the two women walked his way. Ms. Williams had a stuffed toy in her hand.

      “Mr. Fletcher, this is my sister, Lori Yeager. Lori, Grady Fletcher.”

      He nodded. “Mrs. Yeager.”

      She managed a smile. “It’s Lori. And I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your help finding my nephew. Zack means the world to us. If there’s anything you need, let Reed know.”

      Gina looked at Grady. “The sheriff said you have a dog who can track.”

      He wasn’t about to explain that he’d been through hell and back. “Scout was a military working dog. We’re both retired now.”

      Gina held up a floppy-eared rabbit. “This belongs to Zack. Do you think he could pick up his scent?”

      Since Scout’s injury, he hadn’t been put to the test. “It’s worth a try.”

      She hugged her sister and they all walked outside. The sheriff and his two men had loaded up the white four-wheel drive SUV. After instruction to lead, Grady climbed in his own truck and Scout greeted him.

      “Looks like we got some work to do. You up to it, fella?”

      Surprisingly the animal let out a bark as the passenger-side door opened and the pretty Gina Williams peered in. “The other car is full. Would you mind if I rode with you?”

      It seemed to take forever to get to their destination. The longest twenty minutes in Gina’s life, but thanks to Grady Fletcher she now had hope of finding Zack.

      She tried to calm herself as she stole a glance at the beautiful scenery along the gravel road leading to the dotting of tall pines in the distance. A stream ran alongside the winding path. She thought of Zack. Was he warm enough? Had Eric hurt him? She tensed. He’d better not have.

      Suddenly she felt a nudge on her arm. She started to pull away, then discovered it was Mr. Fletcher’s dog. “Hey, fella.”

      She looked at the man who filled up the truck cab, making Gina very aware of his presence. “Is it okay if I pet him?”

      He gave her a curt nod. “It seems Scout wants the attention.”

      She ran her hand over the shepherd’s soft, nearly black coat. “He’s a beautiful dog. You said he’s a military dog?”

      “Yes. He served overseas until last year.”

      “Were you with him?”

      Another curt nod.

      Gina continued to rub the dog’s fur. She found it gave her comfort, but nothing could stop the fear she felt for her son. She’d thought she’d been so careful. That Eric would never find them.

      Out of the blue, Mr. Fletcher said, “Tell me about your … about Eric. How experienced is he with survival skills?”

      “Really good. Every year, he’d go with his brothers during hunting season.” She had been glad when he was away because it had meant she was safe from his abuse. “Don’t put anything past him, Mr. Fletcher.” She couldn’t forget the times she had, and he had made her pay. Oh, God, Zack, she cried silently. “Eric wasn’t supposed to find us here. Destiny was our safe place.” She worked to hold it together, but wasn’t doing well. “We didn’t tell a soul that we’d moved here. We changed our names while he was in prison.” She released a sigh. “Why can’t he leave us alone?”

      For a long time the man didn’t say anything, then added, “The sheriff will get him and he’ll go back to prison.”

      “I pray that happens. Right now, all I’m concerned about is my son’s safety.”

      Grady went across the stream, then drove several yards off-road, coming to a stop under a tree, next to some large boulders at the base of hillside. Before he could shut off the engine, Gina jumped out of the truck and had started up the hillside when she felt his hand on her arm.

      “Hey, you just can’t go running off half-cocked. At least wait for the others.”

      Before she could argue, a rifle shot rang out, and something hit the tree above their heads.

      With a curse, Grady pushed Gina to the ground and covered her body with his. He had to get her out of there. He grabbed her close, hearing her gasp, then rolled them over and over until they were behind the tree.

      Gina landed on her back and was swiftly aware of this large man. He braced his arms on either side of her head so his full weight wasn’t on her. Still, she was very mindful of the fact of his powerful size. Oddly, she didn’t feel panicked or threatened. She had her son to worry about.

      He raised his head and those dark brooding eyes locked on hers. “You okay?”

      She managed a nod. Again she caught sight of the scarred skin covering the side of his neck.

      Another series of shots rang out over their heads. He moved her just as the sheriff’s vehicle pulled up and parked in front of them as a shield.

      Reed climbed out of the truck. His men scrambled to find cover behind large boulders. The sheriff reached them. “You two okay?”

      Grady moved off the woman, trying to forget the awareness he felt. Their gaze connected for an instant before she sat up. This was trouble in more ways than he could count.

      “I’m fine, but my son isn’t. So I need to go up there.”

      She started to stand and Grady pulled her back down. “Lady, I know you aren’t thinking clearly right now,” he growled. “And running up there isn’t going to get your son back. That maniac is holding a high-powered rife on us, and he wants you to pay.”

      Before Grady could stand, Gina Williams gripped his arm. “I don’t care how you do it, Mr. Fletcher—just get my son out safely. Please.” Tears filled those mesmerizing green eyes. “My life doesn’t matter without Zack.”

      “We’ll do whatever it takes to get the boy out of there.” Grady moved away, praying he could keep his promise.

      I’m so scared. Mom, help me.

      Wiping away more tears, Zack sat up on the blanket and began pulling at the ropes that held his wrists and feet together. He had to get away before his dad got back. Struggling with the ropes again, he wished he were strong enough to break free. With only a little light from the lantern, he glanced around the dark cave, but couldn’t see anything.

      He СКАЧАТЬ