OUTLAW in the Tudor Court. Anne Herries
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Название: OUTLAW in the Tudor Court

Автор: Anne Herries

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781472094353


СКАЧАТЬ riotous.’

      He inclined his head, turned on his heel and left her. Kathryn’s cheeks flamed. Had she given herself away? Had he seen that longing in her eyes? Oh, what a fool she was! She did not like what he was or what he did—so how could she feel such tempestuous emotions when he looked at her?

      Kathryn chose a gown of white silk trimmed with black ribbons. Her mask was a pretty thing of white, silver and black that fitted over the top half of her face and fastened with ribbons. Her cloak was fashioned of fine soft velvet that felt so comforting to wear, for, though the sun had been warm during the day, the night air was much cooler.

      She was waiting downstairs in one of the salons when Michael came to collect her. He wore a harlequin costume in the colours of black and white, which complemented her gown perfectly, and looked the picture of a courtier. He was a handsome man, his dark hair and eyes enough to set the hearts of most ladies fluttering. Kathryn wondered why she could not feel something more for him, for he was much kinder and more courteous than his commander.

      ‘We make a pretty pair, sir,’ she said and curtsied to him.

      ‘You are beautiful, Mistress Rowlands,’ he told her. ‘I am but a simple sea captain, but you are a lady and far beyond me.’

      Kathryn did not know how to answer him, for she was surprised by his words, which seemed to hint at something much deeper and stronger than mere friendship. She smiled and gave him her hand, blushing as he held it to his lips before leading her out to the front of the palace and down the steps to the waiting gondola.

      ‘I thought that you might like to see the sights before we join the revellers in St Mark’s Square,’ he said. ‘For this evening is a celebration.’

      Kathryn allowed him to hand her into the gondola. Their oarsman took them through the narrow waterways of the city, which was lit with many tiny lanterns and torches, and bedecked with ribbons, flowers and flags.

      When they reached the square it was already crowded. Music was playing and people were dancing, everyone dressed in beautiful clothes and carrying or wearing masks. Some were very exotic, resembling the heads of animals or mythical beasts, others were sad or comic, though most were very simple, like hers.

      She danced with Michael three times, and then stood to one side to watch the others dancing while he fetched her a cool drink mixed with fruits that tasted sweet. She sipped it and then set the glass down, just as someone caught her arm and she was suddenly whirled back into the throng of dancers. Her heart raced for a moment as she thought it might be an attempt at abduction, and then, as she looked up at the masked man, she knew him.

      ‘Are you enjoying yourself, Madonna?’

      ‘Yes, very much,’ she said. ‘I thought you were too busy to come with us?’

      ‘My business was finished sooner than I thought,’ Lorenzo said and smiled. His mask, like hers, was plain and fitted over the top half of his face, but he was dressed all in black, though the sash at his waist was of silver. ‘I thought I would discover for myself what happens on this night of mystery and feasting.’

      ‘Why mystery?’

      ‘Do you not know the legend of the Seventh Moon?’

      Kathryn shook her head, her eyes wide with curiosity. ‘What is the Seventh Moon?’

      ‘It is said that if a virgin looks at the full moon in a bowl of water for seven nights without fail, on the last night she will see the face of her lover—and by morning she will no longer be a virgin.’ There was a wicked, teasing note in his voice that made her want to laugh. ‘Have you looked to see the face of your lover, Madonna? And whose is the face you see, I wonder?’

      ‘Oh!’ Kathryn felt her cheeks grow warm. She looked away hastily for she did not know how to interpret his teasing. ‘But why is the feast held on this night?’

      ‘That I cannot tell you,’ he said and she knew that he was laughing at her. ‘Perhaps to celebrate the beginning of the legend—who knows?’

      ‘I think you invented your story, sir,’ Kathryn said and her heart beat faster as she heard his laughter.

      ‘Did I, Kathryn?’ he asked. ‘Now, why should I do that?’

      She shook her head. Her heart was beating so fast that she felt a little faint, as if she were swept away with some emotion that thrilled and yet terrified her. He seemed so different from the cold, hard man she had become accustomed to thinking him, reminding her of someone she had known long ago. Dickon had told her stories, making them up on the spur of the moment to tease her and make her laugh.

      The music had ended for the moment and people were moving away to find food and refreshment. Kathryn stood looking up at him, caught by some strange sensation that gripped her, sweeping her back through the years so that she seemed to be a child again.

      ‘Who are you?’ she asked, her eyes seeming to be locked with his.

      ‘I do not know who I am, Kathryn,’ he said, and then, as her breath caught in her throat, he bent his head and kissed her on the lips very softly. ‘Since you came I do not know anything…’

      ‘Lorenzo.’ Her mouth seemed to tingle from his kiss though it had been sweet and gentle, and her heart was racing wildly. ‘What do you mean?’

      ‘Who knows what words mean?’ he asked, an odd smile touching his mouth. ‘Did I not tell you this was a night of mystery? Michael is looking for you. I shall take you back to him, Kathryn.’

      She wanted to stay with him, to be back in his arms, but she knew that the moment had passed as he took her arm, steering her back to where Michael awaited her. Then, before she could say or do anything, he turned and disappeared through the throngs of people crowding the square.

      ‘I have never known Lorenzo to attend the masque before,’ Michael said, watching him go. ‘Nor have I known him to dance.’

      ‘Not ever—with anyone?’ Kathryn’s heart jerked as he shook his head. How strange that was! ‘He said that his business had finished early.’

      ‘Even so…’ Michael looked thoughtful. ‘Will you eat something, Mistress Rowlands?’

      ‘I am not very hungry,’ Kathryn confessed. ‘Would you mind very much if I asked you to take me home?’

      ‘No, of course not,’ he said and smiled at her. ‘I am here to serve you.’

      ‘You were very kind to bring me this evening. I have enjoyed myself.’

      ‘Lorenzo asked me to bring you. He said that you had been confined to the house too long. I asked him why he did not bring you himself, and he said that you would be safer with me. I did not understand him.’ Michael frowned. ‘I would give my life for Lorenzo Santorini, but…’ He paused, then rushed on. ‘I do not think he is a man who would make a woman such as you happy, Kathryn. There are things in his past that he can never forget.’

      ‘What do you mean?’ She looked at him, her eyes wide, feeling coldness at the nape of her neck. ‘What kind of things?’

      ‘Forgive me, I may not tell you. I have perhaps said too much. It is not my business to interfere—but I have a deep regard for you, Kathryn. Forgive me if СКАЧАТЬ