Dark Nights. Lisa Childs
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Название: Dark Nights

Автор: Lisa Childs

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781472041333


СКАЧАТЬ could hold.

      Again and again, he pounded into her. And again and again, she came. Finally, his orgasm spilled from him and into her. He collapsed on top of her, into her arms, his breathing harsh and ragged in her ear, his chest slick and hot against her breasts.

      “Oh, God…” She shuddered as little orgasms went off like firecrackers after the grand finale.

      “You convinced me,” he said, groaning, as he pulled from her and flopped onto his back again.

      Paige struggled for first her breath, then her voice. “You’re not going to call the cops on me and report the break-in?”

      “You didn’t break in,” he reminded her. “You knew the code.”

      “God, Paige,” he said as he turned toward her. “That was crazy.”

      It was. She needed to stay away from him. Instead, she got closer every time, pulling him deeper and deeper inside her, until he became a part of her. She had thought she’d been strong to come here; she would have been stronger had she stayed away.

      “I should go,” she said, trying to sit up, but her limp muscles protested.

      And so did Ben, catching her around the shoulders and pulling her against his chest. He groaned, then murmured, “Not yet.”

      “I don’t think you have enough energy for another round,” she teased. When she snuggled closer, he groaned again, so she pulled back. Her eyes having adjusted to the darkness and not clouded with her passion for him, she finally noticed the redness around his ribs. “What happened to you?”

      “I’m fine.” He dismissed her concern.

      She pressed on his chest, and his handsome face twisted with a grimace. “You’re not fine.”

      “I don’t believe you when you claim it, either,” he said with a slight grin.

      As usual, he was trying to get the focus off himself, but she was having none of it this time. “What happened to you?”

      “It’s not a big deal,” he assured her. “I just had a little accident.”

      Like that voice inside her head, Sebastian’s words resonated with her: He would do anything to protect you…even risk his own life.

      “You got hurt trying to figure out who my stalker is,” she surmised.

      He laughed and shook his head. “I’m a surgeon—not a police officer. I’ll leave the investigating to your detective friend. What did Kate say? You must have called her last night to report what happened in your office.”

      She nodded.

      “So how is her investigation coming?”

      “She already has a suspect,” Paige admitted.

      “She does?”

      She smiled and kissed his chest. “You.”


      She moved her head against his shoulder, nodding. “But don’t worry. You’re her suspect, not mine.”

      “That’s something, I guess.” He blew out a ragged breath, his pride obviously stinging. “Okay, I guess I can understand why she’d think that.”

      “But I don’t, Ben,” she assured him, pressing a kiss against his skin.

      His dark eyes flared with passion, and he rolled her onto her back. “Paige…” he murmured as his mouth dipped toward hers.

      But before he could kiss her, the beeper rattled on the nightstand, vibrating. “Damn!” he said, reaching for the device. He uttered a curse as he glanced at the screen. “I have to leave….”

      “That’s okay,” she said, despite her body’s protest. Her nipples had hardened, her clit pulsing, wet and ready for his possession. Again.

      “No, it’s not,” he said, his voice vibrating like the beeper had, but with frustration. “You’re here.”

      “Yes.” But she shouldn’t have come. Not to the house. Not to him. Because he never stayed with her—he was never there for her like he was for his patients. And she hated herself for being jealous of them. And she hated him a little for making her feel like that.

      His hands skimmed over her bare shoulders, over her breasts, his palms brushing across the hardened nipples. “And we need to talk about that.”

      “If you stayed,” she said, sliding her hand over his hip, to the part of him that was reawakening, hard and throbbing, “we wouldn’t be talking.”

      He chuckled. “Wait for me. Stay here.” He didn’t wait for her agreement, just jumped out of bed and grabbed his clothes from the floor.


      “Don’t leave.”

      As she watched him walk away from her again, she realized that he had never really belonged to her despite those vows they had taken.

      She was in less danger from her stalker than she was from Ben. If she fell for him again, as deeply as she had before, there wouldn’t be enough stitches to heal her wounds. Or her broken heart.

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