Irresistible Greeks: Unsuitable and Unforgettable. Jane Porter
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СКАЧАТЬ in all other areas. And a weak leader can destroy what was a strong nation. I will never have part in that.”

      He was serious again. Like last night. Not a hint of flirtation. She was starting to wonder if that was really him at all. Or if it was who he thought he was supposed to be.

      “Is that really what you think?”

      “I know it. I saw it happen, in my family, in Kyonos. When my mother died everything fell apart. My father could not function. He … We made Xander the scapegoat for it, all because grief could only give way to anger. I had to set it aside. I had to move on for the good of the country. It took my father years to do it. He is a king, he did not have the luxury of grief, or pain. It’s different for us.”

      She studied his face, so hard and impassive, as though it were carved from marble. “Feeling pain is the only way I know to deal with it.” Sometimes she wondered if she clung to pain. If she turned it over and dissected more than she needed to. If she used it to protect herself.

      “I have gotten to the point where I don’t feel it at all. Kyonos comes first, and everything else comes second. That will include a wife. She’ll have to understand that. She’ll have to understand that her role is not to love me, but to love my country.”

      Bone deep sadness assaulted her. He deserved more than that. More than this.

      Her phone buzzed and she pulled up her text messages.

      We’re done. Where are you?

      The message was from Victoria.

      Out front. She typed out the note and then hit Send.

      “They’re done,” she said. “Brace yourself.”

      He straightened his shoulders, his expression changing, that wicked charm back in place. She had to work hard to suppress a smile.

      As if on cue the three women walked out of the spa, sunglasses fixed firmly on flawless faces. Victoria was the first to spot Stavros, the first to smile widely. “Prince Stavros. How lovely.”

      Like she was surprised. Like she hadn’t been briefed by Jessica early that morning.

      “Lovely to see you, Victoria,” he said, inclining his head. “Cherry, Amy.”

      Cherry and Amy didn’t look thrilled at being afterthoughts, but they managed to smile, too, and offer platitudes about what a lovely day it was.

      “I’ve made reservations at a café down by the water,” he said.

      “Sounds lovely,” Amy said, taking her chance to be the first to speak.

      “My car is just this way,” he said, leading down the narrow street and to a black limo idling at the curb. The security detail opened the back doors on both sides. The women slid in and took their positions on the bench seats that ran the length of the car.

      Jessica got in and sat on the bench facing them, and Stavros slid in beside her. The doors closed and the air-conditioning provided immediate relief from the heat. Or, rather, it would have, if Stavros himself wasn’t so hot.

      A thick, awkward silence settled into the air and Jessica worked to find her social ease. She was good with people. It was one of her strengths. But Stavros had her in the throes of her first sexual attraction in years and his potential brides were sitting a foot away.

      It was more awkward than any situation had the right to be.

      “I …” She cleared her throat. “I’m really looking forward to lunch.”

      “I’m looking forward to dinner,” said Cherry, flashing Stavros a smile.

      From awkwardness to greater awkwardness.

      “I imagine everyone will be eating dinner tonight,” Jessica said, a bit too brightly. Some will be eating alone, though.

      Stavros laughed … easy, charming. False. He did that so well. No matter the situation he seemed to be in control. More than that, he seemed to distance himself. The flirtier and friendlier he seemed, the less present he actually was. And that seemed to be his default setting.

      Not always. Her mind flashed back to the kiss. That hadn’t been emotionless at all. Or distant. That had been … amazing. And wild. She sneaked a peek at him from the corner of her eyes, her line of sight connecting her with the strong column of his throat. She was willing to bet he tasted like salt. Clean skin and man.

      “I’m certain everyone will,” he said, earning a delicate blush from Cherry.

      The limo stopped and Jessica nearly said a prayer of thanks out loud. “We’re here!”

      The doors opened and they filed out. The restaurant was at the harbor, the seating area extending over the pier. Boats, ranging in size from dinghies to yachts, filled the horizon. Seagulls screeched nearby, landing near tables, fighting over crumbs, showing no respect for their otherwise elegant surroundings.

      Jessica made sure everyone ordered wine with their lunch. Heaven knew they would need it to get through the afternoon.

      They made appropriate small talk while they waited for their orders to be filled and Jessica cringed inside as she watched the patented disinterest in Stavros’s eyes grow more and more pronounced.

      She wanted to pinch him. She couldn’t fix him up if he didn’t even try to like the women she introduced him to.

      She caught his gaze and treated him to a hard stare. A glimmer of amusement appeared in the depths of his dark eyes. She didn’t even want to know what he was thinking.

      When everyone had their food, Stavros leaned in, his very best charming-politician smile on his face. How had she not noticed before? How fake it was. How much it wasn’t him at all. “I know this is a bit unusual. But I think it’s best to think of it as a job interview. I hope no one finds that offensive. We have all signed up to have Jessica’s help finding a suitable spouse, have we not?”

      Jessica wanted to hit him. Except none of the women seemed offended at all. They should have been. His mercenary assessment should have made them all angry. They should have poured wine in his lap.

      They didn’t, they simply nodded.

      “The reality is, my country needs very specific things from a queen. That’s my top priority.”

      “Naturally,” Victoria said. “We’re all far too practical to think this is going to be a love match.”

      Cherry nodded, and Amy only stared into her glass.

      “Then the rejection should not be personal, either,” he said, his charm never slipping. He was firm, yet still perfectly engaging. She didn’t understand how he did it. She didn’t understand what he was doing, and yet, he was doing it.

      “This is really lovely,” Jessica said, looking around them. “Isn’t it lovely?”

      Amy nodded. “It really is.”

      She chattered on about the scenery and the food, anything to dispel the lingering scent of that horrible honesty of Stavros’s. They managed to make СКАЧАТЬ