Fugitive Fiancee. Kristin Gabriel
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Название: Fugitive Fiancee

Автор: Kristin Gabriel

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Эротическая литература

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781472088123


СКАЧАТЬ golden brow lifted. “Really? What’s the difference?”

      “Wheat straw is yellow and used for livestock bedding. Hay is cut from grasses, like brome, and is fed to the stock. It’s green, and your pretty white dress would be, too, if you were sitting on hay.”

      “I’m learning all kinds of fascinating things today,” she said, her tone telling him she wasn’t exactly thrilled about it.

      Well, he wasn’t thrilled, either. Not only was he stuck in the barn for who knew how long, he was stuck here with a city girl. A worried city girl, judging by the way her perfect teeth kept nipping that lush lower lip. Shadows clouded her blue eyes as she looked at him.

      A vague uneasiness tightened his gut. Maybe this wasn’t a prank. Maybe she wasn’t lost. Maybe this woman was in trouble.

      “If you’d just let me explain,” Mimi began, winding her fingers together.

      “That really isn’t necessary.” Garrett moved to the window. Despite his natural curiosity, he didn’t want to know any details about her. Didn’t want this woman to intrude on his life more than she already had. Those shadows in her eyes bothered him. If he found out how they got there, he might feel obliged to help her. And he had enough problems of his own to deal with right now.

      It was better if they remained strangers. Better for him, anyway. Sometimes he wondered if that’s why Jake Maitland had spent all those years working as a secret operative for the government. Moving from place to place had kept him from making ties and establishing relationships. Even his own family had rarely known how to find him. Maybe he’d liked it that way.

      Because sometimes it hurt to care too much.

      The creak of the barn door startled them both. Garrett whirled, locking eyes with Mimi. Her wary blue eyes widened at the sound of footsteps below them.

      “Hide,” Garrett ordered in a husky whisper, diving behind a tall stack of straw. Mimi rolled off her perch to join him there, tangling them both in a billowing cloud of white taffeta.

      They both batted down her wayward skirts, then froze as a feminine voice called from below. “Anybody here?”

      One of the horses whinnied in reply.

      “Garrett?” Her shout startled the barn swallows perched high in the rafters, and they fluttered around their nests.

      Garrett saw Mimi open her mouth, and he immediately clamped his hand over it. Her lips were soft and warm against his palm. He felt a touch of moisture, like dew, on his skin, when she tried to speak. He shook his head, his body tightening at the thought of her small pink tongue touching him, tasting him.

      She looked at him with those blue eyes, then finally nodded slowly in understanding. He removed his hand, suddenly aware of how close Mimi was to him. He could feel the silky wisps of her blond hair tickling his cheek and the soft fullness of one breast pressed against his upper arm. She was so warm and so very, very soft. One of her legs had tangled with his during their fall, her creamy skin rubbing against the rough fabric of his jeans. He didn’t dare move, even as a hot, tingling sensation shot through his veins to other parts of his body.

      He looked into her eyes and found her still staring at him, their faces only a hairbreadth apart. He hadn’t been this close to a woman in months—and his body was reminding him of that fact. His heart pounded, and his breathing hitched.

      “Garrett?” The voice below called again, closer now. “Are you up there?”

      His muscles tensed as his attention was drawn away from Mimi. He held his breath, letting it out slowly when he finally heard the sound of receding footsteps. The barn door creaked once again.

      Venna was gone.

      He immediately put a healthy distance between himself and the bride. That’s when he noticed her hands were shaking.

      “What’s wrong?” he asked.

      She swallowed hard and shook her head. “Nothing. I’m fine.”

      Without thinking, Garrett reached out and clasped her small hands in his. Her fingers were as cold as ice. “You’re not fine.”

      He hauled her off the floor and began roughly brushing strands of golden straw from her wedding dress. The roar of an engine drew his gaze to the window. He watched with relief as the pickup peeled out of his driveway toward the country road. Then he turned to Mimi. “It’s safe now. We can go to the house and you can call someone to pick you up.”

      “That’s not necessary,” she breathed. Her fingers clutched the skirt of her wedding dress so tightly her knuckles matched the pearly white fabric.

      “Believe me, it is.” He strode toward the ladder, then waited for her to follow.

      She stayed rooted to the spot. “I can’t leave.”

      “You can’t stay,” he countered, his tone registering his impatience.

      She looked at him and licked her lips. Panic flared in her eyes. “You don’t understand. I…I don’t know where to go. I don’t know what to do.”

      He heard the edge of desperation in her voice and moved closer to her. “It’s all right,” he said softly, using the same tone he used to gentle a spooked horse. “Everything will be all right. Come with me to the house. We’ll figure out what to do.”

      Her tense shoulders relaxed a fraction. She took a deep breath, then gave him a shaky nod.

      Garrett gently grasped her elbow and led her toward the ladder. She gathered her voluminous skirt in her hands, then carefully climbed down the wooden rungs. Her knees buckled when she reached the barn floor, and Garrett watched her grab on to a wooden support beam to steady herself. He jumped down the last few rungs and hurried to her side.

      “I’m all right,” she assured him. “I haven’t eaten anything all day and the…excitement must be catching up with me.”

      Damn. Bad enough he’d found a citified bride stowed away in his barn. Now she was about to pass out from hunger. How could she leave his ranch if she was unconscious? Without bothering to ask her permission, Garrett bent and scooped her into his arms. He ignored her sharp gasp of protest as he gathered her close to his chest. A little closer than necessary. But he couldn’t resist the urge to inhale her unique scent and feel all that softness against his body one last time.

      His horse Brutus emitted a high-pitched whinny as Garrett headed for the barn door, a sputtering bride in his arms. If he didn’t know better, he’d think the big bay gelding was laughing at him.

      AS SOON AS Garrett carried Mimi out of the barn, the wild Texas wind snatched at her veil and whipped it across his face. He spit three layers of tulle out of his mouth, then muttered an oath under his breath.

      “You can put me down now,” she said, more than a little unnerved by his brute strength. She weighed one hundred and thirty pounds, and the man wasn’t even breathing hard.

      “This is my ranch,” he bit out, shifting her slightly in his arms as he strode toward the house. “I’m the one who gives the orders.”

      Mimi clenched her jaw and held her tongue. She СКАЧАТЬ