The Lighthouse. Mary Schramski
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Название: The Lighthouse

Автор: Mary Schramski

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Эротическая литература

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781472087461


СКАЧАТЬ But he’s been trained not to accept food from people.”

      Sam shrugged. “If our shepherd had been trained like that, I’d have been in a mess growing up. I hated liver, and I always sneaked mine under the table to him.”

      “I think Belle did, too. He must have been very full on liver day.”

      “J.J. fed his to the cat. I think Cole and Frank had to eat theirs.”

      She laughed. “Growing up in a big family must have been fun.”

      “It had its moments. Do I remember Gabe telling me that you’re a veterinarian?”

      “I am. I’ve been in practice for several years.”

      “Somehow I can’t picture you walking around a cow lot in rubber boots.”

      “I treat cows sometimes, and I’ve delivered many a calf, but mostly I see small animals in my practice. Cats, dogs, birds. Pets. Do you have a pet?”

      “Not since Bounder died a couple of years ago. He was my bird dog. But I could get one. What would you suggest?”

      She cocked her head at him the same way her mother had. “Hmm. A toy poodle maybe.”

      He must have looked horrified because she burst out laughing.

      “Bite your tongue, woman. Do I look like the poodle type?”

      “Poodles are very smart and very lovable. And quite fearless.”

      He grinned. “That’s me. Smart, lovable and fearless.”

      “Is that part of the Texas Ranger code?”

      “Maybe the smart and fearless. But I don’t know of a single Ranger who has a poodle. Wait. I take that back. I think Carson’s wife has a poodle. Or is it a Pekinese?”

      “The breeds aren’t very similar.”

      “Except that they’re both little yappers. Want some more champagne?”

      “Thanks, no.” Skye glanced toward the door. “Are those your other brothers?”

      “Where?” He turned to look over his shoulder. “Well, I’ll be. They’re here. I thought J.J. and Frank weren’t coming because their wives are expecting.” He stood. “Come on and meet them.”

      She hesitated. “Go ahead. I’ll meet them later.”

      “Don’t you run off now, darlin’. I’ll be right back.”

      Skye watched him as he strode across the room and slapped backs with his brothers. They did look very much alike. They were all tall, broad-shouldered, dark-haired and quite good-looking. Sam was a charmer, just as Belle had said. And he seemed to have a well-defined sense of himself. He certainly didn’t suffer from low self-esteem. Maybe that came from being a Texas Ranger. She’d bet that he didn’t lack for female companionship. He surely made her heart skip a beat.

      He caught her watching him and winked.

      Heat crept up her throat, and she glanced away.

      “You okay, Dr. Walker?” Pete asked.

      Skye glanced up at Pete, one of four security guards working the party. “I’m fine. Thanks.”

      He nodded and stepped back to his post, his eyes scanning the crowd.

      In a moment, Sam was back. “You look like an orphan sitting there by yourself. Come on and join the party.” He pulled her to her feet.

      Gus growled again.

      “Gus, hush!”

      Sam eyed the dog. “Listen, fella, you and I are going to have to have a serious talk.”

      Gus didn’t relent. Skye squatted down and ruffled his scruff. “Gus,” she whispered, “you’re embarrassing me. Behave yourself. Sam is a good guy. He won’t hurt me.”

      Gus licked her chin.

      As she rose, Sam put his hand to her elbow to help her up. “Come meet J.J. and Frank. Did you know that Gabe sent a private jet after them? Their wives hated to miss the party but figured that they could do without the guys for a few hours. Cole’s wife Kelly is their doctor, so they’re in good hands in case one of them goes into labor.”

      Sam guided her to where his brothers were talking with Gabe and Belle. Gus pushed his way between them and walked along, too.

      Flora had taken Nonie and Wes Outlaw, Sam’s parents, under her wing and was escorting them around the room, chatting with this small group and that. Skye wished she was as socially adept as her mother. Even though she knew almost everyone in the room, she was still uncomfortable in the crowd, feeling not only awkward but a little panicky as well.

      Gus bumped against her trying to move her apart from Sam, but for some reason she clung to his arm, feeling safer when she could touch him. Odd for her. She was usually wary of strangers.

      Skye had already met Cole, the oldest outlaw brother and a former cop who was now taught criminal justice. He’d driven his parents to Wimberley, and they were staying with her family for the weekend. Sam introduced her to his brother Frank, a judge, and to J.J., a sheriff.

      “Leave it to you, baby brother, to latch on to the prettiest woman in the room,” J.J. said.

      “Gee, thanks,” Belle said, punching J.J. on the arm.

      “Sorry, Madam Publisher, but sisters don’t count. Did I hear there was some grub here?”

      Frank smiled at Skye. “And leave it to J.J. to find the food. Pardon his manners.”

      “Skye,” Gabe said, “would you show J.J. and Frank to the buffet? I see a new batch of folks arriving. Looks like the mayor.”

      Frank and J.J. each offered Skye an arm, and they headed to the food with Gus and Sam trailing behind. The dog was careful to stay between Sam and Skye.

      What was it with that dog? Sam wondered. Gus didn’t seem at all disturbed by Frank and J.J. being around Skye, just him. Sam was a little pissed about it. Dogs and babies always liked him.

      Between his family and the rest of the people at the country club party, he didn’t get any more time alone with Skye. A couple of elderly ladies, twins from the look of them, cornered him and grilled him for half an hour about the Outlaw family and about being a Texas Ranger. He really didn’t mind. Lots of folks were fascinated with both the story of his family’s names and occupations as well as everything about the legendary Rangers, but he’d rather have been spending his time with Skye.

      “Well,” Sam said, “My granddaddy was Judge John Wesley Hardin Outlaw, and he figured it was a political asset to be named for a famous outlaw. He named his boys John Wesley Outlaw, Jr. and Butch Cassidy Outlaw and encouraged them to go into public service. My daddy, who’s known as Wes, was sheriff of Naconiche County for years, and Uncle Butch was in the Texas legislature. My daddy just followed the custom in naming his kids.”

      “And СКАЧАТЬ