Latin Lovers: Passionate Spaniards. Cathy Williams
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Название: Latin Lovers: Passionate Spaniards

Автор: Cathy Williams

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781408952023


СКАЧАТЬ that love was hard to know. The awful truth was that his infidelities had started months after they were first married.

      How could she have not known? That cluelessness alone had rocked her to her core until her sisters made her see that Danny’s behavior wasn’t about anything lacking in Lane. It was just who Danny was.

      A character flaw Lane had failed to identify in her mission to find a person she could build a life with. How the hell could she screw it up so badly? How could she be totally unsuccessful at the one thing she’d been so committed to doing right?

      That was why Lane hadn’t once, in the five years since leaving Danny, ever considered taking the chance on love and long-term commitment again. Which didn’t make dating easy. The one time she’d gotten remotely close to someone she had felt honor bound to tell him their relationship could never go anywhere. She wasn’t getting married. Ever. She wasn’t repeating that mistake. She didn’t trust herself.

      If she was to have kids someday, she would do it on her own.

      The guy had said goodbye. And Lane realized that men in their late twenties and early thirties who were looking for a wife were not people she should be dating. Unfortunately, the other kind—who wanted no-strings-attached sex—usually turned her off completely because they reminded her too much of Danny.

      Which meant she hadn’t had sex in a really long time. Which meant seeing Roy Walker again, and having that same feeling creep over her body as the last time she’d seen him, made her want to throw something across the room.

      She was going to have to touch him. His body. What in the hell was she thinking agreeing to that?

      “You should have told me,” Lane said again, having no problem taking out her annoyance on her little sister.

      “I was afraid you wouldn’t come.”

      “You honestly think I would let someone like Roy stop me from seeing my father if I was concerned about his health?”

      Scout took a moment to consider the question. “Anyone else, no. Roy? He’s different for you.”

      “He’s not different. He’s just someone I...I hate. That’s all.”

      “Yep. Lane hates Roy. You really should get a tattoo of that so you can assure yourself you’ll never forget it.”

      “What’s that supposed to mean?”

      Scout sighed and put down a head of broccoli that Lane knew their father wouldn’t eat. She also knew Scout kept buying it and other vegetables in a vain attempt to keep him healthy. She looked long and hard at Lane.

      “What really happened between you two the night of that party?”

      Lane felt her whole body flush. “You mean other than finding my husband with his tongue down another woman’s throat?”

      “You know damn well I mean other than that. You were so mad at Roy over that whole episode—”

      “He set me up! He purposefully staged an entire party to make me look like a fool in front of everyone I knew. Everyone who knew Danny was cheating on me!”

      Just reliving that walk down the long hallway made her want to inflict physical damage on Roy. She’d never wanted an apology from him. Frankly, given the man he’d been then, so confident in his decisions, she’d never expected one. He probably thought the same as Duff had thought—that he’d done her a favor. That’s why it had shocked her when he’d sent the letter. Maybe she hadn’t read it because it was better to think about what he might have said than to know what he did.

      “Why did he do that?” Scout mused. “I mean, seriously, you couldn’t have been the first wife Roy knew was being cheated on. He’d been in the league for ten years before he met you. He probably knew every sordid story in the book. Yet he puts this plot together to expose Danny’s cheating. That’s a lot of effort from a man who you said never took much interest in the team or anyone else.”

      Lane didn’t want to think about the events leading up to that party. She didn’t want to think about the weird outings she and Roy took together. They both had a thing for hot dogs, so they would try new places around town, or new stands in the ballpark. Always in search of the perfect dog. It had been completely innocent, of course. Mostly they ate and argued about whatever the topic of the day was.

      But what Lane had told him that night was true. She had considered them friends.

      And as far as she knew, theirs was the only relationship Roy had.

      Yes, he could be an ass. But as time had passed, there were things she’d learned about him that made him seem more human. Like when she discovered the reason for his isolation from the team. Or when she’d found out that his claim to not do charity really meant that he didn’t do charity for show.

      Because the one time Lane had asked him to help her out, he’d spent hours in a dunk tank making kids and adults happy.

      “I don’t know why he did it,” Lane lied now. She couldn’t admit the truth without remembering the moment he’d told her to get unmarried. When he’d leaned into her and kissed her.

      When she’d kissed him back.

      She couldn’t imagine what Scout would say if she knew. All that fuss about breaking up with a cheating scumbag of a husband and the truth was, in her heart, Lane had also felt desire for someone other than the person to whom she was married.

      The thought made her that much angrier at Roy.

      “If you ask me, your story—the Roy-and-Lane story—is not done yet.”

      “There is no story. There is just me getting through these next few weeks. I’ll get Duff to see a doctor. We’ll make sure he’s okay and then I’m gone. As far away from baseball as I can get.”

      “And the hospital was okay with letting you go for a few weeks?”

      “Yep,” Lane said quickly. Maybe too quickly because she could feel Scout’s gaze on her. Regardless, Lane wasn’t talking about that now. It was just too much to deal with. Stephen’s death, leaving her job. Those things were behind her. Duff and Roy were in front of her. She needed to focus on that.

      Scout had put away the last of the groceries and was leaning against the fridge. “What if we can’t just make sure he’s okay? What if something is wrong? Isn’t that what you said we might need to get prepared for?”

      “Well, I changed my mind.” Lane said definitively. “We’re not borrowing trouble. Duff’s perfectly fine until a doctor says otherwise. You know what Duff always says—worrying about nothing gets us nothing.”

      Scout nodded but Lane could see the fear in her sister’s eyes, which coincidentally made Lane feel it in her heart.

      “He’s going to be fine,” Lane said. “Everything is going to be fine.”

      She only wished she could believe it.

      * * *

      ROY FELT THE rush of adrenaline when he saw where the ball ended up. Exactly where he wanted it to, a little low and outside, but definitely a strike. Javier bounced up and tossed СКАЧАТЬ