Happily Never After. Kathleen O'Brien
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Название: Happily Never After

Автор: Kathleen O'Brien

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Эротическая литература

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781472086747


СКАЧАТЬ you hurt?” Jordan carefully touched her arms, her legs, trying to determine if any of the blood was hers or if it all came from her father.

      “My head,” she said.

      He took her gracefully tapered, trembling chin in his hand and gently turned her head to the side. Only then did he see the ugly red seeping against the blackness of her hair. He sucked in a breath.

      He noticed from the corner of his eye that they were no longer alone in the room. Others from the wedding party, members of the Santa Gregoria police force, had joined them. “Get the medics here right away!” Jordan demanded. He turned back to Sara. “We’ll get you help right away…sweetheart.” He glanced at June Roehmer, a policewoman who knelt on the floor on Sara’s other side.

      “Has she said anything?” June asked as though Sara wasn’t even there. “Did she tell you what happened?”

      “Not yet, but she was just about to. Weren’t you, honey?”

      “Honey?” Sara blinked her enormous, soulful hazel eyes at Jordan. “Is that…is that my name?”

      He stared at her. And then he stifled a smile. “No, it’s Sara.” He wanted to throw his arms around her, even laugh—though without mirth. She had to be the smartest woman Jordan had ever met. “You don’t remember your name? How about what happened here?” He made a point of asking in front of June. If Sara gave the right answer, word would get around: she didn’t recall who had killed Casper. Had hit her. Had most likely run away when the maid interrupted—but who probably had every intention of silencing the sole living witness, Sara.

      But if Sara pretended she didn’t remember, it would buy them time. The killer wouldn’t feel compelled to act quite so fast. They could set up a trap—another trap.

      He wanted to kiss Sara. He’d already discovered that she’d grown into a woman who was both beautiful and as sexy as sin. Now he knew she was brilliant, too. Struck hard on the head and she still managed to come up with a scheme on the spur of the moment.

      He looked at her. She was also a darned good actress. The pensiveness that drew her smooth forehead into a mass of wrinkles segued into a wide-eyed look of shock. “I…No,” she said. “I don’t remember anything.” And then she burst into tears.

      EVERYTHING AROUND HER became a horrifying jumble.

      Sara—that was her name, wasn’t it?

      Why couldn’t she remember?

      Her head hurt….

      The man who had joined her was kind and handsome and formally dressed. “Who are you?” she asked, desperate for any kind of knowledge.

      “Jordan Dawes,” he replied in a tone that implied she should know.

      “But who—” she began just as three men in white outfits arrived, carrying all sorts of frightening equipment she couldn’t identify.

      “Check her over first,” Jordan commanded the Emergency Medical Technicians. Kneeling at her side, he blocked her line of sight from the rest of the room. “There’s nothing you can do for him.” He nodded in the direction she couldn’t see.

      She knew who “him” referred to—the bleeding man on the floor beside her. Shouldn’t she know who he was?

      The EMTs put her on a gurney and wheeled her through some halls, down an elevator and out a door. There was an IV in her arm.

      The handsome man with the slight Southern accent stayed with her in the ambulance. She was still wearing the bloody wedding gown. Why? She shook nearly uncontrollably from fear.

      Jordan held her hand. “It’ll be all right, Sara,” he said.

      But how could anything be all right? She couldn’t remember—

      “Please ask them to turn off the siren,” she begged as its shrieking sliced into her aching head. He obliged. Every bump and turn the ambulance made aggravated the pounding pain in her head.

      At the Santa Gregoria Memorial Hospital’s emergency room, she was whisked off almost immediately for a CAT scan. When they brought her back to the emergency room, Jordan was waiting. “What’s wrong with her?” he asked the doctor assigned to her, a young resident with sleepy eyes.

      “The CAT scan didn’t show any bleeding inside her brain, so it’s probably a memory loss brought on by the trauma of the blow to her head…and what she witnessed.”

      What she witnessed. She didn’t recall. Had she seen who had struck the poor man on the floor…the decedent?

      Decedent. Why had that word come to mind?

      More examinations, more questions. All she wanted to do was to sleep, but they wouldn’t allow it.

      Much, much later, they put her in a hospital room. Once the nurses had gotten her situated, she lay in the bed, her eyes wide open, and stared at the ugly, sterile room.

      “Sara,” she whispered, her voice breaking on the two short syllables. Her name was Sara.

      Why hadn’t she been able to remember?

      Oh, Lord, why couldn’t she remember anything? Anxiety welled up in her once more.

      Lying beneath starched white sheets, she wore a skimpy green gown, tied in the back—a ludicrous contrast to the lovely wedding gown she had been wearing earlier.

      Wedding gown. There was something about it she should know…. Her shaking grew more pronounced. Why couldn’t she remember? She swallowed a sob. She wouldn’t cry, at least. She was a brave woman…at least she hoped so. And crying would not bring back her memory.

      Everything would come to her, and soon. It had to.

      But thinking hard didn’t resurrect any memories. All it did was intensify the horrible, pounding ache at the side of her head. She bit her bottom lip, determined not to ring the call button looped over the side rail of her bed for the nurse. She didn’t need medication to muddy her mind further.

      Were there any drugs that would make her memory return?

      Jordan had reassured her that it was all right to take something for the pain. He had seemed so caring, so attentive…but she couldn’t remember anything about him.

      “Sara, are you awake?”

      She felt as though she had conjured Jordan from thin air, for there he was, standing in the doorway. He hadn’t changed clothes, although he no longer looked so amazingly suave and urbane in his tuxedo. Now, the jacket and bow tie were gone and the top buttons of the starched white shirt were undone.

      Earlier, his light brown hair had been parted and combed down. Now, it was brushed back from his face, revealing a high, broad forehead. She couldn’t be certain of the shade of his eyes beneath his jutting brows, but she had a slight recollection that they were a deep, dark blue, the color of blackberries ripened in the sun.

      How did she know that?

      “How are you feeling?” he asked. His stride, as he crossed the sparsely furnished room, was brisk and СКАЧАТЬ