The Prosecutor. Adrienne Giordano
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Название: The Prosecutor

Автор: Adrienne Giordano

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Ужасы и Мистика

Серия: Mills & Boon Intrigue

isbn: 9781472050090


СКАЧАТЬ case, returning his call.

      “Have to take this,” Zac yelled to the bull pen before heading back to his office. “Alex, hey, thanks for getting back to me.”

      “No prob. Got to say, screwy timing since your sister called me today, too.”

      “My sister?”

      What’s that about?

      “Yeah. She’s taking the Sinclair case. Wants copies of all my notes.”

      Zac dropped into his chair to absorb this info.

      “You didn’t know?” Alex asked.

      Penny had left a voice mail earlier in the day, but he’d been in court and hadn’t had a chance to get back to her. “I haven’t talked to her today.”

      Another call beeped in and Zac checked the screen. Penny. “Alex, let me call you back.” He flashed over to his sister. “Pen?”

      The sound of a horn blasted. Outdoors.

      “Hi,” she said. “Are you in your office?”


      “I’m walking into the lobby. Be there in two minutes.”

      She was here. “What’s this about your taking the Sinclair case?”

      “Word travels fast. How’d you know?”

      “The PD told me. Pen, I caught this case.”

      Silence. Yeah, little sister, soak that up. If this case went forward, Zac would be battling his baby sister in court. At twenty-nine, only two years his junior, she was equally competitive when it came to winning her cases. Plus, she had their legendary father as co-counsel.

      In short, it would be a bloodbath.

      Unfortunately for his sister, Zac planned on winning and giving Dave Moore justice for his daughter.

      “So,” Pen said, “I guess my calling you to find out who Ray assigned proved fruitful.”

      “You don’t want this case. It’s a dog.”

      “Not a chance, big brother. See you in a minute.”

      Zac hung up and stared through the open doorway where raucous laughter from Four O’clock Fun raged on. That Alred story must have been a good one. He should have stayed and listened. He could use the laugh.

      Two minutes later, Penny swung into his office. Behind her strode a woman wearing tan pants and a black sweater. Emma Sinclair. He’d never met her, but had seen photos of her, including the one from the morning paper still sitting on his desk. That photo hadn’t done Emma any favors. In person, her dark hair extended below her shoulders and, when Zac took in the soft curve of her cheek and her big brown eyes, something in his chest pinged. Just a wicked stinging that reminded him he was in desperate need of a woman’s affections.

      Except she was his opponent.

      Why the hell was Penny bringing her here?

      “Hello, Zachary,” Penny said in that sarcastic, singsong way she’d been addressing him for years. She stepped forward to give him the usual kiss on the cheek, but caught herself.

      Yeah, welcome to Awkwardville. For the first time, they were squaring off against each other in the professional arena. Considering that his father and his two siblings were all attorneys, Zac had known he’d eventually face one of them in court. The only thing that had saved him thus far was the Chicago crime rate providing enough cases to go around.

      Until now.

      Pen gestured to Emma. “Zachary Hennings, meet Emma Sinclair. Brian Sinclair’s sister.”

      Zac stepped around the desk and shook hands with Emma. What he expected, he wasn’t sure, but for some reason her warm, firm grip surprised him. Their gazes met for a split second and the intense, deep coffee brown of her eyes nearly knocked him on his butt. But he couldn’t think about Emma Sinclair and her alluring eyes and how they affected him. He had to think of Chelsea Moore.

      Dead Chelsea Moore.

      He released Emma’s hand and stooped to clear the files off the second chair in his office. The place was a mess. “Have a seat.”

      On his way back to his desk, he shot Penny a what-the-heck? look. She grinned. She wanted to play, he’d play.

      While doing so, he’d also remind his baby sister that he wasn’t a guy who liked to lose.

      * * *

      EMMA WATCHED ZACHARY HENNINGS—did he really want people calling him Zachary?—head back to his desk while she took the seat he’d cleared for her.

      He relaxed back in his desk chair, Mr. Casual. As if she’d believe he could be comfortable with Penny as the attorney on a high-profile case and the sister of the convicted sitting in front of him. He certainly looked the part, though. Then again, he had that yacht-club look about him. His short, precisely combed blond hair and perfect bone structure just added to the patrician image. The only thing slightly ruffled about him was the unfastened top button on his shirt and his loose tie. The look fit him, however. Country-club rugged.

      If she’d met him elsewhere, she’d have steered clear of him. In her experience, men who looked like that were either arrogant and patronizing or ignored her altogether. Being Miss Completely Average, she didn’t have the high-maintenance looks men like him went for and that was just fine with her. What she needed was a dependable, rock-solid man who could roll with the insanity of her life.

      Something told her Zachary Hennings had no interest in a woman with complications. Maybe that was an unfair judgment, but it wasn’t for her to worry about.

      “So,” Penny said. “Let’s talk about this video.”

      Zachary held up a hand and gave a subtle nudge of his chin in Emma’s direction. “Is this appropriate?”

      “She’s my intern.”

      Her intern. Funny.

      “Say what?”

      “She’s a law student who knows this case better than anyone. Trust me, in her first year at Northwestern she knows more about the law than the two of us combined did as first years. Suck it up. She’s staying.”

      Obviously amused by his sister’s antics, he cracked a wide grin. Emma cut her gaze to Penny, then back to Zachary before biting her lip. Down deep, the warrior in her wanted to join the fray, but watching these two hammer away at each other would be just as much fun.

      “You were saying about the video? I need a copy, of course.”

      “Of course.” She pulled her phone, hit the screen a couple of times and stuck it back in her purse. “On its way. I’m planning on filing a PCR.” Penny turned to Emma. “Post-conviction relief.” Emma nodded and Penny went back to her brother. “A video like this, you know we’ll get our hearing based on newly discovered evidence.”

      He СКАЧАТЬ