Coming on Strong. Tawny Weber
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Название: Coming on Strong

Автор: Tawny Weber

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon Blaze

isbn: 9781472056245


СКАЧАТЬ shot back, referring to their company, Eventfully Yours, as she licked cream-cheese icing from her thumb.

      They were the elite event planners on the west coast, catering to the rich and famous from southern California up to Monterey. Combining Sierra’s fearless attitude and Belle’s knack for creative entertainment, the two women had hit the Hollywood scene hard and strong four years back. Eventfully Yours had grown from organizing themed play dates for sitcom divas’ Pomeranians to arranging intimate soirees for A-list actors and five hundred of their closest friends.

      “You know, now that I think about it, I really shouldn’t be going behind my father’s back,” Belle stalled, sitting on the edge of her inlaid rosewood desk. “He’d be the first to say his heart attack is no reason to treat him like an invalid. If he wanted to make a deal to save the hotels, he’d do it himself.”

      Used to Belle’s habit of squirreling out of anything that made her uncomfortable, Sierra just stared. It was that uncompromising, see-all-the-way-into-her-soul look that Belle hated. Whenever Sierra narrowed her blue eyes and shot her that look, Belle felt like a total wuss.

      “Don’t you think if my dad wanted to deal with Mitch Carter, he’d approach him himself?” she asked, playing her last excuse.

      “Right. Your dad, upstanding guy that he is, is gonna go begging help from the man he fired from a dream VP position and partnership in one of the primo hotel conglomerates in the U.S. The same guy his daughter ditched at the altar.”

      “Exactly,” Belle exclaimed, jumping up from her perch on the desk to throw her arms in the air. “Given our sucky history, why would you think Mitch wants anything to do with me?”

      Sierra arched a brow, then gave a little shrug. Taking her time, she dusted the crumbs off her fingers, shifted in the plush chair and curled her long legs under her. Raising one brow, she tapped a manicured nail on her bare ankle.

      “This is the guy who refused to have sex with you before marriage. I figure he has some twisted belief in things like honor.”

      Sierra rolled her eyes at her own words. Always the cynic, she didn’t understand the concept of selfless honor. Of course, neither did Belle. But it sure sounded sweet.

      “This would also be the same guy who, despite having the perfect opportunity to make your daddy’s life a living hell when you ruined their deal, simply shook hands and walked away.”

      Walked away and left her daddy holding a piece of investment property that, because of zoning and development legalities, was now taking his business down the toilet. But considering what Belle had done, that wasn’t really Mitch’s fault. Was it?

      “So he’s freaking hero material,” she muttered. “So what?”

      Belle slid off her heels so she could pace faster. Nothing slowed down a good pace like four-inch Manolos. The way her luck was running, she’d stumble and break the heel. And she needed to move around and try to shake off the nasty feeling that had settled over her when she’d been reminded of how badly she’d treated Mitch. That he’d broken her heart was no excuse. She knew that now. But knowing it and being willing to do something about it were definitely two different things.

      “Exactly,” Sierra agreed. “He’s hero material. Which means he’s hard-wired to ride to the rescue. Even after all that crap went down, Mitch never badmouthed you or your father. If he knew how bad things are now, maybe he’d offer some advice. Or best case? He’ll step in, checkbook at the ready, and save the company.”

      Belle grimaced.

      Mitch definitely lived by his own code. Over the last six years he’d developed a reputation as the man with the magic touch. Mr. Money, a real-estate developer with an eye for success, he was known in the industry as a fair man who played by his own rules, uncompromising, intense and dynamic. People appreciated his generous willingness to share his success, but behind the scenes, there were whispers of ruthless payback to anyone who crossed him.

      Which didn’t bode well for Belle, since she was the one seen as most deserving of Mitch’s revenge. Mutual acquaintances still joked that she’d better watch her back. She knew better, though. She’d never mattered enough to him to merit that much attention.

      “He won’t deal with me,” she assured Sierra, playing her trump card.

      “You don’t know that.” The way Sierra said it, as though she had some naughty little secret, made Belle nervous.

      “Yes, I do.” Belle took a deep breath and, with the air of one confessing a mortal sin, dropped her voice to a loud whisper. “I never told you, but I tried to see Mitch. Two years ago. Remember when I had that car wreck?”

      Eyes huge with curiosity, Sierra nodded.

      “I was shook up and had some weird idea that being hit in a head-on accident on a one-way street was a sign that I should make amends for all my wicked ways.” She met her friend’s snort of laughter with a glare. “I figured ditching Mitch topped my wicked list, so I sucked up my courage and went to apologize.”

      “No way,” Sierra breathed. “And you didn’t tell me?”

      “There was nothing to tell. He was supposedly out of the country.”


      “Well, I went back a couple weeks later and his assistant said he was out with the flu.”


      “So isn’t it obvious? He was avoiding me.”

      “He left the country and got the flu to avoid you?”

      Belle rolled her eyes. “No, that was just BS. He was probably there in his office telling his assistant to make something up so he didn’t have to see me.”

      Sierra’s expression clearly said “you’ve got to be kidding.”

      “Don’t give me that look. It could be true.”

      “Only if the roles were reversed. You’re the one afraid of confrontation, Belle. Not Mitch. If he were in the office, I’m sure he’d have taken five minutes to personally tell you to kiss his ass.”

      “And you want me to go chasing the guy for favors?” Belle ignored the confrontation issue. It was true, after all. “We both know he doesn’t want anything to do with me.”

      Sierra hummed, then slid off the chair and crossed to the leather bag she’d tossed on the credenza. She pulled out a file folder with what looked like a printout of an e-mail clipped to it.

      Waving the file at Belle, she arched a brow and asked, “Wanna bet?”

      “Spill,” Belle demanded, making a grab for the folder. Sierra whipped it out of reach with a laugh.

      “You really need to have more faith in your impact on people.”

      “According to you, people are only out for what they can get,” Belle shot back.

      “Exactly. So while Mitch might happily punish you when it’s convenient, the tune changes when he needs something.”

      “And he needs us?”